Fun and Friendly Motivation Needed :-) xx

Hi My name is Jane, I have been registered to use this for a while but not really done anything about it, but today is the day x

The sun is shining, I am feeling motivated and it's time to make myself happy for a change. I want to lose about 65lbs so need lots of help :happy: x

It would be great to add some motivational buddies :happy:


  • sharnut751
    sharnut751 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Jane,

    I'm looking to lose about the same amount of weight! I have been on here (for the second time!) for about a month and have been doing great. I added you as a friend and I'm happy to provide some motivation. I have found that reading the various message boards has been extremely helpful and the success stories board is really inspiring. Good luck on your journey and I look forward to helping with motivation :-)


  • vvgirl11
    vvgirl11 Posts: 4
    hey jane same here. I've 25 lst lbs since this summer, but I still hav30lb to go. I just started using the forms this week . There have been months ,where I don't log and I don't lose. So I've decided to stay connected. Feel free to ask anything.
  • teamdj1
    teamdj1 Posts: 265 Member
    Welcome all to MFP (myfitnesspal). It is always great to see new Faces on here. We are all here for the same reason and that is to better ourselves for us and our families. You have come to the right place for support , guidance and to also have a good time. So lets have some fun showing that unwanted weight who is in charge. You are more than welcome to add me. Hope to see you around. :happy:

  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome Jane,
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy. I'm on here daily posting, motivating and supporting my pals. I think I'm friendly and somewhat fun, though I do have a dark side. When it comes time give the gentle kick in the britches, I will not shy away (enough darkness). Welcome to this amazing journey that is yours and much success.
  • deanna348
    deanna348 Posts: 15
    i need motivation too...add me
  • cram0724
    cram0724 Posts: 3
    Welcome!! :) im fairly new too and to be honest if my sister didn't come to my house every day when i get home from work and drag me off the couch to be tortured by Shaun T, i would still be on the couch. Friendly motivation is always needed and welcome :)
  • TriDanimal
    TriDanimal Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone feel free to add me as well. I try to log my stuff daily but dont always get to it. To to a crazy life, which we all have. I am very supportative and will also offer the kick in the pants when needed. It can be a lonely road at time but thats why we are here to make friends and enjoy the journey.