Newbie to myfitnesspal

Hi there. Don't know how often I will be posting but I will try my best to respond and post with some degree of regularity.

Ten weeks ago I had lap-band surgery and have lost 71 pounds since the surgery; I am going in for my second fill on Monday afternoon and hopefully that will move me off my current plateau.

Not only am I now wearing clothes that have hung unworn in my closet for 12 to 18 months+, I am no longer taking any insulin and have cut down my oral diabetes meds to 1/4 the dosage and weaning one drug at a time. Energy level is higher than I can remember plus my dog is sleeping and eating better (she loves going on walks with me now).

I had been manually entering using an Excel spreadsheet until I got turned on to this site. It is very cool and simple to use.

Can I help anyone? Anybody need some end user info on banding?

Good luck to all.



  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Well you are on a great site! Some with lap band, some with gastric and some with just diet and exercise.. You might be a help to someone here along the line so that's great! Plus you may find out something from someone else.. No matter how, we are all doing it. We all just want to be healthy!! Wishing you luck.. So welcome to MFP!! :drinker:
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    How very exciting that you no longer need to use insulin! Congrats!!
  • landa93
    landa93 Posts: 11
    Welcome to the website and congrats!
  • MiniRose2B
    MiniRose2B Posts: 53
    Welcome! You're already being helpful by posting your successes!