Workout with a bad knee

Hi guys, I need your help as I am losing hope :-). I need to lose an awful lot of weight - about 60lb. I started the 30 Day Shred and was really enjoying it, unfortunately it only took it 10 days to absolutely kill my knees. Now any lunges/squads are out of the question as even going down the stairs hurts. As much as want to use this as an excuse to stop doing anything, I know that diet alone is not going to do it for me.

Is there any workout that is effective but is not too hard on the knees? My main problem areas are thighs, but arms and abs need some attention too. Anything you can recommend?


  • eleanorhenderson
    If you have access to a gym, I have found cycling or spinning to be great to take the pressure of knees if you have access to any classes they are a lot of fun too! Likewise the elliptical is good for low impact cardio. Swimming is also a great choice, but that is complicated depending on access.

    If you want somethign to do at home you can get certain yoga or a vinyasa yoga DVD's. Vinyasa especially can burn a fair amount of calories without putting strain on your knees. For strenth training check out these ideas:
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Hi ..
    i just had the same issue a month ago - I found the Fitness Blender website Thanks to TIGVADRAGA and it's soooo amazing ..

    Here is a Low Impact / Easy on the knees Kickboxing :

    Also a great chair workout for Ab's and upper body :

    Check out their site . it's great and I am sure you will find alot of great workouts that you can do ..
    good luck !
  • rustyroof
    rustyroof Posts: 76
    I had the same problem, i went to the Drs and he referred me to physio, turns out my knee muscle were not were they needed to be. Some specific excercises later and there so much batter. Get them checked out asap.
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    First off, be sure to check your posture and such while doing those exercises. Usually brining the knee to far out when doing squats and lunges (going over the toes) causes the knees to hurt. Do these moves in front of a mirror to make sure you have proper form. Next If you have the access, try swimming! It's a major calorie burner and so so gentle on joints! A lot of people who injure themselves or get out from surgery do excerixes in water!