feeling emotional

lately I've just felt so emotional that i could just cry, just so tired and run down not feeling like exercise and feeling guilty about it, i just wants some me time and a break so i can do exercise without keeping an eye on my daughter, i just need a little push from someone to help me get back on track, my husband helps but i feel bad to ask him to watch her while i do my exercise he says why not just do it when she goes to bed but some nights i cant get her to sleep till about 10 pm, in which this is past my bedtime. i was walking with her every night but i feel this inst enough for what i want to accomplish for my weight loss goal. and i'm becoming a little down seeing the scales only move a little by little and its depressing since I've been on her for over a month i know slow and steady wins the race but i want to be able to feel good about myself and not hate myself in the mirror, and i dont think it helps when my husbands comes up to me saying i'm sexy when i don't believe this :(
i just needed to vent. Thanks for listening


  • JUM83
    JUM83 Posts: 1 Member
    Total understand!!! and been feeling the same way for the last few months!! I would be glad to be freinds and help each other!
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Hun we all feel like this at some point or another everyone has their up and down days I completely understand where you're coming from If you ever need to vent or just talk feel free to message me ... I would love to assist support and motivate you :)
  • bsprowl
    bsprowl Posts: 14 Member
    This sounds like me every day. I wish I had some encouraging words but i'm sinking in the same boat. Feel free to friend me and maybe we can motivate each other. Trust me, I need all the motivation I can get
  • kathuggs
    kathuggs Posts: 76 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My two girls(they're 4 & 2) change up their sleep schedules all the time. I start to think that I can get a good routine at night so I can work out, then they decide they don't want to sleep. It is frustrating. I've just sat crying before because I need my "me" time and it's so hard to get it without feeling guilty. I've recently started just telling my husband that I'm going for a run because I'll go crazy if I don't. We also joined the Y, and they have a nursery that I can drop the kids at for up to 2 hours. That's helped a lot, too.
    I hope it gets better for you!
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    You are not alone. We all get that overwhelmed feeling now and then. I don't have young children anymore but have a very weird work schedule. I finally figured out that I have to get up a few minutes earlier to get a workout in. Once I got used to it, it became a habit and now I love my quiet time.

    Do not feel bad about asking your husband to help with the kids. Your not asking him to babysit, your asking him to be a parent. You deserve a break and you deserve you time.

    No matter what you decide to do, you are worth the effort to do this