Food Advice Please

Shinybucket Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, I've been struggling a bit deciding on what to have on a regular basis, so I've come up with a plan that I'm pretty sure I can stick to. I have a plan for my breakfast, lunch and snacks and supper varies based on whatever he happen to be having. Normally I burn about 800-1000 calories at the gym every day. If anyone could take a look at my meal plan from yesterday, June 5th, any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Looks healthy to me! Actually, I think you are making better choices than I am!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    Agreed! It looks quite healthy and balanced. Oh, and good for you for getting in such an awsome workout!! With the amount of exercise that you are getting your protein looks great. You have veggies and fruit throughout the day, nut and grains. Keep up the good work!
  • LauraLou2010
    LauraLou2010 Posts: 7 Member
    I am sort of new to all of this so you asked to look at your meal plan but I don't know how.
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    Looks really good but all I would say is make sure you drink plenty of water. Your diary only shows 2 but maybe you have not remembered to add it all on.
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    I am sort of new to all of this so you asked to look at your meal plan but I don't know how.

    If you click on his user name, that will take you to his profile. Then you can click view diary.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Looks pretty good. Good job making great changes. There are just 3 items I would like to make some recommendations on. 1. Peanut Butter-if you eat natural peanut butter it is a lot healthier! 2.English Muffin-it will be healthier if it's whole wheat. 3. Sugar Free Pudding-it's always better to avoid the chemicals of sugar substitutes. Also, remember that while it's a nice sweet treat, there is very little nutritional value. I would suggest greek yogurt. Good luck!!
  • Shinybucket
    Shinybucket Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks a lot for all the advice. In terms of the peanut butter and english muffins, I had intended on switching to natural and whole wheat. Only problem with that is that I have a bit of a stockpile of both here, so once those are depleted I'll be switching. About my pudding, well, I don't have much of an excuse for it. I might try greek yogurt, but if it's anything like other yogurt I probably won't like it much, so we'll see.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Okay, I have a couple of questions/concerns.

    1) your profiles says that you are a 22 yr old male. With your 1000 calories burned you are at 2200 calories. Without exercise were you at 1200? That seems really low to me for a young male. What do other think? I could be wrong but I guess I always thought that men burned more calories than women naturally so they should have a higher amount needed to begin with. Men could chime in?

    2) The food you are eating looks great. I think you are low on your carbs. You are 70 some carbs belows your goal for the day. If you are going to be working out as much as you do you need carbs to sustain your body. Athletes need to eat carbs! If you are just trying to loose the weight and stop working out that much it might be okay BUT if you plan on training for something or continuing to workout that much for awhile I think you need to add more carbs to your diet.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I was going to mention the peanut butter as well, natural or not at least for me when I eat too much peanut butter, my weight loss stops. I don't know what it is, and it has been consistent for me over yummy Jif and the weird (to me) natural nut butters. You may want to consider other sources of protein for that as well. I like handfuls of nuts and I love to eat beans. But otherwise I think your diary looks great, balanced, and good for you eating such a nice breakfast! :smile:
  • Shinybucket
    Shinybucket Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah about the calories. I'm still looking to lose a little bit of weight. I think to maintain it's somewhere around 2290 calories/day for me. So I was working with a 1000 calories/day deficit. Which coincidentally is about how much I burn when exercising.

    Also by the time that I'm ready to get heading to bed I get a little hungry. Is it ok to have one last snack before bed? If so, how long before? And based on my current plan any suggestions on something easy and quick to have?
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    About the eating before bed... My friend who was a Div I basketball player, then coach, then professional basketball player told me how they are trained is that if you want to gain weight to eat right before you go to bed, and if you want to lose to not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. This gets kind of hard for me sometimes, too. I just have to make sure I eat enough throughout the day so I am not hungry late at night. Good luck!
  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    You do love your carbs! Looking at June 5th, i would say your protein intake is very low. Muscles need some protein to grow. Also your ratio at each meal is Carb way much higher than your protein. I would try to balance it a bit more or even go a little higher on the protein, less on the carb for more weight loss.

    Try to switch to Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Bread Organic (frozen). Whole Wheat a healthier alternative but it is more fattening. Ezekiel is "flourless" , Ultra healthy, Low Glycemic bread (great for diabetics) and it tastes good! look at the amount of sodium versus the bread you eat too....

    The key is only eating (RAW) nuts. Not as fattening and actually fat burning. Hard to find (raw) peanut butter but (raw) Almond butter is a lot easier to find. Try it it's a better alternative. It is a lot more expensive though, I must warn you.
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Looks really healthy to me too. You also incorporated protein with every meal/snack and that is awesome.:heart:

    Good luck to you.


  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hi, thought I'd chime in too. Your fruit intake looks good. Veggies not so good. A cup of broccoli is just 2 servings. I never used to like veggies. Now, I love 'em! Partly it's getting used to them. Mostly, it's cooking them so they're tasty. For me, veggies fill me up and satisfy me. If I know I'm going to be tempted, I eat a big plate of veggies. It's amazing how much "willpower" that gives me!

    If you're interested, this is how I cook my veggies:

    Turn oven up to 475 (on bake)
    Prepare veggies and spray with a little olive oil
    For asparagus, 7-10 minutes depending on size and how hot your oven runs
    For broccoli, chunks of onion, eggplant (jury's out on this one), mini peppers, whole bella mushrooms, etc. 15 minutes

    I'm amazed at how much eating veggies has helped me. That and keeping track of every bite I eat (I like my food scale a lot), and the support of the folks on MFP, have helped me change my whole attitude and approach toward food.

    Good luck!
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