Anyone up for a fitness challenge?

Hi everyone! I was thinking it would be fun to pick an event as a goal to complete as a team. For example, there are lots of 1/2 marathons, 10k's, 5k's, bike rides, sprint triathlons, etc. in the spring time. I was thinking we could all set a personal goal to do a race of some sort around the same time in our own areas. It wouldn't have to be the same type of event, but around the same time of year. We could keep track of our training and keep each other updated on our progress. I find it motivating to have something in place to shoot for. I know several people are using things like a beach vacation or an anniversary... and that is awesome! This would be just an added carrot to have in front of us. Anyone game? There is a website that has a lot of different events posted.

Let me know if anyone is interested. I'm thinking March or April... any thoughts?


  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hi everyone! I was thinking it would be fun to pick an event as a goal to complete as a team. For example, there are lots of 1/2 marathons, 10k's, 5k's, bike rides, sprint triathlons, etc. in the spring time. I was thinking we could all set a personal goal to do a race of some sort around the same time in our own areas. It wouldn't have to be the same type of event, but around the same time of year. We could keep track of our training and keep each other updated on our progress. I find it motivating to have something in place to shoot for. I know several people are using things like a beach vacation or an anniversary... and that is awesome! This would be just an added carrot to have in front of us. Anyone game? There is a website that has a lot of different events posted.

    Let me know if anyone is interested. I'm thinking March or April... any thoughts?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'll join in. Not much for getting up in the morning - for ANY reason - so unless I can find something that starts at noon, no organized events for me.

    I will set my goals here:

    Run 1 mile. Never, ever, been able to do this. I'm thinking 5.8 mph. That's usually what I do my intervals at.

    The next one is two yoga arm balances. These look hard but are not out of my league if I put my heart into it: Firefly and a balanced handstand to see Firefly - really cool pose

    I can do handstand no problem, but can't do it freestanding (meaning I need the wall).

    March 25th will be my goal date. If I reach either of the yoga asana goals, I will post a picture of me doing them. If not, I will find the most unflattering picture of me and post that!
  • loman13
    Sounds like a great idea! If anyone is in or near the Knoxville, TN area the marathon is scheduled for March 30, 2008. Of course they have a 1/2 marathon and a 5k. I was considering to start training for the 1/2 marathon and see how it goes. If anyone else is interested let me know and we can start a training program for all events. Hope to hear from everyone that wants to participate!

  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    That is a great idea. I've always wanted to take part in the Drake Relays Marathon. Now I'm excited!!!! Does anyone else in the Des Moines area want to take part?
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I am in. I am going to do one for the whitney foundation. cancer fundraiser.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I think this is a great idea!
    AND we MIGHT be able to add a little to it.
    IE make it a benefit or something of that nature.
    Dollars for a food pantry for each mile.
    We can serve two porposes.
    One for the benifit, and two to get the word out about this wonderful site!
    Unless I am over-stepping here. If that is too much, I still think it is a great idea! count me in!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Ok Diann, what are you going to do? Fess up :happy:
  • suspendedindusk03
    Let me have a look around and see what kind of goal I can come up with for myself. A charity run or something of that sort sounds like great motivation to me!
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Let me have a look around and see what kind of goal I can come up with for myself. A charity run or something of that sort sounds like great motivation to me!

    If you can't find anything, look up and see if there is something in your area. Another good spot to find an event is in the back of Runner's World magazine. They usually have a calendar of events.
  • suspendedindusk03
    The next one is two yoga arm balances. These look hard but are not out of my league if I put my heart into it: Firefly and a balanced handstand to see Firefly - really cool pose

    I just had a look at the Firefly pose... omg... that's amazing. I know my arms would need a LOT of work before I could even begin to be able to do that... Best of luck in attaining this yoga asana!!
  • suspendedindusk03
    Let me have a look around and see what kind of goal I can come up with for myself. A charity run or something of that sort sounds like great motivation to me!

    If you can't find anything, look up and see if there is something in your area. Another good spot to find an event is in the back of Runner's World magazine. They usually have a calendar of events.

    Thanks! I had a look on, and I may have come up with something... May 17, 2008... I have the choice of a 10k run, a 5k run or a 5k walk. I think that since I have nearly six months before this date, that I may try for the 5k run.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    The next one is two yoga arm balances. These look hard but are not out of my league if I put my heart into it: Firefly and a balanced handstand to see Firefly - really cool pose

    I just had a look at the Firefly pose... omg... that's amazing. I know my arms would need a LOT of work before I could even begin to be able to do that... Best of luck in attaining this yoga asana!!

    It's actually an abdominal pose. You have to hold your entire lower body up with your abs. The arms are the easy part - at least for me. I can already hold myself up with my arms, and I have the flexibility in my legs (otherwise I would need a lot longer than 3.5 months), but my poor neglected abs, that's another story. Alas, the chocolate pouch does not like to exercise. I've only been doing sit-ups for about 3 months, so this is quite a challenge for me. There's an ab crunch machine at the gym. I would have to crunch about 100 lbs before I could attempt this pose -- I weigh about 165 and most of that is lower down.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Suspendidindusk, that is GREAT! You can for sure do it. A 5k is 3.2 miles, so go girl go!!! If you need a training plan, there are some really good ones online. I use Runner's World a lot for training tips.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Well because Mary asked and Icandoit wondered.
    Though this was just brought to my attention today, and I have not thought it out too much. These are some ideas off the top of my head...
    Again, If I am over stepping this fear not, it is still just a thought to add to the original Fitness Challenge.
    First we pick a Month. March and April are on the orig post.
    I am good with both.
    Now we all pick a day.
    Saturdays are norm the best.
    Time is not an issue because this is a nation/dare I say it World wide event.
    Then we get a benefit. I mentioned a food pantry, but this is not set in stone. Something that has nation to World Wide effect.
    Then we pick an area. Local parks are good for this!
    NOW comes the fun part. Marketing! Which is free on the radio-TV if you do it right.
    Get someone to call the local radio stations. NOT ONE but the WHOLE GAMIT of radio stations. Don't forget TV News.
    Tell them you are having a walk/run for.....Benifit to be announced... Miles etc. Information on how to get involved. That we got into this from My fitnesspal site to bring knowlege and support of fitness and weightloss to everyone. AND this is the BIGGIE thing.
    It is going to be on the SAME day WORLDWIDE so it is a
    "Walk Run across the globe." THAT will get their attention!
    If just one person calling does not get it, then have several people from your area call them.
    Again, NONE of this is set in stone, I am just giving out some ideas.
  • suspendedindusk03
    The next one is two yoga arm balances. These look hard but are not out of my league if I put my heart into it: Firefly and a balanced handstand to see Firefly - really cool pose

    I just had a look at the Firefly pose... omg... that's amazing. I know my arms would need a LOT of work before I could even begin to be able to do that... Best of luck in attaining this yoga asana!!

    It's actually an abdominal pose. You have to hold your entire lower body up with your abs. The arms are the easy part - at least for me. I can already hold myself up with my arms, and I have the flexibility in my legs (otherwise I would need a lot longer than 3.5 months), but my poor neglected abs, that's another story. Alas, the chocolate pouch does not like to exercise. I've only been doing sit-ups for about 3 months, so this is quite a challenge for me. There's an ab crunch machine at the gym. I would have to crunch about 100 lbs before I could attempt this pose -- I weigh about 165 and most of that is lower down.

    OK, so my arms AND my abs would need a lot of work before I could do it! ;o)
  • suspendedindusk03
    Suspendidindusk, that is GREAT! You can for sure do it. A 5k is 3.2 miles, so go girl go!!! If you need a training plan, there are some really good ones online. I use Runner's World a lot for training tips.

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    In regards to the firefly pose: I have seen this done in fitness comps.
    This is NOT easy. It is POSSIBLE but not easy.
    More power to you. I want to see the pics when (NOTE AGAIN I SAID WHEN!) you get it!
    GO FOR IT!!!
  • AmeMahoney
    Ok, I want to do the Eugene, Oregon Half Marathon on May 4th. Will try to get my husband to walk it with me.

    I've been working on the Crow for a couple of years (with leg extensions to back and sides) - thanks for pointing out Firefly - looks like fun. I'm going to get right on that!
  • suspendedindusk03
    I think I've got my boyfriend talked into joining me on my challenge... only thing is, he won't run, so it may have to be the 5k walk for us, if he's to do it at all. Perhaps I could start out with the 5k walk then find a 5k run to do not too long after that.

    The reason my boyfriend was so willing to join me?...

    2nd Annual Warbird Brewing Company 10k Run/5k Run/5k Walk
    Saturday, May 17, 2008, 10:00 AM
    Warbird Brewing Company

    "Enjoy a few Warbird micro beers and gumbo afterward (free to all entrants)." :drinker:

    That, right there, got his attention! ;o)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I think we need to post weekly goals for our fitness challenge.

    First week:
    Run one minute every time I'm on the treadmill (except Monday's which are my easy days)
    Practice handstand 2x a week. Practice crow (see AmeMohaney's post) 2x a week. Do leg lifts 2x a week.