Lose 20 lbs by may 1st...serious competitors only!!!

I have weddings coming up in the beginning of may. I'm starting tomorrow (hopefully), but want one or two other ppl who can seriously do this with me...I need support. And we can exchange meal plans back and forth and workouts for each day...I know, kind of a commitment. So if ANYone is up for this til may, please let me know!!!!! I am aiming to eat 1200 cals a day for now. It's difficult, so that's why I need a buddy!


  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
    Im totally down! I have something big mid-april, so I'm definitely up for the challenge!! message me!
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    Are boys allowed? If so I'm down. My motivation level is sinking a little, having to tell someone else what I put in my mouth may stop me from shoveling another BBQ pork sandwich in it.
  • CarolinaBeachGirl2
    CarolinaBeachGirl2 Posts: 31 Member
    Im in...message me and let the fun begin!
  • azmataz7
    azmataz7 Posts: 11
    Yes I'm keen. I need some form of motivation and this may help. Good idea!
  • salmaosman
    salmaosman Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in too, lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks and I feel tired, so I need motivation. Let's do this :D.
  • phipps3113
    I need to be a part of this, please! It is starting to get hot in Phoenix already and my workout area is in the garage. I am going to be challenged to stay with this consitently if I don't have some accountability.

    I look forward to seeing everyone pass 20 like it was standing still. Hope I can do the same.

  • mizzesjohnson
    I am in!!!
  • mizzesjohnson
    I am in!!!
  • ay73966
    ay73966 Posts: 10
    I am in the same boat! I am starting a detox tomorrow to jump start and I am so determined. I am more than willing to message back and forth each day thats exactly what I need. I have constructed a meal plan for myself of 1200 calories if youre interested!! Message me if you'd like!
  • target50k
    target50k Posts: 11
    I am in. Feel free to add me to get motivated and to motivate. Good luck to everyone working hard for a fitter and slimmer you :)
  • mals30
    mals30 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in as well! My birthday is on the 30th and I really want to be able to fit into a hot dress by then :)
  • chaffstealth
    I started in January but only began logging in here at MFP about 2 days ago. I'm also at 1200 calorie plan and my goal time frame is almost the same as yours.

    To all of you reading this, please free to add me! :)
  • 1oodays1ooways
  • coldfairy
    coldfairy Posts: 1 Member
    count me in :)
  • d_dc_lady
    d_dc_lady Posts: 121 Member
    I'm in! Gotta lose 25 by May 15. Let's do it!
  • nikerson
    nikerson Posts: 1
    I'm in too! Need to be accountable!
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I'm game! I have an anime convention I plan to go to in May and I need to be as fit and thin as possible! I definitely need all the motivation I can get because I'm terribly week willed, lol. I've already started C25K and I'm on day 6. This is also the fifth day I've been on my diet of 1300 net calories (I eat the exercise ones back).
  • Andytheando
    Andytheando Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in!
  • kwagganin
    kwagganin Posts: 34
    Me too, have something coming up in mid april. On a very strickt whole30 paleo diet. Doing some weight training at night, 6days a week and planning on walking 10k, 6days a week. just waiting for a friend of mine to come home from vaca later this week. Too dangerous to walk alone.
  • phipps3113
    Two weeks since the last post. How is everyone doing? My weigh in is tomorrow morning and I expect to be down from two weeks ago about 4 or 5 pounds. My big change is in my equator. I dropped a full inch last week! Today was my rest day so I am anxious for tomorrow.

    In health,
