P90X Yoga



  • skward04
    skward04 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't feel so guilty about hating Yoga X now :)

    I am a fan of yoga and was so pumped that it was included in this program. After the first time, I thought 'well maybe it was just an off day for me...' But aftet the third try, I realized I just don't care for his style too much. Granted, it IS Yoga X. But I kept thinking 'this is not relaxing in the slightest' which is what yoga is for me: relax, unwind and stretch.

    So I will be subbing my own yoga dvd in place tonight! Glad to know it wasn't just me :)
  • ekball
    ekball Posts: 12 Member

    Yoga X is 90 mins long, but the hard part is done in about 45 mins. Then it gets more relaxing. If I had to cut it short, which I did many times, I'd cut the end off.

    Yup, this. I try to at least make it to the Yoga Belly part, and then stop it. It's not my favorite, but I'm definitely noticing a difference in my flexibility after just 4 weeks, and I'm able to do some of the poses/postures (whatever) much better than when I first started. That said, it's definitely NOT my favorite p90X video, but I do it. Tony says do it, I at least try. :-)
  • It's P90X people it's suppose to be hard :) I dont like it either, but after 6 weeks of it, I feel much stronger and more flexible. My husband never did yoga until P90X and he says that the Yoga really helps him play basketball better and longer. He runs circles around the other guys now! We stick with it, now I don't like that it's 90 minutes either and some of the move we can't do, when those are on we go into childs pose. I think you will be missing out of the P90X experience if you sub it out..
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    No sympathy here- get over it :)

    Part of Yoga is that it puts you mentally and physically into places that you don't really want to be. Part of yoga is getting through it. Do you have the Fountain of Youth DVD - it's shorter - and P90X2 yoga is Awesome!!
  • keishanoel1
    keishanoel1 Posts: 5 Member
    It's the devil.:grumble:
  • No sympathy here- get over it :)

    Part of Yoga is that it puts you mentally and physically into places that you don't really want to be. Part of yoga is getting through it. Do you have the Fountain of Youth DVD - it's shorter - and P90X2 yoga is Awesome!!

    I agree with you regarding it's suppose to be hard! :)
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I'm on week 5 of P90X, and I loathe yoga! I started doing the cardio x and core synergistics instead of yoga...the last week of each phase is a recovery week and its yoga every other day DDD: That was not fun.
  • skward04
    skward04 Posts: 81 Member
    No sympathy here- get over it :)

    Part of Yoga is that it puts you mentally and physically into places that you don't really want to be. Part of yoga is getting through it. Do you have the Fountain of Youth DVD - it's shorter - and P90X2 yoga is Awesome!!

    I agree with you regarding it's suppose to be hard! :)

    For me, it's not about how hard it is. I love a good challenge, which is why I started p90x in the first place. I can do the yoga and HAVE done it for 3 weeks, hoping to find the groove and enjoy it like I do with the other dvds.

    When I don't find the groove, I don't give 110%. I'd rather do something else (which doesn't necessarily mean EASIER) and push myself, mentally and physically.
  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    it gets easier and the time goes by quicker the further into the program you go.
    stick with it!
  • kutastha
    kutastha Posts: 17 Member
    The P90X Yoga DVD is atrocious. It's disjointed, way too long, doesn't flow well and Tony Horton talks way too much. After using it a few times, I printed out the poses and did them without the video and cut it down to an hour. I then went back to other Yoga DVDs I used before - mainly from Rodney Yee.

    The P90X2 Yoga is a bit better as it does flow more, but there's Tony Horton again yapping the entire time, trying to make jokes, et al. I extracted the video to my Mac and edited out the useless chatter and the routine improved greatly. This one though uses shoulder stands that can be a bit dangerous - so I took those out as well. One Om at the end that Horton tries to show off by holding it as long as possible. Useless.
  • 2fabfromfat
    2fabfromfat Posts: 34 Member
    In the past I have always subbed the yoga workout with Cardio X or Core Synergestics... I find it super boring too, I have started getting into hot yoga, so I might even plan that my yoga days I will go do hot yoga! :) Personally, for yoga, you need the right setting, for me, I need to be in a yoga studio! I am way too busy and rushed and constantly wanting to go-go-go to take 90 minutes for myself in my own living room with a 2 year old running around to get the full benefits of a yoga workout!! So, if it's available to you, I'd suggest maybe going to a yoga studio (preferably hot yoga, AMAZING!) and learn to enjoy yoga!
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    I didn't like it alot, but as I got better at it, I didn't mind it so much. I did do 5 rounds of the "X" and didn't skip yoga once. It's a means to an end. Was it necessary for success? I suspect not. LOL but I am ALOT more flexible than I was, and I like that. :o)
  • beanybudd
    beanybudd Posts: 3 Member
    I tried it for the first time today with 2 of my roommates. I actually really liked it! The second part was a pain in the *kitten*. After 30 minutes and seeing we still had an hour to go, I thought it would be impossible to get through the rest if we kept doing similar, hard poses. When the second part came, the relaxing, good leg stretch part, it went by quick and wanted to keep going! It may have not been as bad for me also because after I go for runs I go on to stretch for around half an hour to help relieve soreness and increase flexibility. STRETCHING IS IMPORTANT!! This yogax is so much better than my usual stretches. I tore my sartorius muscle back in December along with knee, hip flexor, and especially lower back pain. THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED!!!! I felt amazing afterwards getting those pops out of my back and getting rid of that tension around my back and neck.

    Maybe my experience was influenced by the fact I had comedic company that were my roommates, but this yoga x is necessary to help avoid injury and really is quite enjoyable during the second portion.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yoga X was my intro to yoga and is still the only part of the p90x program I've done more than once. I've done it dozens of times now. I have several other yoga dvd's, but always come back to p90x because it is the hard one. Other videos may have a better flow, or more complex poses, or be more relaxing, but yoga x is a pretty much a straight up workout using yoga poses.

    Doing it on yesterday I just touched my nose to my knee on both sides during the seated hamstring stretch for the first time. Amazing the difference in balance, flexibility, and body control with a year of consistent practice.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I did it for two weeks and gave up. I do x-stretch or go for a jog instead. Hate it.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I swapped it out for his Fountain of Youth yoga in my second pass. It moves a lot more quickly and doesn't have a balance posture series. Runs about 40 minutes. I can enjoy yoga for that long, but an hour and a half is just a little ridiculous, IMHO.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Suck it up. I think most that complain are doing it half effort. Quit watching the time and challenge yourself to go deeper and farther on stretches. Part of the program is training your mind to quit taking the easy route or the excuse route.


    I complain about the yoga X too, and I absolutely hate it with a passion!!! But I *always* go full force into it. I just simply HATE IT.

    You wouldn't tell someone who hated running that they "had to* run because they weren't putting forth effort would you? That's just wrong.

    I personally am an instructor for PiYo which incorporates pilates and yoga into an hour long FUN session using many of the same poses. I much prefer something like that, and I get the same results, if not better since I am not repeating the same boring ol' workout week after week, as doing Yoga X.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    And I disagree with the thought that people hate it because it is hard.

    Personally, I don't find it that "hard."

    I find it long and boring. The only thing that made it better for me was turning the "music" off and playing Pantera or Rob Zombie in the background.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    And I disagree with the thought that people hate it because it is hard.

    Personally, I don't find it that "hard."

    I find it long and boring. The only thing that made it better for me was turning the "music" off and playing Pantera or Rob Zombie in the background.

    Exactly this. I can make it through the routine with little problem but I hate it. It's too long, repetitive and downright boring.
  • I don't know why you guys hate it so much. It's so challenging being just that and that's what you should focus on: challenging yourself. I'm in no way fit and really have never been but there's something about the Whole body burn I feel the next day and knowing I got a good workout in the day before. Actually feeling that soreness makes me want do it again. It's what you make of it; reality is always just in your head.