Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

Hi fitness pallers!!!

Four days ago me and my fiancé decided to try a new workout method. We have usually been working out by jogging and doing weights etc. feeling the need for a bit more motivation I googled weight loss DVDs. There was several recommended DVDs but the one that stood out was jillian michaels one. I had never heard of jillian before then. We decided to give it a try after all the great reviews we found on the web.
When I received the DVD we decided to start instantaneously, so off we worked! I can honestly say that after several workout DVDs I have tried in the past this one stood out straight away; different levels, different workout types, fast paced and definatly not easy! Me and my fiancé, who is a footballer and trains non stop was blown away by the soreness we felt the day after.
Four days on and we are starting to notice a difference, my muscles have more definition and them love handles we all hate are definatly harder to spot.
I cannot recommend 30 day shred enough - and the best thing is, I can't imagine us getting bored with it!!

Happy healthy living everyone


  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow. Hopefully it works wonders for my body. I'm looking to be more toned and shed a couple of pounds but I really want to increase my exercise stamina. Wish me luck. Maybe we can be buddies.
  • LaLaAlways
    LaLaAlways Posts: 50 Member
    mine should be delievered tomorrow...im always down to be buddies with ppl working on same stuff
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    There is a group on here that started March 1st if you all want support.
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    I just finished day 7 today. It is still kicking my butt. I am not the exercising type, but I am holding my own. I have really increased my stamina since day 1, but I still can't do many push-ups. Three more days until level 2. I sneaked a peek at level 2 and I dread it already.
  • DanaCait
    DanaCait Posts: 17 Member
    I'm about to do day 5 of level 1! Would definitely love some buddies to stay motivated :) Are you guys doing additional workouts or just the shred?
  • I'll be starting the 30DSone tomorrow. Would love some mfp support since I always give up.
  • lannvb
    lannvb Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today with a group of people. I have had it for a long time, done it off and on and never stuck to it all the way through, so this time I am committed.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I haven't tried it but my stepdaughter swears by it - and she looks amazing!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    My husband just joined me two days ago doing the Shred and the first day he said it was "easy". Today is the third day and he admitted it hurts to sit on the toilet. LOL!!!

    I am starting to feel the difference in my energy level and I do not sit still like I used to. I actually want to move!
  • It's definitely the first workout dvd I recommend to people that ask which is a good one to start with and whip them into shape to lose some weight and inches. Definitely will see results.

    These are some others I recommend when you need something a bit different, and remember you can always do 30 day shred again too, you don't have to do it just once and be done.

    Jillian Michaels No more trouble zones
    Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30
    P90 (A lot of people forget this one)
    Insanity Fast and Furious (20 mins)
    Insanity (60 Total Conditioning)
  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    I've used 30DS off and on for a few years. I started it like 2 months after having my daughter and it totally kicked my butt!! But I did lose a lot of inches. Although it does work wonders, I do still get bored doing the same thing every day, so I've been using it along with Zumba (the zumba set comes with like 9 different workouts so I pick and choose from those as well) the past couple weeks. Last night I ordered Jillian's Ripped in 30 and Yoga Meltdown. That way I can have a big variety of workouts to choose from.
  • thejemma
    thejemma Posts: 40
    Well for everyone that is going to start/has started lets be 30DS buddies!
    And lol it does hurt to even do the most simplistic of things such as bending down!
    Although I haven't lost weight as such - I can definatly tell a difference in my problem areas.

    Lets shred the fat ;)
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi i love 30DS and have done it twice, im now doing ripped and yoga meltdown yep great results. :))
  • thejemma
    thejemma Posts: 40
    Really?! How were your results?! I think I am definatly going to see good results to but it's always good to get other people's journey!!! Did you find you lost weight? Xx
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    yes awesome Ill add you my measuerments are on my profile page and have a look at this lady shes amazing http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/913867-30-day-shred-before-and-after-pics
    before and after pics in success storys awesome results for so many women :)) go for it JM rocks!
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    I have done the shred before but am not good at doing the same every day so am now mixing it up a bit with Jillian burn fat boost metabolism , yoga meltdown, ripped in 30, killer buns and thighs and today I am having Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer delivered. Also waiting for turbo fire and Chalean extreme. I plan to do at least one of these per day plus 10 min trainer and some running. I am not fit at the moment after 6 months in crutches so I am looking forward to getting started and losing weight for my wedding in 3.5 months. Good luck.
  • Fit4Ibiza
    Fit4Ibiza Posts: 39
    I actually NEEEEEED this in my life!
  • thejemma
    thejemma Posts: 40
    Really inspirational c2111!!! I have commented on your success pictures!!
    I will also take some before and after pics for you all when I am finished!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone
  • thejemma
    thejemma Posts: 40
    YouTube it!!! A lot of people have said it is free to view the whole series!! Xxx
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member