Hate being hungry! How do you cope?

edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I hate hate dieting because I can't stand being hungry. It makes me extremely short tempered and irritable- low tolerance, I know. So what tips do you have other than raiding the cupboard? Please help, I am addicted to sugar rushes!!


  • My suggestion would be to 1) make sure you are getting enough calories to sustain yourself and 2) check and see if you have an eating disorder, such as emotional eating.That can be the main killer of a diet.
  • Really? Emotional eating would make me ratty? Usually when I'm feeling down I avoid food. So if I was an emotional eater then how would I fix this?
  • I'm not sure the verdict on how good/bad this is for you, but I take an appetite suppressant. I still eat 3 small meals and 2-3 small snacks, plus my 8 glasses of water each day, but I don't feel like I'm starving. It's hard to explain, but before I took the suppressant I always felt like I HAD to be eating something. Even if I had just eaten a meal.
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    I was hungry for the first few weeks of doing this. I put my weight loss goal down to half a pound a week so that my body could adjust slowly and that seemed to work. I think my stomach has shrunk now and is satisfied with less food.

    Other tips are to eat low calorie bulk. Veggies are great for this and have lo-cal snacks regularly.

    You do also need to check whether you are truly hungry or just tired (my favourite!), angry, upset or even just thirsty.

    I was/am also a sugar rush addict. Especially when tired. Like all addictions it will be tough going without your fix for a while but you can do it.
  • Hiya i felt like this at the beginning of the diet ( started in feb lost 49lbs so far) but as time went on that irratable feeling went away i dont feel hungry anymore now its my lifestyle....hopefully it will go away for you too good luck xx
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    My fiance is the same way (he just started eating healthier 2 days ago) he has to eat every couple hours, including the middle of the night (he stays up til 4 am usually) and he is slowly trying to just make sure he is just eating things that are better for him or a lesser amount than he used to eat. (Fruit, low calorie/fat desserts, things like that) Hope that helps a little, just remember your not alone! =)~
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    1. Eat alot of fruits and vegetables. Good for snacks as they have very high fiber and water content and low calories.
    2. Excercise. That way you get to eat more calories. (If you run just 1 mile you can eat about 110 more calories)
    3. Don't deprive yourself. Make sure to make allowances for a little bit of dark chocolate or cheese or some food you really love (in moderation) so you don't go crazy.
    3. Drink your water. 64 oz a day.

    I have tried alot of different diets and have always had issues with being starving until I started doing all of these things. I actually saw better results too when I did not go over OR UNDER my daily caloric limit. Eat every last calorie!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Drink your water. 64 oz a day.

    This is a must for me too!!!! I have found that a lot of the time I am just thirsty and can usaully stave off the hunger pangs with a cold glass of water.
  • Very good points, and I didn't realise I was supposed to eat every last calorie! Especially since I find some of it is guesswork. The days I really battle are the days after I have eaten less than required calories or the day after I have exercised like mad. So this means my 2 month goal just isn't going to cut it - do I have to do it slower and for longer? Yeeeeugh that's AWFUL!
    So what do you do in the middle of a sugar craving? Because fruit wouldn't do it; but a mirangue or 3 toffees would - dairy desert I'd have to eat 3.
  • dtraylor
    dtraylor Posts: 32
    I second the veggies. Buy a vegetable tray from a local grocer and snack on baby carrots and celery when you get a snack attack. Get rid of all or most of the sweets so they are not around when you have your craving, and drink water, constantly. Drinking a good bit of water, like till you feel somewhat full, when you feel a craving, really takes the edge off, and a few fresh veggies will finish it off. Celery has negative calories! It takes more energy to digest and eat it than is provided by it. :o) Try dipping it in some strawberry yogurt (whatever you like) for a sweet healthy treat. And take it slow, like said before, let your body get used to eating less. Don't know anything about appetite suppressants, but my initial thoughts are, avoid them if you can. We get enough chemicals from everything else we put in our bodies. Exercise is actually an appetite suppressant, did you know that? Go take a walk when you feel a hunger pang. :o)

    Good Luck!
  • pkt27
    pkt27 Posts: 2
    for what it's worth -- i've discovered a couple things about myself in relation to hunger.. First of all, i'm not always hungry. i think my body has gotten so used to being fed frequently that my head thinks i'm hungry, but my body isn't. Second, sometimes if i feel like all i want to do is eat, i ask myself "what's bugging me?", as munching and snacking is usually a coping mechanism for me, rather than a real need for nutrition.

    One of the things i like about mfp is that it provides me immediate accountability.. if i have committed to put everything down, and i do decide to indulge i can see the results of that decision on my calories for the day, and then i get to decide whether to stop eating, or add some exercise..

    good luck!
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    I allow myself *some* chocolate because I know I'll just end up binging without it. However, I try a glass of chocolate skim milk to satisy that craving. Another yummy treat is cool whip on graham crackers and then frozen- it's like an ice cream sandwhich. I try not to let sweets account for more than 200-300 calories a day- the important thing is to log them.
    Count them and then when you look back and see how much of your caloric intake was "wasted" with sweets it can really make you think twice the next time.
    Also- keep sugar free gum around at all times. I don't have trouble with hunger, rather just eating when I'm bored or stressed. Having gum to chew really helps.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Going slow is the way to do it. In the long run you will have changed your eating habits and will be more likely to keep the weight off.
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    I hate hate dieting because I can't stand being hungry. It makes me extremely short tempered and irritable- low tolerance, I know. So what tips do you have other than raiding the cupboard? Please help, I am addicted to sugar rushes!!
    I know this sounds silly, and it is in a way, but I decided to embrace hunger... Hunger is my friend... when I feel 'hunger tickles'.. I don't say hunger pain, I know that's fat packing it's bag and leaving town... I don't starve at all, I eat regular meals and low calorie snacks, but when my friend hunger tickles me, I say, "hello old buddy... kicking some fat out the door I see..."

    So the whole point is, don't panic when you feel a little hungry.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Ugh I get sugar rushes too. I've found that drinking a hot beverage, something light like tea (my preference is green tea and splenda although I've been looking for better alternatives for splenda) really fills me up.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Someone else just posted a good point about keeping your mind occupied to avoid crazy hunger and boredom eating. Reading does it for me!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    I am the exact same way. I am going to find a therapist to discuss the reasons for my emotional overeating. It is really awful!

    I also changed my goals from 2 lbs/week to 1 lb/week.. it brought my calories up from 1350 to 1850! BIG difference for me.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i get like this when i restart the effort to lose some weight.
    when i feel a grumble in my stomach or a craving coming on i try to snack on something with some crunch (air popped popcorn or veggies). drink some water, and I also remind myself of my goals.
  • hannah_lin
    hannah_lin Posts: 54
    Me too!! I've been so low energy and grumpy for the last 2 weeks on this diet. Yesterday I ate a few more cals and I feel soooo much better today. So my advice is don't restrict as much maybe?? Realize it might be a slower weight loss process but at least you won't be as miserable! :)
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
    I drink tea. I also take fiber pills that fight cravings.. So far so good!
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