how many hrs should i exercise

Well yesterday was truly my first day of my lifestyle change(tried many time but failed) and I wanna make sure I get it right this time

Yesterday I did 1hr &30 mins on a stationaty bike I was going med/light then I did an 1hr of zumba which was hardcore then that was all, after I workout I most likely tend to sit around more often then I am moving then I feel like my exercise has gone to waste or maybe I should have worked out longer

Even though I am doing good with eating my calories then burning them I feel like for me to sit around the rest of the day is messing that up? True or false?


  • Lostone31
    Lostone31 Posts: 57
    rest is just as important as working out. Dont overdo it
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If you are going to work out for 2+ hours a day, I'd say you need to be taking rest days also. Maybe do this every other day or at the very least 2 days a week or you are going to give yourself an injury.
    It's false that working out and then sitting around is going to make anything you've done go to waste, your body needs time to recover and even doing the smallest of movements, you body will be burning calories.
    I think you are best to say to yourself "Ok, I will do 1 hour of exercise every day" and also eat healthily and you will notice the benefits.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    rest is just as important as working out. Dont overdo it

    ^^^^ EXACTLY!!! Also, if you over extend yourself, you may not want to do it the next day as you think you have to always workout so hard. Make realistic goals for yourself each day. Good luck to you! :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Working out for 2.5 hrs in a day is more than enough. You said yourself this is a lifestyle change, therefore you need a routine that is sustainable for you, i.e. something that you know you can continue forever.

    If you have the time to fit in 2.5 hrs exercise per day forever then great, but it really isn't necessary. Rest is also important. Working out around 4 times per week should be enough. Here's an interesting article if you want to read more:
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    agreed, you need to find what works for you. Rest days are important, but also you need to find a routine that you think you can stick to in the long term (i.e do you really want to be spending 2 1/2 hours exercising every day for ever?).

    Also, don't worry about 'undoing' all your good work; once you are in a routine you should find that the feel good factor that you're gettng from being healthy should mean that you far less likely to sit on the sofa noshing crisps in your downtime :wink:
  • 1GeorgiaPeach
    Working out for 2.5 hrs in a day is more than enough. You said yourself this is a lifestyle change, therefore you need a routine that is sustainable for you, i.e. something that you know you can continue forever.

    If you have the time to fit in 2.5 hrs exercise per day forever then great, but it really isn't necessary. Rest is also important. Working out around 4 times per week should be enough. Here's an interesting article if you want to read more:

    Thank you of this
  • LynNann57
    LynNann57 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree, about the rest. Also, don't do so much that you don't want to continue for the rest of your life. This lifestyle change needs to be one you will continue. I have a pretty sedentary lifestyle now too(other than my workouts). I bet many people are the same! Not everyone has a job that has them up and moving all day long! You could also break up the excersising- some in the morning, some later on, to feel like you are moving more through out the day! . It is up to you. Excersise is important, but so is what you eat!
    To answer your question- enough to make you feel good, but not so many hours that you dread doing it! I know a woman who runs 4 to 5 hours a day! She looks terrible(skin and bones, and like she is in pain while she is running). She has no life other than running! This is obviously too much! I say go for some sort of cardio most days, and strength train 3 to 4 times a week.
  • 1GeorgiaPeach
    Thanks guys I feel much better and will take the advice

    Good luck to all of you also :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I'd agree with most everyone else. 2 hours is plenty. I feel like as long as a got 30 minutes of cardio in a day, it was a success. Some days, I obviously work a lot harder than that. But, I learned the hard way previously that if you go too hard for too long you burn your body out and get injuries. Plus, spending 2-3 hours in the gym on a daily basis is overkill. You don't need to waste away your life in the gym. Just make sure you are really putting in the effort during the time you are there.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Your exercise time should be based on how intense it is. I prefer more intense workouts so I'm done in 45 mins or so. Heavy weights and fast cardio.
  • ThePinkAlligator
    Georgia -

    Are you interested in joining my group? It's about maintaining a healthy attitude about weight loss/lifestyle changes and supporting each other - small chicks only group.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    30 minutes a day is an excellent start. If you can go for an hour and a half at a stretch on the bike, you may need to increase the intensity.

    I like 30 minutes, 5 days a week. If I feel motivated, I will do more maybe 2-3 times a week. It took me about 4-5 years to put this weight on. If I can get it off in 2-3, that is good. If I can get it off in 1, that is great.

    I have no expectations of getting it off overnight, because the disappointment of such failure would drive me right back into the loving arms of Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate ice cream and a bag of Snickers.