Canadian Eh - Sunday

Good morning everyone

Yesterday was a really good day for me. Probably the best that I have felt since the accident. Funny how that goes, cause Thursday and Friday were probably my worst days since it happened. Hmmmph go figure.

Ladies night was so much fun. One of the ladies mom’s owns a gym, so we went there for a while, and although there certainly was NO bouncing around for me, the other girls had a lot of fun, and I got some really great pictures. And even though I took it easy on the trampoline, I didn’t with the drinks and I am paying for it now. My head is pounding, just took some drugs so hopefully they will kick in soooooon,

It was an absolutely beautiful day yesterday, and I thought YAY summer is here finally. I wake up this morning to rain…WTF! Come on now, it is June, where the heck is my sun! It actually does look like its going to clear up a bit, so fingers are crossed.

Off to nurse my headache for a bit and then hopefully the rain will stay away so I can take hubby and go and get some plants.

Have a nice relaxing Sunday everyone.


  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Hee hee, glad to hear you had a good day yesterday WildeChikk Girlie time is so revitalizing...even if you have a headache afterwards :bigsmile:

    I'm almost ready for company to arrive - 2 out of 3 salads made, house acceptably clean. No time to run today,actually didn't because of rain, but hope to run tomorrow at work at lunch

    My husband's family is coming for my daughter's 19th birthday today dinner is only hamburgers at her request and I am making 3 different salads, a fruit tray, a veg tray etc Might event venture off to fruit kabob land for the kids We'll see

    Enjoy you day

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    glad to hear you had a good saturday! Hope your headache gets better soon lol. I was at a party last night and stayed up waaay too late, and now I have to drag my butt to a field hockey game, but oh well. I wasn't drinking last night so it's not too bad :) However, I feel kind of bad, I had a few more chips than I should have... :blushing:

    Grr! It was sunny here, too, yesterday... and although it's not raining here yet, it could start at any moment. Some June we're having so far. haha.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Good Morning Everyone...

    Actually it's afternoon here. Well, my boyfriend and I had huge ambitions this morning. he would hit the road bike, i would hit the trails for a solid run. except we woke up to october here... brr... i'm really kicking myself this morning. for the first time since i've been on here, i ate more than i should, and ran out of time to burn it. i was at a bbq, there was cake, hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, cesar salad, coleslaw... just too much yum for one person! plus, i had a beer! a light beer, but a beer none the less.

    on a good note, i worked out today with a hrm, and this whole time, i've been logging in 27 minutes of circuit training for my dvd, getting 267 calories, but according to my hrm, i burned like 460... got my money's worth right there.

    i hope you all have a great day!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Glad everyone is doing well today (except for the self inflicted headache lol)

    We are off to the fair today. Kids want to spend the day on the rides. I will spend the day walking around taking pictures of them hoping they don't get sick. Mini doughnuts are there YIkes! I am not going to eat any, I am not going to eat any......

    It is beautiful here today. Blue sky and sunshine. No exercise for me besides walking around the fair. I am going to rest my leg today and hope I can get back on track tomorrow with my exercise. Pulled hamstring is not nice :frown:
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Hi everyone, it's cool here in S. Ontario today but at least it's not raining at the moment.

    I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things after my allnighter & hope the blisters on my feet are healed & the leg muscles are not as stiff tomorrow for my regular walk. I did the Relay for Life on Friday night & got home at 6:00am yesterday morning, we had a light drizzle on & off all night but it was relatively warm. I wonder why we feel the need to eat all night when any other time we're sleeping? I suppose we think we need something to sustain us because of the big calorie burn all night long. All I know is, I ate too much! but at least I didn't feel like eating much yesterday after my 4 hr nap, today is more of a normal schedule although I'm still not really that hungry.

    All in all, it was a good night, with good food, good friends & for a good cause. A time to remember all those we've lost! the ones who are fighting right now! and to give thanks for our own health!

    Enjoy your day!

  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Sue have fun at your party tonight, the menu sounds delish.

    Eek I had far too many num nums last night too, but tracked it all and I am moving on now. Good to let loose every once in a while.

    Liz like I said to Eek, it is good to let loose every once in a while. We shouldn’t deprive ourselves of EVERYTHING. I had more than just ONE beer last night…tee hee. Today is a new day

    Mommyhof3 have a great time at the fair. Good luck in staying away from those OHHHH SO tempting donuts.

    Avandel good for you for doing the relay, my girlfriend in Nova Scotia did hers on Friday and my other girlfriend in Calgary did hers yesterday. What a great cause. Im glad the rain stayed away for the most part for ya.

    Made some more breakfast cookies, because the first batch was gone in no time flat. My kids loved them. Now I am going to go and rest my poor weary head a bit more.

    Take care