
PLEASE NO JUDGEMENT I know there are others out there like me!!!

I need different alternatives to diet dr. pepper!! I only drink 1or 2 a day maybe 4 over the weekends. Otherwise its water. What other kind of carbonated beverage can I drink if I can't stand regular sugary drinks?


  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    We bought a Soda Stream. You can buy flavorings that are sugar free as well as artificial sweetener free. Also, adding lemon or orange slices to the "fizzy water" is quite satisfying. I'm drinking lots more water now that we have our Soda Stream. LOVE it! :happy:
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    Sobeys sells flavoured carbonated water and they are super yummy :)
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    We bought a Soda Stream. You can buy flavorings that are sugar free as well as artificial sweetener free. Also, adding lemon or orange slices to the "fizzy water" is quite satisfying. I'm drinking lots more water now that we have our Soda Stream. LOVE it! :happy:

    ^^ This. I don't drink any soda, but my wife got a soda stream and drinks soda water with lime constantly. She uses a wine glass (she is prego and has to use them for something :-)
  • Danieboo757
    welch's has caronated fruit juices tht r natural
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    ONLY 1 or 2? Every single day????? Are you kidding? You're kidding......right?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    PLEASE NO JUDGEMENT I know there are others out there like me!!!

    I need different alternatives to diet dr. pepper!! I only drink 1or 2 a day maybe 4 over the weekends. Otherwise its water. What other kind of carbonated beverage can I drink if I can't stand regular sugary drinks?

    Others that have an irrational fear of aspartame?
  • PillowPet1012
    PillowPet1012 Posts: 7 Member
    i LOVE LOVE LOVE my Soda Stream!!!!!! We have the newer one, the "source" and its so easy and quick. The regular soda they have is so much better for you too... its crazy.

    OH and Dr Pepper is my absolute favorite soda, and their "Dr Pete" version tastes delicious!!
  • mgsaruwatari

    I LOVE diet dr pepper!
    I love it by itself or on ice cream (haha)... but it is terrible for us so I just have maybe 500ml per month as a treat

    I found a Schweppes Diet Ginger Ale - it is made with Spenda
    Nestea also makes an iced tea and a green tea iced tea with Splenda - I mix that with low sodium club soda
  • swiftjen77
    Zevia! Zevia! Zevia! I get it at Whole Foods or Kroger in 6-packs. I drink 1-2 per day. Yes, that is per day. Because I have a soda addiction.

    It is not harmful at all. The sweetener is stevia which is all natural. It's been my lifesaver since giving up sugary sodas. They're wonderful!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    The jury is out over whether it matters if you drink diet soda. I doubt it makes much of a difference if you are logging your calories.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I really don't have any suggestions. I gave up diet dr. pepper cold turkey on December 10th of last year...the fact that I remember the date, should signify to you just how hard it was! haha I had been drinking much more than you do, and for at least 16 years or more :( I had a terrible headache for four days and kept falling asleep--but started drinking at least one cup of coffee in the morning with 2 tsp of organic cane sugar and a splash of skim milk (or coconut milk creamer)...sure it costs me 50 calories a day--but so much healthier. Otherwise, I drink a lot of water and the occasional ice tea or glass of wine. I kept waiting to find a replacement for my diet sodas...but just decided I'd never find one. I am now three months "diet soda free" and haven't even considered going back! Good luck to you--hope you find something that helps!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    any fake sugar is not good for you- well I will expand that to anyfoods or liquids that have been twisted into something they are not by man is not good for you....but I have read also that says anything with carbonation is not good for you either??idk
    but I would suggest just water with lemon, cucumber or lime....strawberries etc :)
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Can you get soda with some fresh lime juice? How about Diet Ginger Ale? I love the regular gunger ale. (I don't drink diet drinks and rarely drink soda)

    A favorite fizzy drink of mine is peligrino sparkling water with fresh limes or with a splash of pure orange juice. :)
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Every time I read one of these sorts of threads about "manmade foods," it makes me think of hybrid tomatoes and other man-altered foods. Just because we did something to change (or even create) a food does not make it bad. Oh, and hemlock is alllll-natural... for the record. Mercury is naturally occuring too, by the way...
  • dstromley1
    dstromley1 Posts: 165
    Every time I read one of these sorts of threads about "manmade foods," it makes me think of hybrid tomatoes and other man-altered foods. Just because we did something to change (or even create) a food does not make it bad. Oh, and hemlock is alllll-natural... for the record. Mercury is naturally occuring too, by the way...

    Haha go google what a GMO salmon looks like and come tell me that again. Dont mess with nature she knows what shes doing
  • 1FitPhil
    1FitPhil Posts: 1 Member
    I know what you mean, and I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper fan myself. Actually my favorite tasting diet soda. But I don't drink it anymore because I read enough about aspartame that I swore off it entirely even before I started MFP. I really don't like sucralose ("Splenda"), either, but if it doesn't fill you with gas, a little isn't as bad as aspartame. So, I look for diet drinks made with sucralose instead of aspartame. I found Diet RC Cola to be the best tasting of all the diet cola drinks, but it's really, really difficult to find in my area at least (Colorado Springs). In fact, I haven't found a place to buy it yet. When I visit my mom in Texas, I bring back a stash. Diet Rite sodas use sucralose and no aspartame and I really enjoy their tangerine (orange) flavored soda, but to me, the cola tastes flat. Also, if you want to taste others with sucralose, many store-brand or "non-major" brand sodas use it instead of aspartame. Namely Shasta. I find them fair and drink a few each week if I can't find the others. Also, I do limit mine to a total of a few a week as I understand that the carbonation is even harmful. So, I'm trying to develop a really strong affinity for good ól H2O! A little lime juice and a wee-bit of sweetener (Stevia being the best of all sweetners health-wise) in each glass makes for an almost good substitute lemonade. You CAN find Stevia-sweetened colas (most preferred for health) at health-food stores and occasionally other places, but it is quite expensive and to me, their taste is not so good. I hope this helps!
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Every time I read one of these sorts of threads about "manmade foods," it makes me think of hybrid tomatoes and other man-altered foods. Just because we did something to change (or even create) a food does not make it bad. Oh, and hemlock is alllll-natural... for the record. Mercury is naturally occuring too, by the way...

    Haha go google what a GMO salmon looks like and come tell me that again. Dont mess with nature she knows what shes doing

    I didn't say that some foods we make aren't bad, just that not all we make are bad. Additionally, not everything that is natural is good for us.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    any fake sugar is not good for you- well I will expand that to anyfoods or liquids that have been twisted into something they are not by man is not good for you....but I have read also that says anything with carbonation is not good for you either??idk
    but I would suggest just water with lemon, cucumber or lime....strawberries etc :)

    Water!? Water has hydrogen, which is a chemical and flammable. therefore it should be avoided
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    I can't use either aspartame or splenda or any of the other fake sweeteners. If you're after the carbonation and not the sweetness, have you tried sparkling water? Or mixing it with a dash of real sugar, and lemon juice (or other fruit)?
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    any fake sugar is not good for you- well I will expand that to anyfoods or liquids that have been twisted into something they are not by man is not good for you....but I have read also that says anything with carbonation is not good for you either??idk
    but I would suggest just water with lemon, cucumber or lime....strawberries etc :)

    Water!? Water has hydrogen, which is a chemical and flammable. therefore it should be avoided

    O good God man really?!?! lmbo you always have something good to say- such an icon!