30 Day Shred, Late June Start!

cccng Posts: 16 Member
Helllooo!!! Okay, so I'm back on MFP after a big fall off the wagon. :( NO excuses I know, so I won't even bother explaining. But I need to get my *kitten* back into gear! And I started reading a bunch of threads on the 30D Shred. I'm totally in! BUT now that it's June 5, it looks like I'm too late for the June 1st start. I'm going to buy her DVD tomorrow, and take measurements. Wanting to start June 7 or 8... anyone in the same boat and want to do the 30D Shred with me???


  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    I started yesterday and actually just finished day 2. I'm a little ahead of you but also behind those that started june 1st so I'll be happy to be in this group with you. =]
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Iam at the 5th week of slim in 6 and I am planning on starting 30D shred in 2 weeks starting on the 13th of June
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've already joined the other board, but I got sick and then I got huge blisters on my feet, so I couldn't start with them. I'm starting over today, and I'll be with you!
  • cccng
    cccng Posts: 16 Member
    Okay! A few days, no biggie! I'll start on June 8th. :)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, so finished with L1D1. I don't think I burned quite as many calories as I did last time. (I've done level 1 like for 10 days, just sporadically... during April) It was still a great workout. I burn maybe 50-100 calories less than walking for 30 minutes, but it's like 100 degrees outside. :) So, 30 day shred is so much better! On the DVD box, it says you can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. I really hope so. That would be awesome!

    Good luck everybody!
  • cccng
    cccng Posts: 16 Member
    Getting the shred today, starting it tomorrow! Once I get it I will post my measurements. :)
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I did the shred twice this week for the first time. I've decided to try to do it every other day & I'm going to attempt C25K the other days. I actually need to go do it right now & get my sweat on! :laugh:
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in! Ordered my Shred last week, and it's suppose to be tomorrow or Tuesday!!
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    I'd love to do this with you all! I have the Shred. I'll post my measurements later today! I love accountability groupings! :happy:
  • roderick_stacey
    roderick_stacey Posts: 20 Member
    What is the 30d shred?????
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's a workout DVD with Jillian Micheals from the Biggest Loser. You can get it at walmart for about $10. Basically, it's a circut training workout. 6 minute warmup/cooldown and 20 minutes of alternating between strength training, cardio, and abs. There's three levels, level 1 being the easiest. There's no calendar for the three levels, but many suggest doing level 1 for ten days, level 2 for ten, and then level 3 for the last ten. (You can move on to the next level whenever you're ready though) All you need is some weights (I use two pound weights) and a DVD player, of course.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just wondered if you are feelling the 40's coming around and realizing also that something has to change.....it has with me, I will be 40 in Sept. and really want to be healthy....just wondering.:smile:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I'm starting today (Sunday). I hate the Shred, in a good way.
  • alayawyndham
    I have the DVD and love it, but haven't used it in a while. I'm down to start whenever, let me know and we'll do it together!
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Please Please please Can I join too I was going to start tomorrow anyway so can I join in this group Please let me know

  • countrygirlsoul
    I started the 30 Day Shred on June 4th so i'm a little ahead but I'd love to be part of this group. I'm on L1D4 and am feeling not too bad, except for the muscles I didn't know I had! LOL Someone posted that they hate this video but in a good way and I can agree!! I find myself wanting to yell at Jillian when she says she understands how hard it is! LOL I hope to have great results from this and that it helps to change my lifestyle for the better!
  • krissybohaczyk
    krissybohaczyk Posts: 48 Member
    cccng, I'll start with you on the 8th. How many times a week is everyone doing it?
  • cccng
    cccng Posts: 16 Member
    GRRRR!!!! I couldn't get the DVD! I saw it at Best Buy last week and they're out of stock, when I went there yesterday to buy it. :sad: I looked everywhere else too.... my quest will continue tomorrow to find it... I'm determined!!! Because this is my fault, if you want to start a new group, I understand!!! Otherwise, assuming I can track one down by the end of the week I plan to start June 15th. That will make it easy. If anyone wants to start then, awesome!

    In the meantime, I picked up a jump rope for the first time since I was probably 9. OH MY GOSH!!! Intense workout! I have a friend who transformed her entire body, and she's a HUGE inspiration for me. She started out getting her exercise in by jumping rope. So I tried it and I'm in love. :heart:

    I'll add the shred into my skipping, and I hope to do it everyday for the full 30 days!
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    L1D1.....WHEN DID I GET SO OUTTA SHAPE??!! :noway:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Kinda feel like a failure. I did start like 3 days ago, and I just didn't do day 2 (or day 3). So, starting over again!! I think this is like the 4th time I've started over. I did D1L1 yesterday; do not let me miss L1D2! I've actually set a reward for finishing all 30 days in a row this time. Maybe I'll buy a new outfit. :) I'm doing it no matter what and not missing a day.... Or else no reward!

    Good luck everybody!! We can do this.