Maintaining calorie goal but still not loosing?!!!



  • If you haven't already started doing it, I highly recommend starting to take your measurements on a regular basis. If you have strength training as part of your workout program (even a bootcamp class or anything that will help build muscle) the scale may stop moving like you want it to because you are gaining muscle while losing fat so it's wash. But measurements will help you see that you are still getting smaller even though the scale isn't moving.

    that makes a lot of sense.
    Thank you.
  • Why are you not working your arms and back? Is there a medical or physical reason?

    no, i just hate doing it....i guess cuz its my weak spot.
    But my husband pushed me to do it, and i do it now about 2-3 times a week.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Its not about how much you burn.
    Its about how good the routine is.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You feel bloated and watery because your having too many carbs.

    Drop the carbs, sugars and salty foods and youll do great. Sending you a PM with more info.

    Zara x
  • Its not about how much you burn.
    Its about how good the routine is.

    what is a ''good'' routine?
    what would you suggest for a exercise routine for 5 days a week?
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    There is a lot of disagreement between people on the best way to both lose weight and gain muscle mostly on what calorie deficits help or hurt those goals. Most people seem to be leaning towards the balance point of not being too aggressive and trying to lose a lb or more a week and still be building muscle. Maybe you should try adjusting your weight loss goal down to 1 lb per week instead of 1.5 and see if that makes a difference.

    It's also possible that either your calorie counting methods or your metabolism rate or both are not as accurate as you think so the math is just not reflecting reality. People have different metabolisms and accurately counting calories outside of a lab is never exact.
  • There is a lot of disagreement between people on the best way to both lose weight and gain muscle mostly on what calorie deficits help or hurt those goals. Most people seem to be leaning towards the balance point of not being too aggressive and trying to lose a lb or more a week and still be building muscle. Maybe you should try adjusting your weight loss goal down to 1 lb per week instead of 1.5 and see if that makes a difference.

    It's also possible that either your calorie counting methods or your metabolism rate or both are not as accurate as you think so the math is just not reflecting reality. People have different metabolisms and accurately counting calories outside of a lab is never exact.

    makes sense too.
    How do i accurately find out my metabolism rate? i already have a calorie watch
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    i cann ot say for sure how many cheat days i have.
    Its more around my period, i definetely eat over my calorie goal and here i tend to avoid logging my calories because i would be ashamed i guess...maybe thats one thing i gotta change! Logging it no matter what....

    I am allowed to eat 1.200 calories a day, on cheat days i would say i eat 2.000 calories a day. Those days are approx. twice a week.

    You MUST log even if you go over or have cheat days because that's probably where your problem lies. You can have cheat days whilst still controlling what you eat and this is done by logging the food. Then when you review you can see if you are really going a little too crazy on cheat days and need to reign it in a little. You don't have to stop cheat days but you should monitor and control them to an extent in order to change your lifestyle and see if this is really working.
    And you say around your period but that could be 7 whole days out of the month, which is a lot to significantly go over your calories for the day.
  • i cann ot say for sure how many cheat days i have.
    Its more around my period, i definetely eat over my calorie goal and here i tend to avoid logging my calories because i would be ashamed i guess...maybe thats one thing i gotta change! Logging it no matter what....

    I am allowed to eat 1.200 calories a day, on cheat days i would say i eat 2.000 calories a day. Those days are approx. twice a week.

    You MUST log even if you go over or have cheat days because that's probably where your problem lies. You can have cheat days whilst still controlling what you eat and this is done by logging the food. Then when you review you can see if you are really going a little too crazy on cheat days and need to reign it in a little. You don't have to stop cheat days but you should monitor and control them to an extent in order to change your lifestyle and see if this is really working.
    And you say around your period but that could be 7 whole days out of the month, which is a lot to significantly go over your calories for the day.

    you are absolutely right,..
    i have to do that.
    an yes , 7 days are a lot of days....:(
  • You feel bloated and watery because your having too many carbs.

    Drop the carbs, sugars and salty foods and youll do great. Sending you a PM with more info.

    Zara x

    makes sense too..i just love bread.
    Im doing better with the carbs than back in the days bit i guess not significantly better.
    What would be a good substitue if i crave carbs?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Its not about how much you burn.
    Its about how good the routine is.

    what is a ''good'' routine?
    what would you suggest for a exercise routine for 5 days a week?

    You dont need a 5 day routine to lose fat.
    3 day is sufficient if you are lifting heavy.

    Lift M/W/F
    Walk 10k steps a day.
    Done and done.
  • Measure. The first two months on MFP I did not see the scale move. But I measured weekly waist, thighs, hips, etc... Every week I lost a 1/2 inch to an inch over all. The scale does not tell the whole story.
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    I'd also like to add something; check the medications you're on.

    I recently went to my doctors because I wasn't losing anything. I was eating the correct amount of calories, eating clean (no processed food), working out 3-5 days a week, and didn't lose an ounce. Then I'd have a cheat day and end up gaining a pound or two, and subsequently couldn't lose it.

    Turns out it was one of the medications I was taking daily causing the heavy duty weight retention.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    how do i do that?

    home <-- settings <-- diary settings <-- public

    There is a significant chance that your are just putting on water weight. So if you eat 1200 calories 5 days a week and 2000 calories 2 days a week, that is 10,000 calories over the week or around 1428 calories a day. That may not be enough for you. With only 20 lbs to lose, you should only be aiming for 1 lb per week. If you want to post your height and weight we can run some numbers.

    thanks for all your thoughts.
    Its crazy that you mention water weight. I always had water storage, but lately i feel even more ''watery''. My stomach and legs (what i work out most) look sloppy and watery, although i do so much to it! Why is that ? What am i doing wrong? Can you explain to me please?

    I am 5'2 and weigh 160 pounds (today).
    I do have a thyroid underfunction, ive started treating it about 6 months ago. I hope that the treatement will help the weight loss too.
    Oh, and i DO have a calorie and heart rate reader/watch, so the calories burnt off with each exercise are definetely correct. ( i am not using MFP to find out how many calories i burnt because i noticed it is NOT exact)

    The issue with having an under active thyroid is you will not burn as many calories as the normal person your height and weight. If you didn't have hypothyroidism, I would suggest eating around 1800 calories daily as your TDEE is probably around 2200 but since it's not, i would say you should average 1500. Additionally, my women tend to do much better on a lower carb diet with hypothyroidism (around 100g's total). I would suggest setting your macro nutrients to 30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fats and concentrating on getting the majority if not all of your carbs from fruits and veggies.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    You feel bloated and watery because your having too many carbs.

    Drop the carbs, sugars and salty foods and youll do great. Sending you a PM with more info.

    Zara x

    makes sense too..i just love bread.
    Im doing better with the carbs than back in the days bit i guess not significantly better.
    What would be a good substitue if i crave carbs?

    Eat Burgen Soya and Linseed Bread - it's AAMAZING, packed full of protein, good fats, fibre and only 14g carbs per slice
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    "How do i accurately find out my metabolism rate? i already have a calorie watch"

    Unless you can afford to go to a lab and have them monitor your respiration rate and a lot of other tests, all you can do is estimate. The calculators and formulas are for people with normal metabolisms. You can adjust them up or down by choosing what level of activity you have, but it's still just an estimate. Over time you should eventually see some patterns that can tell you whether yours is higher or lower than the norm, but there is no easy way to get real numbers.

    In both consumption and burn, if you keep consistent measurements, then up or down trends should also be consistent.
  • I slowed down quite a bit before because I was not making sure I drank enough water. When I went into my weight loss clinic, they reminded me and I made sure to consume enough and right away I saw and felt a difference.
  • thanks for all your responses, i am taking all of them into consideration and already tried some of the things yall suggested.
    And they really seem to start working !!