Any under eaters out there?



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Why are you eating if you aren't hungry? That honestly sounds very silly and I've never heard of someone gaining weight from not eating. Eventually you'll be hungry and then you can eat. As you said it is stressful trying to force an unnatural situation.

    Not everyone recognizes hunger in their own bodies. If they did, this site would be pointless, as we would all eat the right amount without tracking.
  • einst3
    einst3 Posts: 4
    I was in your category. I watched what i ate but it was too small for my current weight. i ate small and it was working against me. i gained instead of loosing. i know calories in and calories out, but the body has its own limit that when you drop below it it stores it instead of treating it as disposable. it was a small enough amount to eat when i was thinner but since ive gained i needed to eat 1.4 times the food. i thought i would balloon up. To my surprise i have lost 4 lbs in a week just by eating my correct calories. i adjusted my c/p/f to 65/25/20 in "my home - goals - change goals(button) - custom" and i am at 2 lbs a week). i also added sodium and sugar to the food columns to display. i can track what options i eat and look-up food before i eat it to make sure it is within my goals. i seem to always go a little over protein or fat but as long as my body is loosing its ok. dont give up change your tactics.:smile:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I had this issue, and it stemmed from cutting out most calorie dense foods.

    Start (re)introducing calorie dense foods into your diet. As others have said, nuts are a great option. Almonds are great for you, and pack 200 calories into a 36g (1/4 cup) serving. Adding a quarter cup of feta cheese and a TBSP of EVOO based dressing will add 200+ calories to a salad without increasing the bulk. Have a glass of wine in the evening - 120 cals in a 5 ounce glass. Treat yourself to some chocolate or some other favorite treat from before you were watching calories.

    I promise none of these things will instantly make you sick, fat or dead. No matter what anyone may have you believe.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I don't understand how it is possible to NOT eat that much. I tried to see what I could eat for 1200 calories a day and I don't think I could even stay at or below THAT!

    I'm beyond a picky eater - picky isn't even the right word. I honestly really hate food. I've always struggled to eat enough. My doctors always tell me my body is in starvation mode. Couple that with my horrible metabolism and hypothyroidism and that spells TROUBLE! :)

    The problem is obviously not that it is difficult to eat 1800 calories because that is very simple and easy for anyone to do. The problem is your issues with food. Have you thought about seeing a therapist to help you with your eating disorder?
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Looks like you just started and arent quite eating that healthy yet. Some great healthy, calorie dense suggestions above (PB, almonds and Avocado are my favs)...exercising makes me hungrier, especially weight training. Protein shakes and/or smoothies may also be a good way to pack in some healthy calories (peanut butter, banana and chocolate protein powder)! I have the opposite problem, though :drinker:

    Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Do you like smoothies? That's a good way to get your calories and you can drink it instead of eating it. Add yogurt (not low or non-fat), some honey, a couple tablespoons of peanut butter and whatever fruit you like. Maybe some protein powder too for good measure.

    Also all the calorie dense foods listed by the other posters.

    And yes, you do need to eat more if you're only getting 700 calories. Do not listen to the "listen to your body" people. Your body clearly isn't sending you correct hunger signals, which can happen if you restrict calories for too long. Figure out what you can eat that you will enjoy and that will get your calories up.
  • mzdocb
    mzdocb Posts: 9
    I am concerned that you have an eating disorder. Please see a doctor or other health professional. My sister did not fit the typical anorexia-bullemia stereotype. It lead to suicide at 28. Please, for the love of your child, get help.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I eat all day and fairly healthy.... You are welcome to take look to get some ideas....
  • I am concerned that you have an eating disorder. Please see a doctor or other health professional. My sister did not fit the typical anorexia-bullemia stereotype. It lead to suicide at 28. Please, for the love of your child, get help.

    This has come up a few times, actually. My therapist stopped taking my insurance, so we hadn't gotten completely into the eating thing yet, but I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I wonder now if maybe I do have a problem with food.
  • schmetterling1
    schmetterling1 Posts: 130 Member
    Looking at your diary I only seen one day logged. It's hard to see what kinds of foods you eat. From what I did see is pop. You know that is so bad for you. I also did not see any fruit or veggies. You said that you don't like alot of foods but I'm sure you like one fruit or veggie. Try to fit them in you day and experiment with new ones. You and your daughter can do that together. Try to drink milk instead of pop. Real foods are always better choices than packaged. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • I don't understand how it is possible to NOT eat that much. I tried to see what I could eat for 1200 calories a day and I don't think I could even stay at or below THAT!

    I'm beyond a picky eater - picky isn't even the right word. I honestly really hate food. I've always struggled to eat enough. My doctors always tell me my body is in starvation mode. Couple that with my horrible metabolism and hypothyroidism and that spells TROUBLE! :)

    The problem is obviously not that it is difficult to eat 1800 calories because that is very simple and easy for anyone to do. The problem is your issues with food. Have you thought about seeing a therapist to help you with your eating disorder?

    I have had a few concerns about it. I really do struggle to eat, however my therapist stopped taking my insurance and we can't afford out of pocket. So it's a difficult situation. My best friend in high school ended up with a disorder after having mouth surgery go wrong and she went months before noticing. Something to think about, thanks.
  • Looking at your diary I only seen one day logged. It's hard to see what kinds of foods you eat. From what I did see is pop. You know that is so bad for you. I also did not see any fruit or veggies. You said that you don't like alot of foods but I'm sure you like one fruit or veggie. Try to fit them in you day and experiment with new ones. You and your daughter can do that together. Try to drink milk instead of pop. Real foods are always better choices than packaged. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I didn't even realize that I'd gone back to old habits before it was finished. I've not touched one today and will not again. :)

    The worst thing is, everyone says "try it! what can it hurt?" The thing is, if a food (ok, this makes me sound so weird) feels weird in my mouth, I guess? I puke. I don't just say, "oh hey, this isn't for me, ok" - I literally vomit everywhere, continuously. It's one of the reasons I'm so hesitant to try. This whole eating disorder thing is making a lot of sense now. :frown:
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am concerned that you have an eating disorder. Please see a doctor or other health professional. <<>>Please, for the love of your child, get help.

    ^^^^ this
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Looking at your diary I only seen one day logged. It's hard to see what kinds of foods you eat. From what I did see is pop. You know that is so bad for you. I also did not see any fruit or veggies. You said that you don't like alot of foods but I'm sure you like one fruit or veggie. Try to fit them in you day and experiment with new ones. You and your daughter can do that together. Try to drink milk instead of pop. Real foods are always better choices than packaged. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I didn't even realize that I'd gone back to old habits before it was finished. I've not touched one today and will not again. :)

    The worst thing is, everyone says "try it! what can it hurt?" The thing is, if a food (ok, this makes me sound so weird) feels weird in my mouth, I guess? I puke. I don't just say, "oh hey, this isn't for me, ok" - I literally vomit everywhere, continuously. It's one of the reasons I'm so hesitant to try. This whole eating disorder thing is making a lot of sense now. :frown:

    You seem like a nice person, I hope that you're able to overcome this so that you can eat all the delicious food out there!
  • schmetterling1
    schmetterling1 Posts: 130 Member
    My cousins daughter does not like to eat most fruits and veggies because of the way they feel in the mouth. So my cousin would make a puree soup or smoothy for her. That my help you a little for now. For example you may not like tomatoes but I see you eat ketchup. How about tomao soup? I know it is going to be hard but your body and daughter will thank you for trying to eat healthier. There have been different topics about picky eatters on here as well. If you do a search you may find some information to help you.
  • Thanks for all the responses!

    I've never tried nuts before. My little brother was allergic, so we had to avoid them. I've also heard that almond milk is good, too. As for the shakes, I definitely need to try that! I can see me sipping on a meal instead of eating it. :bigsmile:

    As for those who have said they're envious, whether joking or not - I wouldn't be. I was put on a diet pill at the terrible age of TWELVE, when I was made to join a gym and told I had to be 80 pounds. Doctors told me that they royally f'd my metabolism by messing with me and giving me appetite suppressors at such a young age.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    What foods DO you like? Start there. Work on small bits at a time.

    See if your community offers therapy to residents - no one likes to think about the phyical responses to mental illness, but our brains run everything. When the brain is on a path, it's hard to get anything else in line.

    But without any diary entries, it's really tough to be able to point you in a direction - if you have a deeply averser response to many foods, but you NEED to eat, it's difficult to be able to offer suggestions.

    Feel free to PM me -
  • mlakins1
    mlakins1 Posts: 4
    I was in the same boat! Feel free to follow me and look at my Food Log! Hope this helps!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Are you losing weight? Look at your weight loss and if you are not losing weight, maybe you are not supposed to eat that many calories. I make sure that everytime I lose a pound, I re-set my settings and it reduces the amount of calories by 10 so that I am always at the optimum calorie intake.

    I have lost 13 pounds in 55 days.
  • Are you losing weight? Look at your weight loss and if you are not losing weight, maybe you are not supposed to eat that many calories. I make sure that everytime I lose a pound, I re-set my settings and it reduces the amount of calories by 10 so that I am always at the optimum calorie intake.

    I have lost 13 pounds in 55 days.

    I've only just been OK'd to pursue weight loss. I had a traumatic birth with my daughter and didn't close up until Summer of 2012 and I wasn't OK'd to try to lose weight or work out until this year. :/