Social Eating

I just had a wonderful afternoon catching up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. We had lunch out and then chatted over coffee at the local Starbucks. My main social activity has always been EATING. It's what my family does whenever we get together: we go out to eat. Every holiday we get together, cook, bake and eat. When I visit with friends we meet somewhere for lunch or dinner or coffee. I have dinner at a friends house, or invite someone over to my place for dinner. It seems like everything revolves around food.

I tend to be a bit of a hermit during the winter. One thing that will lure me out of the house is the opportunity to eat out with my friends or family. I've been doing pretty good tracking calories and staying under my goal despite eating out but I would really like to find something social to do that doesn't involve food! In the summer it is easier to find outdoor activities, such as riding horses, but even then we often BBQ afterwards.

What does everyone here do with their friends besides eat? I need some ideas! Thanks. :)

And before someone suggests working out/exercising...I have some health issues that prevent me from doing anything too physically strenuous as a social activity. Perhaps once I have lost some more weight and get my health under control this will become an option for me.


  • sashastackhouse
    sashastackhouse Posts: 51 Member

    I am very much a social eater. When I was living in San Francisco, it was so easy to just go 'grab a bite' since there were so many restaurants. However, there are a lot of fun things to do to catch up with someone. Some things I like (that aren't too strenuous):

    Go to a museum or exhibit together
    Go to the beach/park and sit at a bench/take a stroll
    Check out a flea market or antique store
    Go shopping
    Go to a concert or local play
    See if there are any community events or festivals going on in the area

    If you do end up wantiing to meet over a meal, you can always suggest a restaurant you like that is healthy or scope out the menu online and see what will fit into your calorie needs for the day. Then after, you can always go out and get a cup of unsweetened tea to keep the chat session going. Hope that helps :)
  • peppytwist
    peppytwist Posts: 25 Member
    Great ideas, thank you! I especially like the thought of a museum. There are several around here that I would love to check out. Now to see if I can convince any of my friends to go with me :)
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with the flea market idea. Totally fun. I do that every weekend and sometimes have friends come along.

    I think people are always down to do something different and crazy and fun, they just might be worried about introducing a new activity if they feel like it only interests them.

    Also... oddly fun hall!!
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    You could also try to find a 'slower' meal. My girlfriends and I went out for high tea last weekend at a fancy hotel. The food came in waves, and the portions were tiny and we were drinking tea throughout... so we ended up being stuffed but spent two hours there chatting. So maybe a meal in courses that you could split or take leftovers home would lengthen your chat without adding more food.
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Drink, LOL. But that's not much better!!
  • sashastackhouse
    sashastackhouse Posts: 51 Member
    Not a problem :) And I agree with the above post, bingo is super fun! As well as bowling or themed movie nights (my boyfriend and I had a Japanese movie night and made our own sushi!) Or if you want to, you could always start a book club and volunteer to have everyone meet at house. Then put out trays of fruits, veggies and hummus, and tea or coffee. That way you know exactly what you will be eating.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Well, I don't think you're alone in that. Sharing food with friends is the best :)

    I hope you persuade your friends to get on board your train! But, in case it only works sometimes (because, people can be so hard to shift sometimes), a backup strategy might be to learn to trust yourself with portions and/or choices, and/or fill up a bit on healthier choices before you all meet up for the 'real' dinner.

    I think it's a great idea to introduce new activities, though, especially to brighten up winter, which is awful!
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    My girlfriends and I all get together about once a month - we do eat, but the idea is that each person choose a healthy recipe and then each one of us brings an ingredient - - - we cook together and eat together. We take turns at each person’s house.
    I also like the above mentioned ideas, museums, flea markets, just walking at the park, if you are crafty you can have a craft night w/ healthy snacks only. :) I make a fruit pizza that's pretty delightful, so is lightly fried zucchini that you can dip in marinara....Ya just have to get creative.
  • rasmoo
    rasmoo Posts: 11
    I'm from the South and people down here are always either eating or talking about cooking and eating. When I know I'm going where food will be the center of attention I try to eat beforehand so I'm not as tempted to overdo it. I'll also make sure I have a drink (non-alcoholic usually) in my hand and replenish it periodically. My friends and I love card games and board games so I try to have a fruit/veggie platter for us to snack on. But sometimes I just eat whatever I want and then get back on track. As long as I'm honest and log it in my food diary I think I'm ok.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i find eating in front of others sort of awkward. its hard to talk with food in your mouth and you never know if you have something in your teeth. I dont get the appeal of social eating at all.

    I much prefer to drink with friends or work out or dance or shop or get pedicures together
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Bowling is fun - because most people aren't great at it and it makes it funny

    Going for walks

    Visiting a museum or attraction

    Having a meal - but that you cook or at a place you can control what you eat - so like packed lunches or something from Freshii/Subway whatever is low calorie

    Doing tea instead of coffee and sitting outside where you normally don't have to sit and view the 'treats' they have on display.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    We invite friends over for games. Any games--video games, card games, board games, cheesy games, whatever. We often have multiple games going on at once, so you can move to a new game if you are knocked out of yours/lose/get tired of it. There is often food included (some healthy--veggie cuts; some not--cookies) and drinks are mostly BYOB. I make iced sweet tea but mostly hubby and I stick to water. Hubby's rule is that all food must be game-friendly. So no messy finger foods like cheetos, etc. We clear out the fridge in the week leading up to game night so there is plenty of room for the stuff the game players bring in to drink and eat.

    We can set up in minutes (just clear the kitchen table and get a few folding tables and chairs out of the garage) and clean up is often just as easy (booze bottles go to the recycling bin in the garage, and we use real plates but the food isn't messy, so those just slip into the dishwasher, left overs go home with guests or into the fridge for lunches, anything that needed to heat up in the over is cooked on parchment paper or aluminum foil so that clean up is easy too).

    I'm also a new member of a neighborhood monthly book club. Similar deal to game night, but almost all women and the snacks look fancier (host provides wine) and the time frame is shorter when we do meet (no play to midnight sessions!).

    Both of these are scheduled for post-dinner hours, so I try to plan my dinner to match what I anticipate getting at the get-together.
  • peppytwist
    peppytwist Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you for all the great ideas! :)