Tips for Sticking With It!

Hey there,
What are some healthy lifestyle choices that you have made and stuck to? I feel like I am constantly losing motivation and end up just overeating out of frustration. I want to stop doing that and actually start living a more balanced life... I just don't know how to stick with it all the time!

Any tips?


  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Just keep logging both the good and the bad. Yes you will have bad days but hopefully the good days will outweigh that. I also love to look at message boards of peoples success stories and photos. It helps keep me motivated.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I think the first step is to make sure your plan is realistic and fits in your life. If you can't manage to eat 1200 calories a day (to pick a number out of thin air) then change your goals to something you can work with. If you find yourself giving up and eating a ton of oreos, maybe you can incorporate some higher quality cookies in your diet in moderation instead. If you can figure out what's triggering you to give up and work around it I think it will be a whole lot easier to stick to.

    When I started out I had a day planner that I put a sticker in for every day that I accomplished my goals. It was a silly reward, but it let me see at a glance if I was slipping and it gave me a fun little reward for sticking with it. That may not work for you, but see if there's a fun little non-food reward you want to work towards.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Don't eliminate any that you don't want to live without. You just learn moderation and/or make different choices. For example I had a light dinner with shrimp, spinach and carrots and then I was able to have chocolate covered almonds and alcohol. As soon as I hit my protein about 100g and fiber at least 20g then I can enjoy whatever I want to get to my calorie goal. A calorie is goal is there to get to and not see how far you can go under. To restrictive of a diet leads to either a slowed metabolism and/or bingeing. Remember 100 calories above goal is better than 500 below.
  • yensidtoon
    yensidtoon Posts: 82 Member
    That I can still have what I want, as long as it fits into my calories, and if it doesn't, I need to exercise more! I LOVE the exercise I do - either the Elliptical, Zumba, or Running, and that helps me greatly.

    If you love what you do to work it off, you can stay within your calorie goals.
  • RunningTowardsFit
    These are great ideas! Thank you for the help! Any other suggestions?