Is there such a thing as too many nuts?

I've cut down on carbs (no bread, rice, sweets etc.) but have been eating fruits and nuts. Lots of nuts to combat the snacking and hunger. Would this be why I'm not seeing any improvement in my belly and hip area?
I do 30 day shred 5x/week and zumba 4x/week.


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    What are you considering a lot of nuts? And what kinds of nuts? Nuts like peanuts, cashews, and macadamias are mostly fat with very little protein to balance it out. And things like pistachios, almonds, and walnuts, while still high in fat, have at least a mildly decent amount of protein to them.

    But nuts can typically be averaged at around 10 calories per nut, with some being higher and some being lower, but that's a decent average to use. So every 10 nuts you eat is about 100 calories, with most of it coming from fat.

    As for fruits, they tend to be a bit high in sugar, and that can have an ill effect on some people (not all) when they are trying to flatten stomach/hip areas. And fruits are pretty high in carbs, so eating a lot of fruit isn't going to be keeping you low carb.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Why are you cutting carbs? You need some carbs to fuel your workouts--and nuts are calorie-dense, which can be good, but only if you are measuring them out.
  • co_mama
    co_mama Posts: 26
    Whenever I stop eating bread , rice and sweets, I don't get as bloated.

    I eat a mix of pistachios, almonds, walnuts etc. I have half a grapefruit for breakfast almost every morning with a hard boiled egg. Lunch is usually a salad and dinner is whatever I make at home (nothing fried). I sometimes snack on a banana or orange alongside the nuts.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    But how many nuts are you having? 20g? 100g? An unmeasured handful? Just eat from a container until you don't want anymore? That's a hugely important part of the picture. You could be downing 600 calories in nuts in one sitting just by eating a single handful of nuts.

    And if carbs make you bloated, then I'd check the sugar and carbs in the fruit you are eating. I personally limit my fruit consumption to only a serving or two a week because the fruit makes my stomach puffy. I tend to eat veggies as snack in place of fruit. I have cucumber, jicama, carrots, red bell pepper, snap peas, etc. as snacks throughout the day and save the fruit for a sweet treat every now and again.