Hello all! =)

I just joined MFP a few days ago and gotta say this site is becoming addictive! I have diet before with success (got down to 145 from 235) and had been able to maintain until I hit depression due to several factors in our life. Got on the scale friday and it said 198.4, but had been doing more active things a week or 2 prior so I was probably over 200 when I started to actually diet again. We're getting ready for a big change in our life, getting stationed in Guam for 3 years and I'm really wanting to get myself back into shape again, not only for looks but to feel better about myself. You know it's bad when you try hiding yourself from your own husband of 6 1/2 years because of gaining 50+ lbs :( Thanks to this site i can actually see what my caloire count is, and keep up with what i'm doing!


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome! You're right this site is addictive lol
  • freeforgood
    Welcome! I have a similar story. I just hit 198 lbs. the other day and also feel like hiding myself from my husband, especially since he's physically fit. I also was successful in the past and got down to 150 about 3-4 years ago. Like you, I'm an emotional eater and have been through some tough times these past 2 years...husband getting laid off twice...
    So, like you, I'm motivated and raring to go. I'm a teacher, so I have 2 months to concentrate on me and getting fit (along with taking care of 3 kids - 17, 15 & 11:smile: ).
    Keeping track of food and exercise on this site definitely helps. I also need the added motivation that anyone can look at how I'm doing at any time. So please feel free to check up on me. I'll do the same for you if you like.
    Here's to being "free for good" from food addiction!:flowerforyou:
  • Emdiee2014
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this site and am determined to lose this weight! I have been struggling ever since I can remember :(
    I just really want to get to 55 kg which is my ultimate goal - but 57 kg will do for a start.

    The thing is - I need some motivation so I would really like some diet buddies. Please add me!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member

    This site is addictive... in a good way unless it keeps us from exercising LOL
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there an good luck on your new lifestyle change! You are certainly in the right place for success! All the best!
  • dastephlu
    dastephlu Posts: 17
    Welcome! I have a similar story. I just hit 198 lbs. the other day and also feel like hiding myself from my husband, especially since he's physically fit. I also was successful in the past and got down to 150 about 3-4 years ago. Like you, I'm an emotional eater and have been through some tough times these past 2 years...husband getting laid off twice...
    So, like you, I'm motivated and raring to go. I'm a teacher, so I have 2 months to concentrate on me and getting fit (along with taking care of 3 kids - 17, 15 & 11:smile: ).
    Keeping track of food and exercise on this site definitely helps. I also need the added motivation that anyone can look at how I'm doing at any time. So please feel free to check up on me. I'll do the same for you if you like.
    Here's to being "free for good" from food addiction!:flowerforyou:

    Oh my, we do have similar stories :smile: My husband is also physically fit for the most part (he's Navy). He has a little tiny pooch that he hasn't had in the past and it's bugging the heck out of him so he's working with me to 1: help me get motivated and 2: to lose that tiny pooch he has (although i love his little pooch :laugh: ) I too have 3 kids- 16, 13 and 8 :smile:

    As I said in OP we're getting ready to relocate to Guam for 3 years, so we put our house up for rent and currently staying in a hotel which gives me access to the fitness room (doesn't really have much in there, 1 treadmill, 1 bike and a stair climber) but it's a start, and the pool! I'm dead tired in the evening, normally I would stay up till 11-11:30 but lately find myself ready to go to bed at around 8:30-9 just to start all over again the next day, BUT the thing is, I'm looking forward to that next day to push myself a tad further and my husband can already see a difference in my mood. He says I seem more happy :heart:
    :flowerforyou: Free for good! :heart: the quote!
  • freeforgood
    How fun that we have so much in common!:laugh:
    It's great that your husband is encouraging you. My husband also has a little "pooch" that's not out front but on the sides; so we call them "love handles".:heart: No matter how much he exercises, he can't get rid of them...but he's pretty muscular everywhere else. He's amazingly self-disciplined - a character trait that does NOT come naturally to me.:grumble: My husband works out daily. My goal is to do 30 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weights at the gym Mon. - Fri. throughout the summer and do at least 45 minutes of walking (our dog) on weekends and to stick to 1200 calories daily.
    I just got back from the gym...so far so good today...
    Keep up the great work at the gym and pool at your hotel. Let's stick with this. I'm all for having our husbands notice our happiness. After all..."if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy!":bigsmile: