I just need to vent (support is wanted)



  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    Smack a *****. She's effing crazy. Just try to push her out of your mind and focus on you and your family. You should be able to get a restraining order of some sort. Hope things get better!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Dang, is she a stalker? That is incredibly weird! How can anyone just up and afford a new place to live on a whim? That is just freaky. I'd contact the police.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm sorry you have to go through this. I agree with so many of the other posters. Mark needs to nut up and tell her to shove off. Also, keep a detailed log of ANY encounter with her....dates, times, what happened, etc. With said detailed log go to the police, if they won't help you consider seeking legal advice. Depending on your cell phone provider you should be able to get copies of any text sent to your phones as long as they are from a prior billing month. Maybe you guys need to have a sit down discussion with said mutual friends and lay down the law. You will drop them like a bad habit if information keeps getting back to crazy ex girlfriend. And be crystal clear that she is stalking and you are concerned for your daughter as a result of it.

    Keep your head up. If she can see it bothering you she's going to keep doing it. But if you and your fiance quit playing into her game and be sure to make it crystal clear then hopefully she'll get the picture and move on. Right now though, she's winning because you are letting her get to you. You have to be in control of your life. When you can feel the anxiety coming on from this situation see if someone can watch the baby so you can go for a walk to clear your head. I had a similiar situation happen to me and I went so far as to join a gym so i could take my rage out on the equipment instead of my family and friends. Basically try to resort to healthy options to deal with the resulting anxiety. And if things don't get better see about moving further away and only tell certain people. If you don't tell everyone you know and the info gets back to her then the list of possibly untrustworthy peeps is MUCH shorter.

    Hope things get better for you!
  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    What a terrible situation you are in! Please don't take others doubts about your fiance to heart, I think others just may have had similar experiences and are trying to empathize. You know him best of anyone, so if you believe what he says that's all that matters, I think others just want to be sure you have your eyes completely open.

    As hard as it is all you can do is try and be positive as much as possible. If you begin to doubt yourself because of her keep reminding yourself that her and her actions have no bearing on you, eventually you will begin to believe it. All you can do is make sure you keep track of every contact she has with you (even if the police don't consider it "contact" at this point). Take care of yourself so that you can continue to take care of your child, you are no good to your child if you don't take care of yourself first.

    If you can't be strong all of the time just try your best to be strong some of the time. I don't think anyone could remain positive 100% of the time under the stress you are under. Jealousy is a normal emotion but it's going to feed on your insecurity, so try and improve your relationship with yourself. Exercise is a great way to get in touch with your body. Feel free to add me for support and motivation!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Has the S/O had the..."Get lost ya crazy Psycho" Talk?
  • brendadale1
    brendadale1 Posts: 90 Member
    I go through his phone and he hasn't been talking to her. I am hurt that some of you would bash him at the same time as trying to support me.
    She is psycho and ha friends that are mutual with the friends that he use to have. He is such a great fiancé and he would never cheat on me, I am alost sure of it.

    Sounds like to me, these people that have stated a comment, are talking from their experience.,.and they cant be shamed for that:) Everyone's situation is different, does he know you go through his phone? If not, then there are trust issues for sure:) and you have to ask yourself why ?
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes he knows that I go through his phone. We allow that because of my past cheating experiences with other's.
    I am a very high strung person so, I can't even imagine her wanting to start anything with me In the first place. It' insane how many times he has yelled at her, confronted her, been nice to her to get her to leave us aone and NOTHING works. She is a lost cause. We just moved in a month ago with a year lease AND we JUST changed our numbers a week ago- it's the same old same old. I don't know how she got our numbers and I don't know how she found out where we live. We didn't even have a chance to give our numbers out to anybody yet.
  • is he being stern with her? because if he's being passive I could understand your insecurity, that being said you can not live your life based on whether or not she leaves him alone, if she knows you feel threatened by her the more shes going to enjoy harassing you. she doesn't really want him and she definitely doesn't want to raise your kid with him, shes just testing him to see if she can snatch him away from you, if she succeeds she will most likely dump him again. this is all a game to her just ignore her
  • Sorry you're going through this and especially since you have a little one and health concerns of your own. Obviously, get copies of your cell phone bill and highlight each time she tries to contact you. Print off all text messages she sends so you have a record that those 20 different phone numbers are, in fact, all from her. If it were me, I would look at the cell bill and make sure no outgoing contact was made to any of her numbers - for 2 reasons: to remind you who to take this out on and that you have a good man, and so that when you see her on an oh-so-cozy smoking encounter and she tries to lie on your man, she won't see a rattle of doubt in your eyes. That's what she wants - to make you argue, so he will get tired of it and ultimately leave.

    Also, change his phone number and give it only to family until things settle down. Ask the manager if you can switch apartments - tell them the situation. You most likely will not get out of a lease but they may be willing to accomodate you if there is another vacancy. When the lease is up, get out of dodge and don't tell anyone. Have a yard sale if you have to and sell all you own so you don't need "friends" to help you move. Your family, health and sanity come first. It may sound extreme but you're starting a life...there is no future in the past. It's time to get this girl behind you.

    A celebrity had an issue of all her personal business showing up in the tabloids. In order to find the mole she told different people different 'truths'. Say you're suspicious of "Brad". Well, tell "Brad" you're moving to "Appletown in 2 months". Or tell "Sally" you think you're pregnant again. When you hear it from your ex, you'll know where it originated. It may not mean it came directly from that person, but there is a link. So stop sharing any info with "Brad" or "Sally" when the rumor comes back.

    Your man needs to sit down with her, face to face and remind her of the reason he left her to begin with. If he reminds her of the fights, the unhappiness, etc. coupled with how she must appear to everyone else they had known in their old circle of friends...perhaps she will feel the shame of her actions and see herself for what she is doing. In her mind, perhaps getting to you means you're jealous of her because he must want her. If he were to remind her of all the past rejections, and that her constant calling and moving in next door makes her look like kinda creepy...and is wasting her own time from finding herself a healthy relationship that is actually better than the one she envisions with your man....hopefully she will move on.

    I've been in a situation with an ex before. It's hard. But talking to your man about it only brings it between you two. Perhaps having a "don't ask, don't tell" policy will help for awhile so you can keep your health in check. Unless a threat or physical contact is made, it will help you to have more peace and control over your thoughts throughout the day. In time, it will begin to fade and when you see her, it won't be as raw and fresh on your mind.

    Quit smoking - you won't run into her outside and you'll feel better about your health. Working out and focusing on your personal health and well being is the best remedy and weapon!

    If all else fails, smile! When he brings you flowers, leave them in the window so she can see he's moved on and is in love with YOU!!!! Answer the door in lingerie, cook delicious smelling foods and be the best future wife ever. He's going through a hard time, too - he's watching you break and it's breaking him. Continue to be the woman he fell for...

    Good luck!
  • You have to remember that when you vent to the community, you will get advice from those on the outside looking in, ones that have experienced the same thing, and ones that have gotten through it and are still in their relationship. Those are the ones that know what it takes to make it. We don't know mark, we only see your frustration and hurt and as a support website for weight loss and everything else, we are going to defend you first. You are young and beautiful, and believe me when I say I know exactly how you feel, seriously, but yet my marriage stands 13 years strong. Don't let her have the power to upset you, I know its easier said then done, focus just on him and your beautiful new baby, you all are a family and experiencing this now will make you so much stronger. On a side note, thats GREAT that both of your numbers changed! In 10 years hopefully you can look back at this post and see how this thorn in your side made you such a better woman. She is just a speed bump in your road of life with Mark, and you will drive over her! (not literally hahhahha).
  • mbrummer
    mbrummer Posts: 24
    we are gonna need a *kitten* ton of lye. Lol. Seriously shake them haters off. Just ignore her continue.living the beautiful happy life.
  • amercer09
    amercer09 Posts: 28 Member
    First thing to do....tell your friends that you dont want her to know anything. Somebody has been telling her stuff. Second if he's not into her and hes told her off, etc let it go. Just be happy and make sure that you show your happiness off. She realized what she lost and shes trying to get it back. If he moved away with you. then u know he didnt want to deal with it either. But somebody is telling her stuff. Dont post ur number any where. get it changed again and only share with those who have to have ur number...like ur parents, work, babysitter, day care, and only a few close friends. If you still have issues then please send me a message and I will try to help u out.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this horrible situation!

    Can I just sugest you take your photos on here down. Better to have less out there for her to track you.

    Edited because I hope that isn't your real name you are using as a handle on here. Easy to track you down and find out more that is your name Paige. Delete this account and return with a name she can't search you on.