Knee question

I'm going to the dr on Friday for my knees. I'm having a burning sensation right below my kneecap. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what your doctor said. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue my Insanity workout and I really want to. Thank you so much in advance!


  • doingit4myprincesses
    doingit4myprincesses Posts: 64 Member
    I do at times. Usually it is if I haven't been to the chiropractor in awhile. I wear a knee brace and that seems to help support my knee. Hope everything turns out ok. Good luck!!
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I really would be intrested in hearing what the dr says. I have been experiencing the same thing in my right knee after I run. It usually doesn't hurt during the run and I'm kind of affraid of what my dr would say. I have been resting and it and not running more than 2-3 miles at a time with a rest day between runs. I'm going to start running more on the treadmill to see if it helps. If it does get worse I will go to the dr before I get fitted for expensive running shoes.

    Good Luck and will welcome a message from to let me know how it went. I'm one of those guys that hates to go to the dr because I'm always fear the worse.

  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I would be very interested in what he has to say.
    I just posted on the board about my aching knees, they also "burn"
    Curious to know what your doing for exercise?
    Do you think it is related to that?

    Hoping all goes well at the Dr and that you have an easy fix to your pain.
  • tracylea_2003
    I will let everyone know what the dr says tomorrow. I'm really nervous. The burning started in Jan. off and on. Yesterday they were driving my crazy and today they really don't seem to be burning.

    On Monday I started Insanity!!! I really do hope to continue doing it.
  • tracylea_2003
    Sorry I haven't posted about my Dr appt. My daughters Birthday was this weekend so that took up most of my time. He believes that I have patellar Tendionitis. He gave me some exercises to do daily and some Ibprophin. He also believes I may have a little bit of arthiritis behind my kneecaps. I urge you all to go to the dr to have it checked out just to make sure.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I agree that you should see a doctor for any type of knee issues. I was having swelling in my knee after running and doing step class, never any pain though. It got real swollen and stiff at one point, and I decided to go to the doctor. He sent me for an MRI and I had tears in my meniscus on each side of the knee cap. I told him that I couldn't believe I had two tears since I didn't have any pain. His response was, "you will soon." I ended up having arthroscopic meniscus surgery about 4.5 weeks ago and am doing ok. I just started walking for 40 minutes this week and so far have had no problems. Physical therapy also helped. So, seeing your doctor is really good advice because you can never tell what is going on inside your knee.