Scales wont budge!!

I started dieting a while back, and lost half a stone steadily through sticking to a 1200 calorie limit, which was great. However I seem to have hit a block and the scales wont budge!

I am sticking to 1200 calories a day. I am trying to work a treat each day into that calorie allowance because I know that if I go cold turkey of all things sweet I am sure to give up!! I always make sure I still come in within 1200 calories a day, but should I be cutting these things out even so?

Due to a medical condition and very limited time it is not easy for me to ‘work out’, but I do muck out and ride my horse 365 days a year which is quite a good mini work out.

I am 5ft 6 and weigh 148 pounds!
Any suggestions welcome, thank you very much!


  • Marcusin3d
    Marcusin3d Posts: 17 Member
    I am having the same issue at the moment, but I think it's because I am now rowing and working out (for once!) and I think I'm converting fat to muscle instead.

    I can also say that your metabolism might be stuck on low. Might be worth investigating what foods might increase your metabolism regardless of calories. Almonds are supposed to be good for that as they have an effect on insulin.

    No idea if that helps but if nothing else I can sympathise :)

    All the best

  • I was in the same boat at you, sticking to my calories but could not get past 68kg’s (when I should be around 60kg). I have to admit, I’m pretty good on the exercise front, but in my experience, you can work out all you like (which is good for you for numerous reasons of course), but if you don’t put extra effort into what you eat you will eventually hit a wall. A friend suggested a diet book to me which was very helpful in explaining how different foods affect our bodies (James Duigan – Clean and Lean Diet). From there I decided sugar was just not worth it, and I managed to surpass my 60kg goal.
  • jonnie7053
    jonnie7053 Posts: 48 Member
    I had the same issue for about 4 months with no movement on the weight loss.
    I started to exercise more intensely and even put up my calories for a few weeks, but nothing happened. (Keep in mind that if you exercise your muscle more intensely than usual your sore muscle will retain more water)
    The scales have started to move again this week for a few reasons I can think of.
    I have reduced my calories again but have started to 'calorie cycle' my intake, I've reduced back down to my normal exercise routine and started to monitor more closely my macros (increase protein and reduce fats and carbs).
    Hope can help. : )
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    This is me to. I've been ong really well for two months, and now I have stalled.
    I am eating very cleanly, tried upping my calories a bit...didn't help.
    So added more exercise...currently STUCK.

    At least we are not gaining! I'm hoping that scale will move again soon!
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Me too!!! Its driving me crazy. I"m going to try cycliing my calories for a bit and see if that helps anything. I think there are lots of people here in the same boat!!!
  • Well you are all doing much better than i. I have managed to gain 10 pounds since joining my fitness pal. Last two weeks i gave up wine completely.......expected a big bang for my buck as i was drinking 3-4 glasses a night.........stepped on the scales and gained 1.2 pounds. talk about disheartening !!!

    I don't eat sweets - at all. I don't eat fast food. I don't eat junk food. How very depressing. If i ate crap it would be easy to cut out - but i don't. Also i don't eat pasta and i hate rice. I rarely eat bread....

    HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    Try upping your cals to maintainence or just under for a week to kickstart your metabolism. Sadly the thing about losing 'weight' is that our calorie allowance gets lower.
  • Ever heard of The Zone DIet by Dr. Sears? It breaks down how to eat in scientific terms. Just a suggestion ;)
  • newmelady
    newmelady Posts: 132 Member
    I am stuck since October 2012. And the funny thing is my weight does not even increase when I up my calories. Only after I started with heavy ( for me) dumbbell workout, I gained a pound. No change in inches either. Hoping to lose some inches soon though.
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 449 Member
    i was at a standstill too. I tried modifying to hi-lo days on calories and exercise. Everyday I do hi on protein and low on sugar. I upped my water to 12 glasses per day and trying to stay away from my nightly bowl of popcorn some nights. I eat atkins treat bars that are very low in sugar and high in protein. only 130 calories. and good as a candy bar. keep on chuggin along!!
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    I increased my calories by 500 for two days and dropped a pound. It was scary but it worked.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    I think the big weight loss lie is "time." I think it takes time for the body to drop weight... then it coasts for a while...then will drop inches...then coast for a while..then drop more pounds. It is maddening.. cause we all expect losses every week or so. We have not been programed right.

    Give it time...maybe stay off the scales for a while until you notice your tightest jeans looser...then jump on.. don't ruin your motivation by that number on the scale.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Make sure you are measuring your food accurately too! Any week where I haven't lost much or none at all, it was because I was severely underestimating the food I was eating. Now I blow through measuring cups trying to make sure I am accurate. It has been a big help! Eating out is always a challenge too.
  • Briony14
    Briony14 Posts: 52
    Thanks everyone, there are some really helpful suggestons here! I will be sure to try them all!

    Can anyone explain what calorie cycling is??

    Thanks :)