Fitness & Motivation buddies??

I have been on my journey to better health for about a month now. Working out as hard as I possibly can has brought me very good results. I have been doing TONS of aerobic cardio and just recently started walking 4 miles afterwards. I have lost 13 lbs with all my effort but I still have a ways to go. So I thought that I would reach out to people on MFP who need as much motivation as I do. :smile: I've got 80lbs to lose and I plan on at least 75% of it being gone by the end of this year. I'm pretty confident all of it will be gone though :happy:


  • mkarius
    mkarius Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me! I can also use the motivation and I find seeing other people sticking to healthy habits inspires me to do so as well. Sounds like you're doing a great job so far. :) I was doing well with watching my caloric intake and exercising when I first joined and then hit a slump during the cold, dark winter months, but I'm trying very hard to get back on track again.
  • WatchMeLose80
    I know what you mean, when winter hits it kinda gets a bit suckish. You can do it :) There are full length fitness videos on youtube that are great. Let me know if you're interested I can tell you the name of a channel that has all sorts of fitness videos including Jillian Michaels. Definitely gonna add you :)
  • casscamp
    casscamp Posts: 40 Member
    I am going to add you both. I also have another 30 lbs to loose and I can totally relate to hitting the slump in the winter months. I can say that I was terrible this winter. But its time to get my butt out there and do something. SO i am about to go take my dogs out for a walk this morning! They deserve it and so does my body!
  • nurseangelamomof5boys
    I sill have 50 lbs to go and i find it hard to stay motivated myself
    i post fitness challenges on my blog if anyone cares to take a look
    you can add me if you like. I feel the more people you have to motivate you
    the better.:smile:
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been on MFP for 490 days I think. It is a great site.
  • Bekah_Davis
    Bekah_Davis Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me!Ive only been on mfp for a couple months but I have about 70 lbs id like to lose and could sure use some support and motivation.Am yet to find friends here!
  • gatsby018
    gatsby018 Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know when I have more people cheering me on, the better I do. I got back on track at the beginning of February and lost 8lbs. I like to exercise on the treadmill and I use Leslie sansone and jillian michaels dvds .
  • bupthagrove
    I have had good responses from people I asked about being a Gym Buddy . . . Chelsea was real good but she lives a little too far. She is really into fitness and talks to me all the time. I am not a self starter and need the motivation of meeting someone at the gym because it is too easy to blow a class off.
  • WatchMeLose80
    Thanks every body. I added you all, hope we can motivate each other to our goals :)
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    I have 89 more to go and I am with you! I need more friends also and I have a lot of need for someone that I can relate to.
    I get 1300 calories a day and I workout 5 times a week. I am currently doing 30 day shred and I try to walk a mile on the days that I work out.
    Best of luck to you! I will look for a friend request.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    Feel free to add me looking for motivation too :-)
  • vickyguzman2000
    Hey All! I am a serial dieter but I really want this time to work! I started mid January back have fallen off the wagon so to speak! I have about 55 pounds to lose still!!

    Add me and I will add you guys!
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    Been here since Jan., I have35lbs to loose, feel free to add me, I just added weight training, to increase fat loss!
  • Bkhall79
    Bkhall79 Posts: 39
    Please add me! I need all the motivation I can get. In the past year I have lost 45 lbs. Got at least another 30 to go! I try to run a 5k at least 3x a week at the gym.
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    I have been on here off and on for a while now, losing my motivation is what kills me. I have 50 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me (anyone) to help me and I will do my best to help you!
  • Lbriggs82
    Lbriggs82 Posts: 58
    I've added you and anyone else can feel free to add me as well. The more friends we have for support the better! :smile:
  • mandymay8500
    Feel free to add me as well. I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids, looking for motivation and support. Just starting today!
  • Lisa6447
    Lisa6447 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me too. I need some motivation too. I have really been struggling to get motivated the last couple of days but I love encouraging others. Since i have started MFP, I have lost 18 pounds. My husband has begun to notice and is finally joining me in exercising and eating right too.
  • Sarahwithlove22
    Sarahwithlove22 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new to this so will be good to have some support :) so feel free to add me
  • Angela0375
    Angela0375 Posts: 2 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. I lost 60 lbs a couple of years ago and then I just lost my motivation and it's never clicked again. I have to loss 100 +lbs and can use all the support I can find.