help with calories burned?

I just did the Leslie Sansone walk at home Dvd "Walk Your Belly Flat". It was a 3mile walk that was about 53 minutes long. I felt that it was a really good workout, but I don't know how to count the calories I burned! I chose aerobic low impact, is that the best choice?


  • sweetoe12
    sweetoe12 Posts: 2 Member
    I just got this DVD but haven't tried it yet. Try getting a heart rate monitor, you can input your weight and it'll tell you exactly how many calories you're burning. I'd post this as walking 2.5 - 3 miles per hour. That's my best guess anyway since I haven't actually done it.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I just did the Leslie Sansone walk at home Dvd "Walk Your Belly Flat". It was a 3mile walk that was about 53 minutes long.

    Do you just walk on one spot for almost an hour?
  • well you do kicks, side steps, knee lifts and move your arms as well. You don't really just stand there! LoL. Then at the end there are some stretches and ab crunches.
  • I enjoyed it. it was a good workout, not too hard but definately got my heart rate up and worked up a sweat!!