4weeks no weightloss

I thought I could do this alone but it's not working. 4 weeks in and nothing. Down a pound or 2 up a pound or 2. I am either under calories or over calories on a daily basis

Advice would be greatly appreciated


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    What is your calorie goal and how far off base are you from hitting it? Also, height and activity level. All of those can make a big difference in how the weight does (or does not) move.
  • only_I12
    only_I12 Posts: 6
    Set a certain caloric intake for the day, don't go over and try to stay right at it, a little under is ok...stay away from sodas, sugars, simple carbs...I'm no professional, but it helps :)
  • lcm145
    lcm145 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I am at 1200 calories a day. I don't drink soda juice or anything sweet. I am strictly a one cup coffee in the morning water and tea. I eat very little carbs (or so I think).
  • leanbody4life
    leanbody4life Posts: 21 Member
    I would make sure your tracking everything that you are eating and drinking so that you know how close you are getting to your 1200.
  • ww1900
    ww1900 Posts: 11 Member
    are you weighing your food when possible? it's really easy to underestimate calories if you're just guestimating the portion sizes.

    how about activity level? if you're overestimating your calories burned in a day, you'll need to get a more accurate way of tracking it, perhaps something like a fitbit.

    hang in there!
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    How active are you and how much do you have to lose? Are you eating back your workout calories or just keeping the deficit? If your NET calorie intake is too low your metabolism will essentially shut down and make it very difficult for you to lose. Generally speaking for a female 1200 calories a day is the BARE MINIMUM to avoid the body going in to starvation mode...if your active at all this number is generally higher.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Dont beat yourself up! Sometimes people only want something bad enough to try it for a month! maybe next time you'll want it more! good luck! :drinker:
  • Jimholt
    Jimholt Posts: 3
    hang in there! If you are staying at or below the number of calories allowed for your age, weight, lifestyle you will start to loose. And it doesn't matter a lot about what you eat if you stay below your calorie limit. But if you go too far below that number your body will protest and metabolism will slow way down thinking it is starving. So go right up to your limit and don't go too far under it. And remember when tracking that you are not being deprived of the things you like, just helping you eat in moderation. Your patience will pay off.
  • lcm145
    lcm145 Posts: 10 Member
    I am going to stick with this but it is frustrating. I have about 25 lbs to loose. I hit the gym at leat 3 times a week doing mostly cardio with some weights. I am not sure what my BMI is. I try to eat every 3 hours to maintain a level blood sugar. I don't know how to share my diary but I could very well be tracking incorrectly. Just needed to vent some frustrations and ask for advice