5'0" to 5'4" ladies do you have a hard time losing weight?



  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Im 5ft too. ATM I am following "The petite advantage diet" in regard to my calories. I am eating 1100, 1100 and then 1600 on repeat. 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fat. I am losing, but I have recently read some very interesting information that suggests my daily calories are too low which is why I am not losing faster.

    Check out the group "in place of a road map"


    I am beginning to think that this is actually the way???

    Hope that helps.
    Good luck

    I tried the In Place of A Road Map approach for 6 weeks, and probably only lost about 1.5 - 2 lbs that whole 6 weeks. I just in the last week changed my calorie goal back to 1500 and have been losing steadily (without any exercise). Just in the last week I have logged at least 2 lbs in loss.

    I am 5' 2" and 181 lbs currently. I am not trying to discourage you from trying the Road Map, but I know it is not for everyone. I thought it would be great because I was tired of being hungry at 1350 (eating back half or more exercise calories) and thought if I upped my calories and exercised the 1-3 times a week like suggested that it just might work. My TDEE - 20% claiming to be lightly active set my calorie goal at 1750 according to the Road Map. I will tell you I did not lose, but I did not gain either.

    I think I will stick to my 1500 where I feel comfortable and am still able to lose weight.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm 5'1." I don't care about my weight so much as I do about inches. Has anyone lost inches? How have you done it?

    Me, ten inches from my waist alone. Using the method in the "road map" thread plus lifting heavy weights.

    I'm 5'1" too.
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 5'1." I don't care about my weight so much as I do about inches. Has anyone lost inches? How have you done it?

    Me, ten inches from my waist alone. Using the method in the "road map" thread plus lifting heavy weights.

    I'm 5'1" too.

    What is the group all about?
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Thank you all so much for responding. I lost 4lbs in 28 days. I had my thyroid checked a couple years ago and it was fine. Is this one of those "I should just keep what I'm doing and be patient" kind of things? I really appreciate all the feedback.

    I think that losing 1 lb a week (4 in 28 days) is good. I know that it doesnt sound like a big enough number, but you will read and hear people say all the time "you didnt gain it quickly, so you should not expect to lose it quickly." I agree with this to a degree. I know we all want to see big numbers regularly, but sometimes we just have to think about how we feel. Do you feel better? I know I do. Also, do you measure yourself? Are you losing inches and gaining muscle mass and that is why the numbers on the scale are not going down? Please do not get discouraged, you can do this. MFP is a great place for support. There are so many people here who have the same goals in mind as you do and have been where you are when you feel like you are not losing. We are here for you!
  • DKrisAn
    DKrisAn Posts: 43 Member
    I am 5'1. As long as I am extremely diligent in tracking calories eaten and burned then I can lose 1-1.5lbs a week. I eat about 1500-1650 calories and burn about 2300-2400 calories each day. Shorter people just have to keep a closer eye on calorie intake. It is doable to lose at least 1lb a week.
  • traccie2
    traccie2 Posts: 28 Member
    Ok, dumb question... What is TDEE and BMR?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm 5'1." I don't care about my weight so much as I do about inches. Has anyone lost inches? How have you done it?

    Me, ten inches from my waist alone. Using the method in the "road map" thread plus lifting heavy weights.

    I'm 5'1" too.

    What is the group all about?

    read the thread "in place of a road map" (it was linked to earlier) - it explains a method for calculating how many calories you need to lose fat while feeding your body enough food... that's what it's all about. It's really worth reading. There's a group for people who follow this method, but you don't have to join the group, you just have to read the thread and follow the instructions if you want to use this method.

    ETA: sorry the link was to the group - do a search for the thread "in place of a road map" and read the thread. Joining the group is optional (but recommended )
  • insane_zephyr
    insane_zephyr Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'2" and lost around 5lbs since Jan last year, and then gained a pound back! I think I'm doing everything right. But nothing helps!! :(
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You also have to keep a couple things in mind. If you're trying to lose a small amount of weight it will come off slower. That's the same for everybody. Someone who has 100 lbs to lose is going to drop big numbers in the beginning but as you near goal even a 1/2 lb per week can be a victory.

    If you use all the TDEE and BMR calculators and are on the high end of obese you'll get inflated numbers. The math those calculators used is based on a standard amount of lean body mass but when you get up into being 30 to 40% fat it gets skewed because fat doesn't need the calories to fuel it that muscle does. Also most people like to exaggerate their activity level just a bit to make themselves feel better. You're far better off to choose sedentary and then add exercise if you feel the need for the extra calories. There's no danger of "starvation mode" unless you've been seriously undereating for months and are less than 5% body fat which an obese person doesn't need to worry about.
  • Ajazzmom
    Ajazzmom Posts: 7 Member
  • sljohn84
    sljohn84 Posts: 107 Member
    im 5 foot and have been working at it since the beginning of January, ive lost about 6 lbs (it fluctuates too much every day) its a very slow process bc i have only a small amount to lose. The smaller the amount you have to lose the longer it takes.

    I also have thyroid issues, have had them since i was little and I do know that it slows my metabolism and have been to the doctors, but im still working hard at my loss.
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Your caloric goal should not really be based on your height. I am 5'4" and my beginning caloric goal was 2650 per day. I hit 100 pounds lost in 52 weeks.

    Maybe you are not eating enough?
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    I'm 5'3" and have been consistantly losing weight so I can't relate, but if you put in the dedication to your work outs and eat the right foods, regardless of your height, the weight will come off. Good luck!
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you all so much for responding. I lost 4lbs in 28 days. I had my thyroid checked a couple years ago and it was fine. Is this one of those "I should just keep what I'm doing and be patient" kind of things? I really appreciate all the feedback.

    So you are losing a pound a week, I'm lost what is your issue that is a very healthy way to lose weight. I sort of lose a lot of weight then stay at a place then lose again but from the start of the year I've lost a pound a week and am ecstatic as I know I can maintain my current lifestyle!

    Remember if you lose quickly you gain it back just as fast - you need to find something you can sustain for the rest of your life - not a race to the finish it is a change forever. And the place on the road map link already shared is GOLD!
    im 5 foot and have been working at it since the beginning of January, ive lost about 6 lbs (it fluctuates too much every day) its a very slow process bc i have only a small amount to lose. The smaller the amount you have to lose the longer it takes.

    ^^^^agree with this. I'm 5'2" and have 10 lbs to lose and haven't lost any (or gained) since first of November so I am just maintaining right now but it wasn't hard to lose until I got to the 10 lbs or less to lose weight. So just hang in there and keep doing what you do and believe me it will come off. I got a little discouraged in the beginning because weight wasn't dropping but had coworker tell me to just keep doing what I was doing and it will and guess what He was exactly right. You can do this, I can too just got to quite slacking (this comment is to myself) if I am serious about those last 10 lbs.
    PS I lost the 80 lbs in 10 months and was in perimenopause which supposedly suppose to harder to lose and I still lost so don't give up you can do it no matter how short we are :)
  • jjo202
    jjo202 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I don't have a ton to lose - about 10-15 lbs total. I've been at this for about 6 weeks and have lost about 6 lbs. Now, that sounds very tidy at one lb/week, which is what I was going for, but if you actually look at my progress, my weight has fluctuated all over the place, especially that first month. I'd lose 3 lbs slowly, then gain them back in a day (presumably from water), but they would take another week or two to come off again! It was really disheartening at first, but now that I've passed the month mark it's much easier to see overall progress.

    I eat 1300-1400 calories per day, regardless of exercise, and try to do 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times per week. If I eat more, I gain, and if I eat less I binge the next day, this is where I can comfortably stay and lose, so that's how I chose that caloric level. At first I was doing some strengthening as well, but the fluctuations from that were driving me crazy (I retain water when I lift), so I've decided to put strength training aside until I reach my goal weight.

    This is my second time losing 15 lbs the "right" way, ie slowly with diet and exercise and not on some fad diet where 10 lbs of water falls off and then comes right back. Now I'm 33, the first time I was 21. I kept it off pretty much for 10 years and gained it back this last year because I was doing research and had a major lifestyle shift. I can see that just in a decade, this is way harder: age definitely makes a difference! But this is still clearly the only way to do it so that the weight loss lasts. Keep at it and the longer you stay with it, the more easily you'll be able to see your progress!
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I am 5'4", and the only time I have "trouble" losing weight is when I am not consistent. The main thing that helped me a lot is I figured my calories with the Scooby calculator...low and behold I had cut my calories too drastically. Now I eat more and I am back on track.

    By the way, if you open your food diary it would be a whole lot easier for people to help you. If we don't know what you are eating or your BMR and TDEE then we cannot accurately help you.

    Here is the link to the Scooby: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    :wink: :wink:
    I am 5'4", and the only time I have "trouble" losing weight is when I am not consistent. The main thing that helped me a lot is I figured my calories with the Scooby calculator...low and behold I had cut my calories too drastically. Now I eat more and I am back on track.

    By the way, if you open your food diary it would be a whole lot easier for people to help you. If we don't know what you are eating or your BMR and TDEE then we cannot accurately help you.

    Here is the link to the Scooby: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    What is BMR and TDEE? I am new and don't know what that means.....also if you know what is BUMP, I have seen that in some postings?
  • kristeng85
    I am 5'1 and I have a thyroid condition along with pcos. I am only 28 but the thyroid and pcos fight against me to lose weight. I have battled to lose the weight I have but I have weeks where I gain 2-4 back so its fustrating. I really want to get a hold on this but find it very hard with a thyroid and pcos to get a handle on my weight loss. Does anyone else have a thyroid and pcos condition that have found a method of success?
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It took me a while to lose what I needed to lose but I wouldn't say it was any harder for me than anyone else.