What am I doing wrong??

Ok, so I joined MFP in November of 2012 weighing 210 lbs. Prior to joining I had the worst eating habits ever. I was working two jobs at the time and one was in a fast food place, so this was what my typical day would look like:

5:30 am: Breakfast - either toast with peanut butter, warmed up pizza or (too often) Pilsbury Pizza Pops (ugh seriously, I know)

8:30 am: (at work) Break: Either a bagel with butter or a breakfast sandwich on a bagel with 2 slices of processed cheese, sausage, red onions and mayo, and my first Diet Coke of the day

11:30 am: second Break: either a donut or some cookies

2:00: come home, eat a sandwich and probably some cookies to go with it, and another Diet Coke

5:00: Supper would either be Subway or McDonalds, and another Diet Coke

And then for the rest of the evening I would munch on whatever we had in the house, and probably have another Diet Coke.

During that time it was no mystery to me why I was overweight!

But now, I have given up fast food, I am watching my calories and eating a mostly plant based diet (I'm still having meat and dairy about 2 days a week), eating tons of fruits and vegetables, rarely having Diet Coke now, and I'm hitting the gym about 4 days a week.

I quit my fast food job, so there is the the fact that I'm no longer on my feet 8 hours 4 days a week, but it also stops me from eating donuts and crap every day, plus I am going to the gym during the day now.

When I first joined I got down to about 195, pretty much in a couple weeks, and I was ecstatic, but then Christmas came and I fell off the wagon a little, got back to about 200, and starting eating healthy again....

What I don't get is, I am consistently gaining weight now!! I weighed myself this morning and I'm back to 206!! I don't understand it.... I'm starting to wonder if this is all worth it, killing myself at the gym and denying myself the (admittedly bad) foods I crave, to get no results???

I will admit I have been pretty bad at logging my food lately but I'm getting back into it, I logged everything I ate yesterday and I was under my calories, and yesterday was typical as what my days have been lately, so I just don't get it???

What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?? It makes no sense to me because in the end it comes down to calories in and calories out... if I am at a calorie deficit how am I gaining weight?

I also drink water all day every day now, and I have since I started in November, so I doubt it is water weight. I also cut back on my sodium... I eat a lot of fruit though, so my sugar intake is high, should I cut back on fruit??

Advice, please! Anyone!!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You have really answered your own questions. Without logging, it is quite possible to overindulge in healthy foods. This is especially true when you add in a new form of exercise.

    What are you doing at the gym? New exercise can also lead to water retention.
  • DoriGaga
    DoriGaga Posts: 96
    I was doing strength and cardio, but this past week I have just been doing cardio, I want to get into running so I have been really pushing myself on the treadmill, harder than before.

    And I know not logging was a bad idea, it just became so frustrating that I was logging a calorie deficit every day and still staying the same or, like now, gaining.... I guess I lost the motivation to log because it felt pointless....

    Could it be because I switched to harder cardio? I was doing the treadmill before, so it's not new, I'm just going at it differently now....
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    I was doing strength and cardio, but this past week I have just been doing cardio, I want to get into running so I have been really pushing myself on the treadmill, harder than before.

    And I know not logging was a bad idea, it just became so frustrating that I was logging a calorie deficit every day and still staying the same or, like now, gaining.... I guess I lost the motivation to log because it felt pointless....

    Could it be because I switched to harder cardio? I was doing the treadmill before, so it's not new, I'm just going at it differently now....

    New exercise routines, or even stepped-up versions of the old workouts can cause your muscles to retain water. And not logging your food can definitely lead to over-consumption. Let's not forget, too, that being a woman means hormonal cycles can also affect the scale.

    At the end of the day, eating right & exercising WILL lead to weight loss. It will also lead to better overall health. I know it, you know it and everyone knows it., right? Just stay the course and I promise you will get there. Don't let a little fluctuation in your weight discourage you.

    Also, how often are you weighing? I suggest once a week at MOST. Try to be consistent about what day and what time you weigh. If you are drinking 8 glasses of water a day, that's about 3.5 lbs. So we know right there that our weight will fluctuate that much each day.

    Just weigh & measure all of your food and log everything. Even if you overeat from time to time, log it. Be honest in your diary (I'm sure you already are).

    The only other thing I might suggest is to "shop around" when you are entering your foods. I have noticed wildly varying calorie counts for the same foods in the database on MFP. I have seen avocados range from 80 caloreis to 323 calories. That's a dramatic difference. Other foods are the same way. Look at more than one entry to determine which one to use. I try to select the HIGHEST calorie count so that I am erring on the side of caution.

    Whatever you do, don't give up! Believe me, I know how hard it can be. I lost 80 lbs last year then gained back 32 of it. Since January of this year, I've lost 25 of that and am only 16.8 lbs from my goal. It has been a long and sometimes discouraging road. Have faith that eating right and exercise will get you there, even if the road isn't as straight a path as you first envisioned it.

    And keep on keeping on with the plant-based eating. Eventually you will break your addictions and the cravings for junk will end.

    Lean on your pals. We're here for you!!!! Together we can do this! :smile:
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi Dori -

    I switched to a fully whole food plant based program almost 4 weeks ago - dropped 11 lbs to date and am holding waiting for my next drop - I absolutely get the frustration on not seeing the scale move...........

    Had you watched the documentary Forks Over Knives?

    I took a look at your diary and I have to say at first blush, I can see the great effort and you are doing what I did the last week or so - I ate 2-3 servings of fruit and when I ran the nutritional reports, my sugars were so high - from the fruit. Now I am cautious and have 1-2 a day at most and also watch the sugars in other things I am eating.

    I have been strict no meat, no dairy and no oil - there is absolutely no nutritional value in any of that and it is loaded with fat - so despite the Subways you are eating, that bread or roll has oil - when you food shop, and this can be time consuming but it is eye opening, read the labels on everything - you will see oil in almost every product out there.

    I shop at Wegmans in Natures Marketplace or Whole Foods - the only bread and buns I have found to be oil free and totally whole food, plant based are the Ezekiels 4:9 - they are in the frozen section in Natures Marketplace and I love them!

    Also, your sodium intake is high - that can hold water weight - I love soy sauce too but get the low sodium if you must have it. I also found that condiments like ketchup have a ton of oil - there are many organic ones out there and a good # of them do not have the oil and give you that taste you seek.

    You are mostly there - why not give up the meat, dairy and oil entirely and see what happens???

    A friend at work lost 9 lbs in 5 days, her spouse lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks, I was 11 in in 11 days and my BF was 13 lbs in 2.5 weeks - although we do not see big loss like that as healthy, and we were all absolutely eating all day and doing good food, we all are sort of holding steady after the big drop while our body readjusts to much better food. We think much of what we lost was inflammation from the crappy food we used to eat - and so many health issues are already seen - sleeping soundly and better at night, high energy all day, ringing in ears for my BF is gone, and BP's are down, my skin amazingly soft and youthful - all this in 4 weeks.

    I can tell you know health wise, this is the way to go and it can be very tasty - we scour the internet for recipes from Engine 2's website, the Happy Herbivores site and her cookbooks which are quick, cheap, plant based and tasty along with the FOK cookbook............

    We soak our own beans, make our own hummus and oh, you should buy Wasa crispbread in the food store (organic section) and the one without oil - then buy the organic peanut butter that has only crushed peanuts - no oil! It is a filling and tasty snack in between the meals...........I have it at my desk at work as a snack every day!

    I have 2 kids and they are partly WFPB and partly crap b/c it is so hard to switch it out when they are not adventurous eaters - as I make their food I find pangs of wanting to taste it but that documentary still plays in my head and I just cannot do it..........

    What has helped me stay accountable and spirits up when the weight isn't dropping as fast is the girl at work, my BF and anyone else I find who might be eating this way as I see it as a lifestyle change not a diet - perhaps we could start a thread here or open a site for chatting for plant strong people???

    Either way, please email me here for any support - look at my diary (only about 4 weeks) and see the progression into the better foods, the homemade recipes from the cookbooks and low in fat and calories and sugar and know they are so filling............I eat ALL day, am full ALL the time and find I now crave mushrooms and cilantro - it is crazy!

    So my advice, slow down the fruits - look at the sugars, esp in bananas - have 1 maybe 2 max and if you need it, pick lower sugar fruits like Kiwi or Watermelon or Cantaloupe.................

    You also need to be aware that Subway might be low in calorie but that bread is loaded with oil, the processed meat and cheese are all fat and cholesterol city and eggs and such are the same thing.................we found a quick and amazing recipe for no oil caesar dressing and we love it...........you can most anything in a healthy way and still have the taste..........your condiments too seem to carry the sodium in high amts so be aware, buy low sodium or condiments that are all plant based or you can make your own - and yes, they are very tasty.

    My goal is 30-40 lbs by end of June - a big goal but I WANT it and I plan to hang on to the vision of it happening and I plan to keep eating well b/c I feel better on this, I know it is better for me and I can totally eat alot and be full on it..........

  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    5:30 am: Breakfast - either toast with peanut butter, warmed up pizza or (too often) Pilsbury Pizza Pops (ugh seriously, I know)

    8:30 am: (at work) Break: Either a bagel with butter or a breakfast sandwich on a bagel with 2 slices of processed cheese, sausage, red onions and mayo, and my first Diet Coke of the day

    11:30 am: second Break: either a donut or some cookies

    2:00: come home, eat a sandwich and probably some cookies to go with it, and another Diet Coke

    5:00: Supper would either be Subway or McDonalds, and another Diet Coke


    I will admit I have been pretty bad at logging my food lately but I'm getting back into it, I logged everything I ate yesterday and I was under my calories, and yesterday was typical as what my days have been lately, so I just don't get it???


    Go there figure out your numbers you should be eating, start logging accurately and do that to see results.. You may get a high number but lets take a guess at your daily calorie intake before

    - Breakfast: 350 -500 calories
    -Snack : 250-400 calories
    -Snack 2: 250
    -Snack 3: 500
    -Dinner: 890-1200
    -Munching: 500+

    The diet cokes are no big deal.. you don't have to cut foods, and drastically reduce calories.. you just need to be smart.
  • DoriGaga
    DoriGaga Posts: 96

    5:30 am: Breakfast - either toast with peanut butter, warmed up pizza or (too often) Pilsbury Pizza Pops (ugh seriously, I know)

    8:30 am: (at work) Break: Either a bagel with butter or a breakfast sandwich on a bagel with 2 slices of processed cheese, sausage, red onions and mayo, and my first Diet Coke of the day

    11:30 am: second Break: either a donut or some cookies

    2:00: come home, eat a sandwich and probably some cookies to go with it, and another Diet Coke

    5:00: Supper would either be Subway or McDonalds, and another Diet Coke


    I will admit I have been pretty bad at logging my food lately but I'm getting back into it, I logged everything I ate yesterday and I was under my calories, and yesterday was typical as what my days have been lately, so I just don't get it???


    Go there figure out your numbers you should be eating, start logging accurately and do that to see results.. You may get a high number but lets take a guess at your daily calorie intake before

    - Breakfast: 350 -500 calories
    -Snack : 250-400 calories
    -Snack 2: 250
    -Snack 3: 500
    -Dinner: 890-1200
    -Munching: 500+

    The diet cokes are no big deal.. you don't have to cut foods, and drastically reduce calories.. you just need to be smart.

    This is what I don't get, my numbers now are less than half of what I used to eat, it doesn't make sense that I should be maintaining that weight still... it's not like I was rapidly gaining weight before, I was maintaining at around 210, I would have thought the calorie decrease alone would make a difference.... I don't know, I'm just gonna keep going and see what happens, if I keep exercising and eating at a calorie deficit, change has to happen sometime right???

    BTW the reason I mentioned all the diet coke, was that was literally all I drank... I have since replaced my diet coke habit with water.... I still have one occasionally, but not 4-5 a day like before
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Cutting out food groups didn't work for me. Fat is not the enemy, sugar is. If you aren't losing at this calorie consumption, cut 100. If still stopped cut another 100. You will find your magic number.
  • billthekill
    It doesn't look like you are accurately logging in your food. You have a lot of missed entries in your diary.
    Are you just estimating your food intake?
    If I had to take a guess, I would say your are under estimating how much you are eating.

    Also, switching to "Healthy" food does not equal weight loss. You can still gain weight from a plant based diet and you can lose weight going on a "Twinkies" diet. It all comes down to calorie in vs calorie out.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    This is what I don't get, my numbers now are less than half of what I used to eat, it doesn't make sense that I should be maintaining that weight still... it's not like I was rapidly gaining weight before, I was maintaining at around 210, I would have thought the calorie decrease alone would make a difference.... I don't know, I'm just gonna keep going and see what happens, if I keep exercising and eating at a calorie deficit, change has to happen sometime right???

    Too big of a deficit from what you should be eating to maintain can also hurt you and stall your progress.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Honestly, I think you are probably undercounting your calories. Also, don't discount the fact that you worked on your feet 8 hours a day. Using another website with a weight of 200 lbs, I calculated that 8 hours of standing - light work would burn approximately 900 MORE calories than 8 hours of sitting quietly. That's a huge TDEE drop for you. Now, maybe you didn't burn 900 calories more a day than you are now, but you probably burned at least 500 calories more, which could definitely help make up for the donuts and stuff.

    Couple of things I saw with just a quick diary glance - one T of peanut butter is NOT 45 calories, it's 90. If you aren't measuring it with a scale in grams, then there's also the very real chance that it's closer to 150 or 200 calories.

    The Minute Rice entry today or yesterday, I question the accuracy of that listing, too. According to info I've seen, 1/2 C dry is 150 calories - it doesn't matter how much it ends up being cooked. If you start w/ 1/2 C dry (which I recommend measuring on a scale in grams 43 g) and end up with 2/3 C cooked, you still have the same calories as if you ended up w/ 1 1/3 C cooked.

    I highly recommend getting a food scale and weighing every food that you eat for a while and stop using generic entries, use the labels from the foods you are actually eating. It's a pain at first, but it's easy to copy from day to day if you regularly eat similar things, plus they show in in recent foods and in favorites. I suspect that if you do this you will probably find that you are eating more calories than you think, probably quite a few more. A few calories here and there can add up to 500 + calories over the course of the day, which reduces your losses by 1 pound per week.