When do you stop weighing & measuring???

Though I am only three months into my weight loss goals and am doing very well so far, I am measuring, weighing, and writing down everything that I am consuming. I know this is fine for now, but I was wondering how long will I have to continue this? I am curious how many of you are still monitoring closely what you eat & drink to maintain your weight? Thank you for any thoughts on this topic!


  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    from my experience, and the experience of many people i know who have lost large amounts of weight and kept it off, the key is to KEEP measuring and tracking your food, basically, FOREVER.

    BUT, DON'T think of it as "forever". if you think of it as "one day at a time", that is do-able.

    several years ago, i lost 70 pounds by measuring and tracking my food, avoiding foods that made me binge, etc.
    i maintained that loss for a couple years.

    then i started thinking "spending this much time tracking and measuring food is nuts...i don't need to do this anymore".

    now, please notice that my tracker lists 63 pounds to lose...that's cuz i basically gained it all back.
    i am halfway there again, and i will NEVER again make the mistake of thinking i am "cured".

    this is a lifestyle change, not a diet for me.
  • Inkybit
    Inkybit Posts: 37 Member
    Though I am only three months into my weight loss goals and am doing very well so far, I am measuring, weighing, and writing down everything that I am consuming. I know this is fine for now, but I was wondering how long will I have to continue this? I am curious how many of you are still monitoring closely what you eat & drink to maintain your weight? Thank you for any thoughts on this topic!

    I plan on always tracking my weight on the scale, and by how my clothes fit. my food I'll probably track much looser and if I see issues with my weight go back and check what I eat over the next few days, correct and move on. I found the smaller I got my tastes and preferences changed dramatically I no longer enjoy things I did. when I eat normally I eat healthy. I didn't go on a diet I changed everything about how I ate I'm still changing it by adding and healthier idoms and switching out for better products but my weight loss I'll be tracking in forever.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I agree with forever. You may be able to cut down on the weighing and measuring becuase you will KNOW how much without having to weigh or measure it for the umpteenth time but anything new you may still need your measuring cups ( don't throw them out). This is a life change not a diet for me. Once I reach my weight goal, I still need to eat healthy and maintain.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Great comments!
    I eat very healthy but sadly just too much of it (I have a BIG appetite!). I thought some time ago the "its a lifestyle" idea just applied to no more fried bologna sandwiches or 4 donuts at a time, now I suppose I have to adjust to the idea that if I don't track what I eat (I like the idea of "loosely" at some point except for stuff that is not familiar) eventually the fat will just creep back! I have a much better appreciation for the war I'm now fighting...