Running is hard to do...

blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am attempting to run my first 5K with only about 30 days of i tired running on the treadmill and after doing my warm up walk I ran only about .27 miles before I stopped :(

i was discouraged because I've only got about 25 more days until the race and I can barely run without having to stop....but after talking to my mom I was thought that no one who decideds to do a 5k for the first time ever can just get up off the couch and run a full 5K without tomorrow is another day and i will push myself to go further than yesterday and hopefully I can get to my goal or close to it without stopping.

Manda B!


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Listen to your body and make improvements each day. If you are not ready for this 5K you will be ready for the next. Either way, you win! You will be in better shape by 5K time regardless!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    thank you :)
  • babadee
    babadee Posts: 22 Member
    like you I am trying to do a 5k. just do a little more each day. I started running and walking between each telephone pole. before you know it you will be running 20 minutes at a time before resting. Just keep going and don't give up.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Listen to your body and make improvements each day.

    ditto....the key is not over-doing it where you can't train the next day BUT pushing yourself as far as you can go at the same time. Make improvements each and every day and you'll get there! It's work, but it's rewarding!!! Good luck!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    take a look at the link below it is the training program for the Couch to 5k plan. It is a really good way to get started on your 5k.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I am attempting to run my first 5K with only about 30 days of i tired running on the treadmill and after doing my warm up walk I ran only about .27 miles before I stopped :(

    i was discouraged because I've only got about 25 more days until the race and I can barely run without having to stop....but after talking to my mom I was thought that no one who decideds to do a 5k for the first time ever can just get up off the couch and run a full 5K without tomorrow is another day and i will push myself to go further than yesterday and hopefully I can get to my goal or close to it without stopping.

    Manda B!

    You can do it! Just keep your head up. It takes time and you will be amazed at what you CAN do. :) 9 months ago I couldn't even do a block without going out of breath. Last month I did my first 10k without stopping and I'm doing a 5k at the end of June. If you can, get a workout buddy or even a trainer. That extra motivation is what helped me.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I started out the same way! I always said I could never run and that running wasn't for me. But then I got on a treadmill and ran a little each day and pushed myself a bit every time. Today I ran almost 3 miles nonstop for the first time! I still have a ways to go (I'm hoping to eventually run a 5k too) but I know I can do it if I keep at it. And you can do it too! Good Luck :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    you don't have to run the whole thing if you aren't ready in 30 days. you can do a walk/run mix. just keep trying (and remember to give your body rest days)!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There is no shame in doing walk/jog intervals doing a 5k. Take joy in the journey. Crossing the finish line still means you succeeded! Improving one's time can come later ;)
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    thanks everyone!! I am actually trying to that program already :) just different days. I do walk and run but I want to be able to run longer without having to stop and walk...the first time I ran(like a turtle) I ran for 8 mins straight! So today I walked and ran down my road, but my road has HUGE hills so I have to walk up them or I will seriously pass out...and I did that for about 30 mintues total...then I wanted to try and do more so I got on the treadmill about 5 hrs later and didnt get very far..I walked/ran for 12 mintues.

    I dont have anyone I can train with since I moved to live w/ my mom( my fiance is deploying and I couldnt bare to be home alone) and I cant afford a trainer...thats kinda why I joined here to get advise and motovation.

    Manda B!
  • Don't get discouraged. When I first started running last July I could only do about .20. I worked myself up the .50 and now I'm doing 1/2 marathon's and I am training for a full. It takes time, but it happens if you keep working hard at. AND even better.....soon, you'll discover that you LOVE it.
  • going2bfit
    going2bfit Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same sitation you're in. My first ever 5k is coming up on July 3rd and I really just starting running about 2 weeks ago. At first, I was lucky to run a quarter of a mile without stopping. I'm consistently at 3/4 of a mile and getting closer and closer to that first full mile. I'm trying to be realistic and know that I probably won't make the whole thing without walking, but I will finish it!! Then, hopefully that will give me more motivation to keep training to beat that time on my next one!!
    By the way, I'm sorry to hear about your fiance deploying. :( My hubby just deployed about 3 weeks ago. (he's a Marine also) I'm looking forward to being able to run with him when he gets back!!
  • Well done for setting yourself this goal! Keep at it and you'l be amazed at the difference you'll see in 30 days :)
  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51
    In January (I got into this health kick straight after Christmas!!) I joined a gym and the first time I got on the treadmill I could barely run for 30 seconds. I was sooooo bad!! Anyway, I went back two days later and was able to run for a minute. The next time I ran for 3 minutes. The next time I ran for 5 minutes, then the time after that I found myself running for 15 minutes!! I improved soo quickly, each and every time. Soon after I was easily running for half an hour on the treadmill, and so decided to do a 3 mile charity run in March. I was very scared as I hadn't run outside before, so the day before my race I thought I'd go out for a run and have a practice. Anyway, an hour and 20 minutes later I arrived home, to find that I ran 6 miles!!! The next day the 3 mile run was a breeze, and I finished in under half an hour. I now run for 13 miles everytime I get on that treadmill without even thinking about it. I can run for longer if I want to. After a while, your body adjusts to running. I find I can run without getting tired, just like we walk without getting tired. People at the gym have commented on my progress, as they have watched me transform in less than 6 months.

    If you don't already have one, buy a heart rate monitor, and also ensure you are breathing right and have a good technique. I bought a Polar HRM and running magazines to help me, and I don't think I'd have come as far as I have without doing so. I run on Mon/Weds/Fri/Sun. Before I got to this fitness level, I found that if I ever missed a day, I struggled to match the distance/time I did previously, so try to practice at least 3 times a week and don't miss a session.

    I just thought this could maybe motivate you, as 5 months ago I was saying "I'd love to be able to run for 20 minutes without stopping one day", and here I am completely smashing that every time I run. I can't believe how quickly I've improved. I'm sure the same will happen to you.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Keep trainining and show up for the 5K no matter what. Even if you have to walk some of the race, you will be so proud of yourself as you cross the finish line. You can do it!! If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!! Keep your head up and you will be amazed at how addicting running can be, even if you do not feel you are the best at it. It all comes with time:) Best Luck!!:flowerforyou:
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