Need some Accountability and Inspiration

Hi All,

I am needing some inspiration and accountability. Someone who will encourage me along the way and when I dont log, get me back on it or when I have bad days let me vent and of course vise versa. I have done the diet thing off and on for years and I am wanting to make this a lifestyle change!



  • Feel free to add me! I am looking for the exact same thing! I have good days and bad days and I need someone to remind me it's ok and to just keep going.
  • feel free to add me!! both of you !
  • I'll send you an invite!!!
  • Add me too!:wink:
  • alfbedoun
    alfbedoun Posts: 31
    Hello and welcome!! Feel free to add me! I log in everyday and my diary is open to friends. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! :-)
  • profeflores71
    profeflores71 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too! I just started myself, so it's good to see so many people willing to be helpful and lend support! Good luck everyone :)
  • Ash010
    Ash010 Posts: 4
    Add me! I stopped for a while and want to start back up again.