How close to getting abs am I?

Ok guys and girls, I am currently weighing in at 171 lbs, sitting at around 17-18% body fat. I am only guessing that I will be able to see my abs around 160 lbs, but I am not sure. I believe around 13-14% body fat and you will be able to see some I wrong? If anyone could help me out on this assumption, it would be very much appreciated, thanks a lot everyone! :)


  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Usually it's about 8-12% for abs.
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    Ok guys and girls, I am currently weighing in at 171 lbs, sitting at around 17-18% body fat. I am only guessing that I will be able to see my abs around 160 lbs, but I am not sure. I believe around 13-14% body fat and you will be able to see some I wrong? If anyone could help me out on this assumption, it would be very much appreciated, thanks a lot everyone! :)

    Yeah around 13-14% you'll see some abs.. But not the lower part.. That's the hardest for most people.. You'll see them maybe around 10% below. Just keep losing the fat, and you'll see them eventually. :)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Depends , i start seeing abs only at 11-12% some people have abs at 15% ... all depends .. normally abs appear at around 12% when you flex and under 10% they will appear un-flexed
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Yea less than 12 %!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi is that the same for women? Im 141 pds have rock abs, and can see them when i flex and can see them a bit when un flexed im 5'6 have no idea what my body fat is?
  • eppy033
    eppy033 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone, I feel like I am getting close, trying to have them out around 2 months or so from now :)