Going into debt with calories

Soooo.....I am not a big fan of using the weekly calorie intake vs. the daily calorie intake but after looking through my diary for the week, so far I am over my calories by 256 (this does include all of my exercise). Do I need to make that up by adding an extra workout (I already workout 6 days a week) or by reducing my intake by about 65 calories for the rest of the week? Again...not a big fan of this because it reminds me of going into financial debt. Slippery slope. Thoughts? Oh, btw....my deficit is supposed to be 650 per day and my intake should be 1200. Thanks everone!!!


  • Telleup
    Telleup Posts: 6
    If I go over I always make up those calories by excersizing. Not sure that is the right answer but it works for me.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    650 calorie a day deficit seems a bit ambitious. You may need to adjust your goals. It is not recomended to go below 1200 calories a day.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member

    So, assuming you hit your daily target for the rest of the week, you'll still lose about 1.23 lbs instead of your goal of 1.3lbs.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    500 calories per day = 1 Lb per week...so, 650 per day would be between 1-1.5 Lbs per week loss. This would be 4,550 calories deficit over the week. Right now, if everything were to remain the same and you netted to your goal every day from here on out, you would be at a deficit of 4,550-256 = 4,294...still somewhere between 1 - 1.5 Lbs. Whether you want to make it up is your decision...IMHO, it's negligible.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't customize the goals. MFP just put them in front of me. I'll do some research and figure it out. Thanks for the help:smile:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I looked at your diary and from my perspective you need to totally revamp what you are eating and at the same time maybe increase your calorie intake. My intake was 1200, was feeling hungry all the time, increased it to 1600 and never felt better. I have lost 7 pounds since joining in February. Take a look at my diary and see if it can help you in any way.

    My 1600 calories does not include my exercise calories. I have made a conscious effort not to eat those, or if I do, may be once a week when I have decided to give myself a treat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I didn't customize the goals. MFP just put them in front of me. I'll do some research and figure it out. Thanks for the help:smile:

    Not talking about customized goals...talking about the goals MFP gave you. GauchoMark was a bit more precise in the math than I was, but the bottom line is that those couple hundred calories over the course of a week are negligible to your goals. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't customize the goals. MFP just put them in front of me. I'll do some research and figure it out. Thanks for the help:smile:

    Not talking about customized goals...talking about the goals MFP gave you. GauchoMark was a bit more precise in the math than I was, but the bottom line is that those couple hundred calories over the course of a week are negligible to your goals. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

    I hope I didn't sound snappy. I think it's time to evaluate everything.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I looked at your diary and from my perspective you need to totally revamp what you are eating and at the same time maybe increase your calorie intake. My intake was 1200, was feeling hungry all the time, increased it to 1600 and never felt better. I have lost 7 pounds since joining in February. Take a look at my diary and see if it can help you in any way.

    My 1600 calories does not include my exercise calories. I have made a conscious effort not to eat those, or if I do, may be once a week when I have decided to give myself a treat.

    Thanks. How do I see your diary?