Strange things I have seen at the gyms treadmills today.



  • estrellas8
    estrellas8 Posts: 14 Member
    HA HA! how funny...nothign was about to stop you huh?
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    There is a girl at my gym that runs at my gym on the treadmill (pretty dang fast) but she seriously puts most of her weight on the bars. She is literally hanging on the bars while her feet are banging down on the treadmill. It is really loud and annoying. I can hear her from across the gym with my music on. I don't understand why she does it!

    Yeap I got people like this at my gym too.......its liek they are doing an upper body workout on the treadmill....ha!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    Please just get off the treadmill and let a hottie with awesome spandex or a running skirt get on!! :bigsmile:

    I wear hearing aids due to nerve deafness. The nerves that connect to my balance centers are also affected. I cannot walk on a treadmill without holding on, or I will fall.

    We're not all so blessed as to be able to do that simple little thing.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    Please just get off the treadmill and let a hottie with awesome spandex or a running skirt get on!! :bigsmile:

    I wear hearing aids due to nerve deafness. The nerves that connect to my balance centers are also affected. I cannot walk on a treadmill without holding on, or I will fall.

    We're not all so blessed as to be able to do that simple little thing.

    Insert "BURN!" gif of Kelso from That 70's Show.

  • ElizIvory
    ElizIvory Posts: 141 Member
    I had a rod placed in my leg when I was 18 and my balance has never been the same.
    I do steep incline on the treadmill because I havent been able to run well with out loosing my balance, so I hold on while doing it.
    :( It takes a lot for me to attempt the treadmil instead of staying on the bike, now I feel like its not even worth it.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    I go to an all women's gym. The first few times I was there I noticed a sign on the door saying that men would be in the building doing work in the office, that struck me as really odd. Who do I care if a man is in the office fixing the copy machine? But then I started to notice a lot of muslim women. They workout in full garb, the heavy black robes, the head scarfs. I guess they can't workout with men present, so it made sense, but before I made that connection it was really perplexing to me why I would need to know if there was a copy machine repair guy in the office.

    One woman at the gym I go to works out in sunglasses an a plastic shirt. The shirt looks like the same material as a black trash bag, but it has elastic on the arms so it can't be a trash bag, sure looks like one though. Maybe it helps her sweat or something. It's pretty weird.

    I have also noticed, and this is a public service announcement for all you ladies out there, do you know why most workout pants are black? Because when you wear light pink workout pants and sweat up a storm your butt crack turns dark pink. The same goes for light blue, or light yellow, or whatever. Also, you know those black stretch pants that are SO comfortable but when you pull them out of your drawer they look like they'd fit a 4 year old? When fabric stretches you can see through it. I had to work out Monday with a woman on the elliptical in front of me, her pants were stretched so much that I could see her whole behind. She can't have known, the legs looked fine and from the front she looked fine, but I couldn't bring myself to mention it - maybe she did know and just didn't care that I could see the pattern on her underpants and half her butt cheeks. Either way, it was a bit uncomfortable because she was directly in front of me and I felt like any time I stared at my machine's readout or looking at my phone's screen for my music it looked like I was staring at her rear.

    Also, sometimes when I work out on the weight machines a woman follows me, I don't know if it's the same one or not, I don't really look at people's faces and I can't remember the ones I do look at half the time. The gym doesn't provide those antibacterial wipes for the equipment, which is nasty. At first I went with it, no one else seemed to mind and I just sanitized my hands afterward, but then I touched my lower eyelid while working out on the arc (which you hold onto) and I got a really serious eye infection. Now I bring a travel pack of lysol wipes and I wipe everything down before I touch it. I think maybe this woman (or these women) follow me because the machine I was just on has only my germs, not the germs of the 50 people that used it all morning long. Of course, people probably think I'm weird for using lysol wipes on the machines, but that eye infection lasted a month with antibiotics and steroids and I was on the verge of having to have it CUT out. It went away, but it left a scar under my eyelid. No way I'm risking that again!

    I'm not judging, I don't care one way or the other and if I ran into the same person 10 minutes later with a different outfit on I would have no idea that it was the same person I noticed earlier, all their faces are a blur. I don't know anyone there, I don't care to know anyone there, I don't care what they do, but I do notice things because I'm not blind.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    This is true. Although I think pushups would be more effective if you did them while not on a treadmill, hahaha.

    I've actually done them like that on a treadmill...they're quite effective, especially for people like myself who can't do a normal pushup.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member

    This post really made my day, just picturing these people. Isn't humankind wonderful and amazing!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    No joke I saw a couple doing the "wheel barrow" on a treadmill today!
  • willing2try
    willing2try Posts: 23 Member
    I think "Rocky" might be starved for more than calories! Maybe ATTENTION ?
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    No joke I saw a couple doing the "wheel barrow" on a treadmill today!

    Awkward. Hahaha.
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    Please just get off the treadmill and let a hottie with awesome spandex or a running skirt get on!! :bigsmile:

    I wish I could run. But I developed a spur and plantar fasciitis. Sometimes I have a good day and can run, but most of the times I just get an unbearable pain in my left bottom heel and that's it. Can't run any more. But I can walk uphill with dumbbells in my hands. Great burn by the way depending on the steepness and the weight of your dumbbells. But I am sure I look mad :)
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    No joke I saw a couple doing the "wheel barrow" on a treadmill today!

    Awkward. Hahaha.

    I've seen this before. I bet it's a heck of an upper body workout though.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    Please just get off the treadmill and let a hottie with awesome spandex or a running skirt get on!! :bigsmile:

    I wear hearing aids due to nerve deafness. The nerves that connect to my balance centers are also affected. I cannot walk on a treadmill without holding on, or I will fall.

    We're not all so blessed as to be able to do that simple little thing.

    I agree that people need to not be so quick to judge. My boyfriend has cerebral palsy and as a result, his balance is HORRIBLE. Even while holding onto the bars, he is likely to stumble if he is not actively trying not to fall off. You gotta do what you gotta do to get a workout in.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Leaving the gym was the best decision I have ever made for my health. Thank you for the reminders.

    I'm doing so much better working out at home, away from all the judges and jerks!
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    I think the people who do the weird things on the machines are probably the people who are in the best shape. they aren't afraid to let their freak flag fly. they have less fear about going to the gym than the average people (i'm included in this group) who are afraid to go to the gym without putting on some concealer first and making sure their shoes match the color of their tank top.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    No joke I saw a couple doing the "wheel barrow" on a treadmill today!

    Awkward. Hahaha.

    I've seen this before. I bet it's a heck of an upper body workout though.
    I agree, but I can also see alot of pressure being put on the lower back
  • ChrissiiiB
    At my old halls gym at uni last year one I saw one of the chinese students kitted out in a baby pink velour tracksuit and about 3 pairs of fake eyelashes walking on the treadmill at about 2 mph texting the ENTIRE time
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    DUDE!!! :devil:

    Please just get off the treadmill and let a hottie with awesome spandex or a running skirt get on!! :bigsmile:

    I wear hearing aids due to nerve deafness. The nerves that connect to my balance centers are also affected. I cannot walk on a treadmill without holding on, or I will fall.

    We're not all so blessed as to be able to do that simple little thing.

    I agree that people need to not be so quick to judge. My boyfriend has cerebral palsy and as a result, his balance is HORRIBLE. Even while holding onto the bars, he is likely to stumble if he is not actively trying not to fall off. You gotta do what you gotta do to get a workout in.

    Which is why people need to mind their own business about who's doing what at the gym. No one knows why someone is doing a workout the way they are and to make fun of them or say that the way they do it "annoys" them is ridiculous.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member

    Oh and I think gas is funny because I am a silly person but not where I have to breath heavy ! Geeez! I know some can't help it but seriously I think some just don't care LOL Please for the love of Italy don't eat beans before your workout! HAHA

    :blushing: I Do Apologize Deeply!! Problem is I never know WHAT is going to trigger the Stupid Gas Attack! Beans don't even seem to be that bad for me. Other Vegetables and even some Fruits will do it sometimes, LOL!! At least I can just avoid Eye Contact and act Innocent.