Spring Cleaning (3 Month Weight Loss Challenge)

Hello all!

I've decided to start a 3 month weight loss challenge starting March and ending at the end of May. I have always found these challenges fun and a huge motivational tool and I thought it would be a real awarding experience to run my own. The problem I've faced with many of these challenges/competitions online and in the real world is that they just aren't log enough. That's why I wanted it to stretch across 3 months.

Anyone is welcome to join despite how big or small your goals are. There is no pressure to stay the entire 3 months or weigh in each week. I know life happens and sometimes you need to take a step back. However if you are the type of person that needs a little nagging, just let me know and I'll stick on you like peanut butter on jelly. In order to join, join our group, fill out a quick few questions about your goals for this challenge on the New Members page and.. that's it. I'll create a topic each Saturday and ask that you post your weigh-in by Friday. I'll create a spreadsheet over the weekend and post it for the group. (If you wish not to show your weight and only want your pounds lost or percentage lost to be shown, send me a private message with your information and I'll keep it all confidential.)

I'm an active member of MFP and would love to see this group succeed. If this sounds like something you are interested in, click the link below.


And if you aren't interested but know someone(s) who may be, spread the word. :)

