Very early morning breakfast before a workout?

I currently wake up at 5:15am to get to the gym by 6am, because if I don't work out before work, I'll never fit it in! I know you're supposed to eat something before you work out, and get some protein in 30-45 minutes after you finish, but this is so difficult for me. I don't wake up well, and my stomach as rejected my efforts; so far I've tried bananas, toast, Nutrigrain bars, and Greek yogurt. Right now I'm trying a teaspoon of peanut butter, because I can't handle more. And I generally have to eat about 1.5 hours after I finish working out because of showers and my commute on the train.

Are there any other early morning workout folks? What do you eat before your workouts, and do you have anything you can eat in two seconds when you finish?


  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    Have you tried liquid? Many of us who may have not had a breakfast habit in the past can find it VERY hard to start eating breakfast especially early. I was one of those people literally choking down oatmeal. I then learned about all the protein shake options and this SAVED MY MORNING! I just put milk, water, and protein powder into a shaker bottle and bam! Breakfast. It gives me carbs and protein so I am not working out on nothing.

    I would try it!
  • Have you tried a shake or a smoothie before? Maybe a drink would be easier to stomach. A hard boiled egg would be a good protein after, and quick.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    First of all, kudos to you for being so dedicated to your workouts. Many people would just say the heck with it. I workout early, 7 am, but not as early as you. Impressive :) I have never had a problem eating breakfast as for me it is the most important meal of the day. I can make it with skipping lunch or dinner but never breakfast. I think you are doing the right things by trying different foods to see what you can stomach. Now for after the workout protein you are seeking in two seconds have you considering a slim fast shake or something similar? A meal in a can? A protein bar? Something you can keep in your gym bag or purse. Just an idea. I do eat a light breakfast before heading to the gym but after 2 hours of a great workout my body is screaming for food and that is what I bring to the gym, is a knock off (I'm frugal LOL) slim fast chocolate drink. It gets me going and it is easy and fast. Good luck in your endeavors and if my answers don't help I am sure others will weigh in. Keep up the good work :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    How do you feel when you work out in a fasted state? It truly isn't that important as long as you can deliver 100% on an empty stomach.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    your supposed to eat something before you work out, really?

    I always train fasted and have no issues...

    I would say work out then eat something...your body is primed for nutrient absorption in the two hour window after you work out...or so I have read...
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    Do you like hard boiled eggs? I personally can't stand them but my husband eats them after work outs and they are an easy and healthy source of protein.
    I can't eat after a work out so I drink my protein. I like the new GNC protein powder in chocolate. Its called wheybolic extreme 60 and I use one scoop within 45 minutes of my work out once a day. It's tasty and fairly low in calories compared to a lot of other protein supplements I've tried.
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    your supposed to eat something before you work out, really?

    I always train fasted and have no issues...

    I would say work out then eat something...your body is primed for nutrient absorption in the two hour window after you work out...or so I have read...

    I also work out in the AM before eating. Never any issues.
  • Zdesh
    Zdesh Posts: 16 Member
    I currently wake up at 5:15am to get to the gym by 6am, because if I don't work out before work, I'll never fit it in! I know you're supposed to eat something before you work out, and get some protein in 30-45 minutes after you finish, but this is so difficult for me. I don't wake up well, and my stomach as rejected my efforts; so far I've tried bananas, toast, Nutrigrain bars, and Greek yogurt. Right now I'm trying a teaspoon of peanut butter, because I can't handle more. And I generally have to eat about 1.5 hours after I finish working out because of showers and my commute on the train.

    Are there any other early morning workout folks? What do you eat before your workouts, and do you have anything you can eat in two seconds when you finish?

    I'm usually at the gym by 5:30am. I usually have yogurt on the way to the gym or wheat toast with peanut butter. But like you, by the time I get home to get ready for work, I don't have time to get a good breakfast until I get to work...around 8:30. Lately I've been trying to make a breakfast sandwich that I can eat while I drive and its pretty quick to make...scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon, slice of low fat cheddar on a wheat sandwich thin...sounds like a lot but it doesn't take long.
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    peanut butter before working out? no.

    you never want to consume protein or fats before working out because your main fuel for working out is carbohydrates which is stored in the body as glycogen. most of us deplete our glycogen storage within 15- 30 minutes of working out(depends on the intensity).

    good source of carbs pre workout would be a bowl of oatmeal with some cinnamon. hopes this helps. or you can eat a high carb meal before you go to bed at night so that when you wake up you wont feel hungry and can just go to the gym without eating.
  • Bjninja
    Bjninja Posts: 44
    Thanks for the comments! I got some organic hemp chocolate protein powder from Trader Joe's today; I'll have to try different combinations with it since it is disgusting with just water, but I'm lactose-intolerant, so no milk. :(

    I do have a hard-boiled egg, apples with peanut butter or Greek yogurt, and grapes after a workout. It just takes me about 1.5 hours to get around to eating them! I might try to at least pop in the egg first though, see how I feel.

    If anyone knows of organic prepackaged protein shakes, that would be great! I'm trying to switch to a more organic/natural eating style, but it's so hard!

    As for carbs in the morning, I know you body burns them for workouts, but I just can't eat them without being sick. I don't know of carb-heavy drinks other than Gatorade.
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    Due to low blood sugar issues, I have to have a little something before I work out. I have this meal anywhere from 15-30 minutes before heading to the gym.

    1/4 scoop Dymatize iso 100 vanilla
    1/2 cup no sugar added apple sauce
    1/2 cup almond coconut milk

    Microwaved for 45 seconds.

    I eat within 1 1/2 hours after working out. I will have egg whites and veggies stir fried--and maybe a small grapefruit.

    This works for me, but we are all different.
  • DorothyLowry
    DorothyLowry Posts: 7 Member
    We make a chocolate Peanut butter shake at the gym where I work and I have been duplicating them at home for my son. You will have to mess with the proportions, but here is what I include:

    1/4 - 1/3 of a banana sliced an frozen
    chocolate syrup (optional, but improves the flavor if your chocolate protein has a lame flavor :))
    1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter

    I blend this up in my magic bullet and my son loves them. The amount of ice and water depend on how big of a shake you are making and how thick you like it. more ice and less water makes it more like a milk shake, more water and less ice makes it more the consistency of chocolate milk.

    Hope this helps.
  • topformfitness
    topformfitness Posts: 11 Member
    Who says you need to eat before a workout? If your goal is fat metabolism then empty stomach is ideal. Favorable for GH / insulin levels ... fat cells are more "vulnerable". It's all the strength coaches saying to eat before training because it improves performance... true, if you eat before you will be able to train harder. But if you want to increase fat usage just drink a black coffee or green tea and train. Got me seriously lean and I kept most of my muscle as well.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I workout very early. I do not eat beforehand. I like getting up, getting my workout done then consuming a protein shake. Why do you HAVE to eat before you workout?
  • topformfitness
    topformfitness Posts: 11 Member
    Amen... listen to this guy as well; at least re: training on an empty stomach. True that carbs pre-workout will replenish glycogen for more workout "energy", but if you want to train your body to use fat as the primary fuel source go without food and eat right after. Trust me. Tough the first few times but your body will adapt.

    But Dorothy, I sure hope your son isn't trying to get lean or lose weight while consuming a very high sugar, high calorie shake like that! Great for lean athletes, or those trying to gain weight, but that is a calorie-bomb for those trying to get lean!
  • topformfitness
    topformfitness Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed! Notice most of the comments on here suggesting "fasted" exercise are very lean and fit (at least in their photos). Take the advice!
  • Bjninja
    Bjninja Posts: 44
    I've been alternating between eating and not eating before a workout. I recently saw the nutritionist at my gym and she suggested eating beforehand, so that you have the "energy" to kick up the workout.

    I personally haven't lost much weight despite my workouts, so I'm not really in support of eating or not eating, as it doesn't seem to do anything for me. I am trying to crank up the protein though. Other than fad diets, I'm pretty willing to try anything at this point!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I work out early and don't eat anything beforehand. Occasionally I get a mid-morning workout after I've eaten breakfast, and haven't noticed any difference or better performance with one over the other. I workout at home, so up at 4:45 and working out by 5am, no problem. Do whatever works best for you! :smile: