Need new/more MFP friends

I was pretty inactive on MFP for the past year but now that I'm back I've found that a lot of my old "friends" on here are no longer active either. Just want some more friendly faces and people to be accountable to :D

Just so you know a bit about me, I LOVE to dance, am 24 but still living the college lifestyle, and am soooo ready for it be summer so I can start going to the beach again... but I need to be bikini ready to do so.


  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    **However, tell me a little about yourself before you add me, I feel weird adding complete strangers but not so guilty when it comes to acquaintances.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like.. 27 married w/ 2 kids...

    Started at 230 in April 2012.
    Currently 187 Mar 2013.

    I love to ride my bike... Spin at the gym and just started doing some strength training.. ( tax season is underway so my fitness goals have been put on the back burner til end of April )..

    I just hit 325 days logged 2 days ago... LOVE THIS SITE