College Age runners?

I'm an 18 year old runner, I'm currently about 147 and trying to get down to 125ish, I gained quite a bit this winter and am trying to pick up running again as it warms up. But my eating habits really hold me back. i was looking for people around the same age or in the same boat to be my friend so we can have some motivation to reach our goals. Please add me :) I really want to reach my goal and I can't do it alone


  • ravitek
    ravitek Posts: 15
    How much do you run?
    I classify myself as a recreational runner since I usually average 3-5mi a day on the treadmill, 5x a week. Do you have Nike+?
    I'm more about the fun outdoor 5K's and once I start my new job, will start training for half marathon distances.
    I'll send you a request!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Hi the old freshmen 15? Happens to us all unfortunatly lol running is an amazing way to drop the pounds :)
  • lizzie3126
    lizzie3126 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I'm in the exact same situation (except I'm 19). Lets help each other?
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm 18 and a freshman in college, over the summer I got into running and did a few 5ks, however here in college I stopped for a little bit and then was too scared to start again because I knew it would be hard to get back into it. I am now slowly easing my way back in and I'd love the support!
  • alligobaba
    I ran a half marathon December of 2011 and now can barely puff my way through a 5K without dying!! The freshman 15 (and then some) hit me haaaaard.
  • sandoozer
    Yup I'm in university and run close to daily. Increasing the kms weekly. When I started I could barely do a block without hating everything noow its nearing an addiction... sigh. never any middle ground. Anyhow, I'm at 142 and am going for 125. Pretty similar.