Running bores me



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Yes. I try to find other activities that interest me. If you have a game system, you could try dancing, boxing, or other athletic games.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Haha then don't run. There's no rule that you must run. Other forms of cardio are good: burpees, squats, walking lunges, pushups, sprints, high knees, jumping jacks, star jumps, jump squats, frog jumps, situps, etc. Just mix up these cardio moves into little circuits and you'll be thankful for it. If you still want to run, then run a mile, then break for a little circuit for 10 minutes, then run another mile, break, etc. You'll most likely benefit more from workout out like that than a steady-state run anyway. :)
  • MrsOMG
    MrsOMG Posts: 84
    How about a home work out of interval training, mixing it up and the speed of each work out might keep you interested? Here's one I do if I cannot get to gym or missed a workout;

    -Run on the spot for 2 mins to warm up

    -Star jumps for 20 seconds
    10 sec rest
    --Knee raises (high as you can ) for 20 secs
    10 sec rest
    --Climbing plank (go into plank and then lift each leg one at a time to meet your elbow quick as you can) for 20 sec
    10 sec rest
    -Fast crunches for 20 secs
    10 sec rest
    - Hold a side plank for 20 secs on each side

    Repeat 2 to 3 times, can also increase each exercise time to 30/40 secs as you feel fitter or need more.

    Finish with a good stretch!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I can't really afford any other kind of cardio except for running, but oh my god, does it bore me. I have a kickass playlist, nice workout clothes, I run along a beautiful river... and all I can think is "ugh, another X minutes before I can do something that's fun".
    Anyone else have the same problem? What do you do about it?

    You have to play games with yourself. I run along the Charles River in Boston and if I find myself getting bored I'll do something like increasing my pace for the next three telephone or light poles. Then try to do one more pole after a little rest.

    Or just do some interval training. Do a very fast pace for a minute, jog for 2 minutes repeat. You'll get a tremendous burn and really add to your cardiovascular capacity.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Another thumbs up for Zombies, Run. Even running laps around the park by my house is more fun with zombies.

    Also, the most fun I have while running is when I think of it as "play" instead of "work." I hit some trails, run when I want, walk when I want, stop and take pictures with my phone, sit under a tree and take a rest.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    HIIT is quick and it doesn't have to be just running or sprinting.. try it. I love it, why spend an hour on the treadmill when you can do 20 minutes instead?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Fartlek. Not just a distracting running workout but a very, very funny word.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you don't like running, don't do it. If it's something you don't like you won't do it long term, period. Forget about it.

    Find something you do enjoy. Join an Ultimate team. Play with your dog. Go swimming, play tennis or basketball at the local park, whatever. This is critical. If you don't enjoy it don't do it.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    Try hiking instead....most places have several trails that are great for hiking. Make a day of it by packing some sandwiches and some water and get some fresh air.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I can't really afford any other kind of cardio except for running, but oh my god, does it bore me. I have a kickass playlist, nice workout clothes, I run along a beautiful river... and all I can think is "ugh, another X minutes before I can do something that's fun".
    Anyone else have the same problem? What do you do about it?

    sorry to state the obvious here, but why do something you find boring? there must be a ton of other activities you might find more engaging.
  • Jerbear1985
    Jerbear1985 Posts: 19 Member
    Sometimes I will do this circuit for my cardio:

    20 pushups as fast as I can
    10-20 second rest
    20 squat jumps
    10-20 second rest
    10 pull ups
    10-20 sec rest
    30 sec- 1 minute plank
    10-20 second rest
    10 burpees

    repeat 3x
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm a fairly novice runner. I can't say I necessarily love it but I no longer dread it. It's about setting goals, I think. For me, it was to be able to run a certain distance or run/walk a certain distance. And as I reach a goal, I feel accomplished and I always feel better after I've gone out and done it.

    Note...I also prefer trail running over pavement...different terrain, different paces, etc...I prefer that.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Running isn't the only cardio you can get for no $$

    Have you tried Tough Mudder workouts?

    Or something similar?

    How about hiking with a backpack to scenic places? Roller blading? Walking? Skipping (okay maybe not), but you can "FIND" another way to get cardio that you do not find boring

    How about register for a race of some kind ...start out with something small, but you have a "GOAL" to work towards (goals really help)

    How about kick boxing or martial arts? You can learn by video and do it at home or outside....

    Personally, I love running...but then that's just me and I always work towards a race in the Spring to keep me focused and motivated during the winter months. AND it's always something NEW that will require me going a further distance or something else, like the Warrior Dash which includes obstacles and requires upper body strength and agility.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Run backwards.

    The danger makes it more exciting.

    /\/\/\ hahahahaha
  • defeatmylazyself
    defeatmylazyself Posts: 17 Member
    I can't really afford any other kind of cardio except for running, but oh my god, does it bore me. I have a kickass playlist, nice workout clothes, I run along a beautiful river... and all I can think is "ugh, another X minutes before I can do something that's fun".
    Anyone else have the same problem? What do you do about it?
    What do you want? A medal! so it bores you, do something else, stay at home, eat cheese... Get a bike, cycle for an hour, or is that to boring too.
    erm.. no? Just to understand what makes it fun for other people. I can't afford to get a bike or I would. I go hiking, but can only get out of town for that once a week since I work six days a week and that's not enough. i'd like a regular cardio exercise that's actually enjoyable rather than just a chore. So I'm asking. No need to be an *kitten*, but then again that seems to be a reoccurring theme on the MFP forums: self-righteous twats who don't actually intend to help anyone, just snark. Does that make you feel better about yourself?

    I have Zombies, run!, but it keeps on crashing /not playing my playlist, so I get left with these 2 minute gaps of silence between the story. I've reported that several times to the app developer, but no luck so far :/

    Thanks for all the people with some actual advice. I'll have a look at the various circuit trainings :) love the " run backwards" or "get someone to chase you with an axe" ^^
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    For me, my saving grace was joining a running group. It didn't take long until I was looking forward to running, even alone. I would see if there was one in your area and join in. Having a group of people to talk to or listen to if you aren't a talker makes it so much better
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    I am the same - I was doing 10km runs before christmas and after christmas I could run about 3km without getting bored out of my mind. Then I lost my iphone with my music on and that was it

    Until I get another one in a few weeks I have nearly stopped all running part of my cardio. Instead I'm doing 15 minute sprint starts and interval training and then im getting on the cross trainer for 20 minutes. Give it a month and Ill be back to running.
  • budgester
    budgester Posts: 6 Member
    I love the endomodo app and it links into mfp as well.

    So shows you how many extra calories you can eat/drink :-)

    Turn on the commentry on the phone and it will tell you how fast each km , and allows you to play your music at the same time.

    When there is a goal/time to achieve it really helps with the motivation.
  • NeedleMaker
    How about swimming in the river (if it's safe)
  • TomjsAj
    TomjsAj Posts: 45 Member
    I don't think running is a necessity we really were not designed to run all the time like a gazelle is and that is coming from someone who did marathons and triathlons a few years ago. Hiking is an excellent way to burn calories and tone muscles if you are into that, it has given me nicer stronger legs then I had in my running days and I walk about 4 days a week to get fresh air and burn calories. I tore my meniscus running and thought I could not loss weight unless I ran but I was wrong, I have not ran since and lost 13 lbs doing other things. Take up a adult sport? Have a husband or boyfriend, have more sex? Start a garden maybe it is a lot of work?