Anyone drink green tea?

I've been hearing a lot about how green tea is suppose to boost your metabolism, make you happier, and do all these great things for you. I've just been having a cup a day for about a week and was wondering, does anyone else drinks it and sees any differences? thanks :)


  • I drink lipton diet citrus green tea, it is my fix for soda.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    yes I drink it and no, I just feel the caffeine effects...:drinker:
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I have 10 ounces of hot green tea 5 times a week, first thing in the AM. I haven't noticed a difference, but I'm not a coffee drinker, and the little bit of caffeine helps get me going.
  • momcrom
    momcrom Posts: 5
    I LOVE green tea. I drink 2 big mugs everyday! It has so many wonderful antioxidants and other benefits. You have to get good quality green tea however. Costco has one that I love. I know for sure it helped prevent me from getting sick this winter while everyone around me was really sick with respiratory viruses. I used to drink coffee with half and half and sugar, so green tea has helped me cut out those calories
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I drink three mugs of Yogi green tea a day..I can't say I really recognize it impacting my metabolism but it does make me feel healthier and less bloated!
  • I've been trying hard to drink at least 5 cups a day over the last month, and I THINK it has increased the burn. Hard to say though, because some of this has been as a substitute for alcohol in the evenings, and the loss of those calories is telling.
    Regardless of whether or not it aids with weight gain, i think it is undeniably good for you.
  • himynameisjess
    himynameisjess Posts: 22 Member
    I drink it every day, multiple times a day. My office is usually so cold that I like having something warm to drink that doesn't have as much caffeine as coffee.

    I think it does help with your metabolism a bit, but not to the extent that it'll help you lose a ridiculous amount of weight just by drinking it. I think I read somewhere that it accounts for a 4% increase in metabolism versus not drinking it at all. I usually have a cup when I start feeling hungry before lunchtime and it helps suppress my hunger a bit. :)

    It's a nice little cup of warmth that has positive benefits, in my opinion.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I do, but I drink it without the caffeine. I use my Keurig and put 2 regular teabags in the cup. I then add frozen blueberries and a bit of honey to my mug and brew the tea into it. I absolutely love it and may start drinking it more often. I don't think I'd lose weight from it, but the health benefits are awesome. :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I drink green tea it gives me a lot of energy and a nice boost. I don't drink regularly like I should.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It makes me happier because it tastes good, and allows me lots of hot drinks without a massive calorie bomb.

    I drink LOTS of it.

    I see none of the effects they 'claim'. But it tastes good, and doesn't appear to be poisonous, so I drink it.
  • I drink a lot of tea period. Green tea I tend to drink as it warms up outside and it does help me feel better. A lot of times if I am having some stomach "issues" if I drink green tea it helps settle it.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    I normally drink it everyday mixed in with another tea, so it can pass unnoticed. But yesterday (since for March 5th & 6th were major cheta days) I drank green tea solely bu itself all day long so it serves as a detox to flush out all the icky-ness out of my system. What I notice is that I go to the bathroom more often and I really do think it works.
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    I tried drinking green tea but after one mug I was jittery feeling. Weird cause I drink coffee and don't feel jittery.
  • mrscruz625
    mrscruz625 Posts: 59 Member
    I heard drinking warm water with lemon in the morning is good for you. It is HORRIBLE tasting so I add the lemon to Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life. I love how I feel since I started this.
  • PrettyUgly18
    PrettyUgly18 Posts: 31 Member
    It definitely does! stop drinking it for a few weeks and you will notice the difference !
  • jpvieira
    jpvieira Posts: 50 Member
    I drink it daily. I drink it because I enjoy it, but also because numerous studies show health benefits (including weight loss) associated with it. I can't say I have noticed it doing anything, but I figure its like taking a vitamin, the good it does may not necessarily be observed, but its still there :-)
  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    I love green tea. I try to have a cup a day. I like Tazo China Green Tips. It has a cedary smell that reminds me of home.
  • SirgS
    SirgS Posts: 21
    I drink green tea, mint and lemon on an every other week basis. I use 4 bags a day (2 over night cold steep and 2 when it gets weak) and drink it as i would my water. I use this mixture to mix up me drinking water all day. I'm not a soda person...I'm truly a waterholic.
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    every day. Lipton Mandarin Orange is fabulous! And Lipton Mixed Berry
  • I drink it daily. I drink it because I enjoy it, but also because numerous studies show health benefits (including weight loss) associated with it. I can't say I have noticed it doing anything, but I figure its like taking a vitamin, the good it does may not necessarily be observed, but its still there :-)


    Agree. Even if it does not help weight loss the health benefits are the most important.