Re: Insanity Training.

Hey everyone....

I have just started doing the Insanity training, and I was wondering the following:

1) Does it work - What kind of results have people achieved?
2) What kind of calories do you burn, or do i need to HRM?

Also while i am here, I am also just looking for people to help motivate me through this 2 months of intense training..... Doesn't matter where in the world you are :)

Ste :)


  • Hi! I'm on week 3. It is intense, but I'm getting stronger every day. I sent u an invite to an insanity group. Ur questions might be answered there... Good luck!
    Oh, I use an hrm and burn on average 6-800 calories during a workout. Heart rate usually up in the 150 range if I don't take a lot of breaks...
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I just started Insanity as well, Yesterday should have been day 3 for me but my daughter took it with her out of town
  • I'm actually thinking about buying the program but am a little scared of it. lol
  • elysae21
    elysae21 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in week 3 as well, I def. need a motivation buddy so feel free to add me!
  • Hello!! I finished the insanity and I am doing it again, I am focusing on the sports training part of it.. it is a great workout and I lost 18 pounds without diet.. it is hard specially the first part which is the warm up.. after that your body is warm and ready for more..I notice that I got stronger, faster and my resistance got better.. is really intense and you will need to take breaks.. I am in great shape and still was hard.. so just don't give up and you will see the results....calorie wise depends on how intense you do the workout and your weight and all that other things that play a role on calorie burn.. ..

    Good luck and please post updates..
  • I'm actually thinking about buying the program but am a little scared of it. lol

    I know the name is scary, but don't let it intimidate u :)
    The people in the video that have graduated the course fallout and take breaks too. Lol. So, we're not the only one!
  • Well I'm going to try it. Gotta wait til next week for the bonis check to come and pay for it. I'm sure I own't be doing it everyday since I'm out of shape but I figure if I start off slowly or do a little everyday, I will see progress and keep it up.

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • ifcp28
    ifcp28 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, This is my first week of insanity!!
    I started Monday. I was wondering the same thing as you... Does it work? but I did take my measurements and we will see after the 60 days.
    In order to stay motivated, I talked 3 friends into doing it with me. We usually run together 5 of 7 days a week. The agreement was that we will not quit running SO.. Our schedule is run 3-4 miles before insanity. I thought it would kill me but it actually helps to be warmed up before. It sounds crazy but I really like the challenge.

    I hope to stay in touch so that we can share our journey and share our results!!

    Good luck and don't give up
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    I'm not on the program but work the Insanity vids into my weekly fitness routine... I plan to start the full Insanity track as my April goal.

    I know a few folks who use Insanity and/or P90X, and when committed to, really does wonders!

    Feel free to add - and good luck with the program!
  • azahn24
    azahn24 Posts: 1
    I started Insanity almost 2 weeks ago, and while it is hard I have found that I am already able to do things I wasn't able to do before, like run a mile without slowing down or breaks! I may sounds nuts, but I find myself looking forward to the Insanity workouts! I know people who have done it and they highly recommend the program and have since either continued with insanity for maintenance or moved on to other programs. Can't wait to see the results in 60 days!

    In addition to Insanity, I am hitting the gym 3-4 times a week and I have started to really pay attention to my food choices. Good luck with the challenge!
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    Insanity is awesome. I just finished last week and just started a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. You definitely need an HRM (with a chest strap). Of course, you could do it without it, but it sure is nice to know how many calories you burn. I lost about 15 lbs doing Insanity.

    I will say, if you have a good bit to lose like I do (about 30 -40 lbs) don't expect to look like the people in the video or infomercials. YES, the products work, but it isn't magic. You have to put in a Hell of alot of work to get the results you want. I made this a lifestyle change, so I am not too upset that I don't have abs of steel yet...YET!

    Keep Digging!!!
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member

    I recommend the Polar FT7 (HRM) works great.

    This is a month 2 work out, plus Ab RipperX from p90x. I never did the Insanity Ab workouts. Instead, on days that it called for back to back Insanity and abs - I substituted with Ab RipperX. Just personal preference. Shaun T's abs require a lot of jumping/movement. After an Insanity workout, the last thing I wanted to do was more jumping around. His workouts require enough ab work as it is.
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    I completed insanity and i lost a little over 30 lbs.
    I would burn up between 500-600 calories.

    Make sure you are eating enough. I wasnt and i crashed my 2nd month and ended up repeating a week because my caloric intake was to low.

    Its a great work out, you'll see your stat improve and Shaun T is amazing. Good Luck!
  • OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    Seriously, You Can do it! Just work at your own pace. The moves can be difficult because some of them are advanced. However, you can always modify them. You don't want to hurt yourself b/c that would obviously set you back. However, don't be afraid if your body aches afterwards. Shoot, mine sure did. Lots of ice and ibuprofen may be in your future :)

    Good luck!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I say you should still do it, but go at your own pace and keep good form. Also modify moves for yourself if you can't do some of the moves. For example there is a move where your supposed to alternate jumping and kicking out your legs. Instead of jumping I just step and kick with a punch. Also, I couldn't do a pushup to save my life when I started, so I just did the knee pushups. Also, at first I couldn't really do high knees so I would just jog in place during that portion, then gradually I would push myself and do high knees for 10 out of the 30 seconds, then 20 out of the 30 seconds, now I can do high knees for the whole 30 seconds.

    The point is just putting on the DVD and doing the best that you can while keeping good form and staying safe. You just want to get your body moving and burn some calories. Don't hurt yourself and don't try to keep up with the people in the video if you can't.

    I suggest you just try it and see how it goes!
  • Thank you both so much!! I am going to start on Monday since that is how its laid out! I am really excited now!! Thank you again!
  • OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I say you should still do it, but go at your own pace and keep good form. Also modify moves for yourself if you can't do some of the moves. For example there is a move where your supposed to alternate jumping and kicking out your legs. Instead of jumping I just step and kick with a punch. Also, I couldn't do a pushup to save my life when I started, so I just did the knee pushups. Also, at first I couldn't really do high knees so I would just jog in place during that portion, then gradually I would push myself and do high knees for 10 out of the 30 seconds, then 20 out of the 30 seconds, now I can do high knees for the whole 30 seconds.

    The point is just putting on the DVD and doing the best that you can while keeping good form and staying safe. You just want to get your body moving and burn some calories. Don't hurt yourself and don't try to keep up with the people in the video if you can't.

    I suggest you just try it and see how it goes!

    Yes, what she said exactly. I do the same thing with modified moves while my 17 year old son is next to me doing everything the " right" way...
    I also bought better shoes because the arches of my feet hurt so son as well, so give it a try and stay safe. It's a good sweat no matter how much you can do to start. On week 3 now and find myself doing more every day.
    Good luck!
  • loper149
    loper149 Posts: 2
    Do you use protein?
  • Do you use protein?

    Every day. (iso pure)