Cool Challenge for ANYONE



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    SO true!!! I gave up soda in the beginning and have felt so much better. I have it every now and then but try not to over do it or drink more than 8 oz because I know that a full day's worth of water is what's required to flush just that 8 oz. of DP out of my system. Oie!
  • Fit2live11
    Fit2live11 Posts: 15
    Nice :-)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm a cherry pepsi/coke & cream soda recovering addict. I've been soda free since October '09. I don't miss the dark sodas... I do miss my cream soda a little :)
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I gave up soda awhile ago but still have the occasional diet! I use that excuse too..well it doesn't have any calories! :huh: I'm lame that way! hahaha I'm in for this challenge. No soda...soda is dead to me now!:tongue: I too craved sweets or chocolate when I would have a soda.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Good point about not stopping cold turkey! The last few years I actually cut down my Coke habit to 1 a day. I would like to say that I will never have one again, but I'm not too sure about that.
  • For years I was a Diet Coke was the first thing I would reach for in the morning, and the last thing I would drink before bed! Eight years ago I kicked the soda habit by replacing it with flavored Vintage seltzer water, then I replaced that with regular bottled water. I feel great and really don't miss soda at all. As far as chocolate, I haven't had any in the last 2 weeks.... quite an accomplishment for a !!!!
  • For the past few years I was drinking 1 diet coke a day. I am down to 1 per week, and find that it doesn't taste all that good to me anymore. I'm drinking mostly water, and ice tea a few days a week. I feel SO much better!
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