Re: Insanity Training.



  • volley7224
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I feel the same way! But after reading all the posts I am going to buy it and do what I can and hope I see progress.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Do you use protein?

    Depends, do you mean protein powder? If you need to supplement then use it, if not, any other form of protein will do.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I feel the same way! But after reading all the posts I am going to buy it and do what I can and hope I see progress.

    I know people who had far from ideal weights. The key ladies is to go at YOUR OWN PACE!!! Not the TV, not your friend, YOU. Results will come if you focus on your eating after the 45 minute workout.
  • volley7224
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I feel the same way! But after reading all the posts I am going to buy it and do what I can and hope I see progress.

    I know people who had far from ideal weights. The key ladies is to go at YOUR OWN PACE!!! Not the TV, not your friend, YOU. Results will come if you focus on your eating after the 45 minute workout.

    Thanks for the encouragement Striker! I'm gonna need it! lol
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    Im starting week 2 of insanity today! I love it! its alot of mental strength too. to make sure you work out everyday on the schedule and to stick it out the whole workout time but once it is over you feel so great about your self!
    I use polar F7 and i LOVE IT!
    i burn about 380-450cal doing it, keep in mind im a "smaller person" and its harder for me to burn a butt ton of calories(:
  • sweetpeach_fighter
    I agree I want to get the program, but every makes it seem like...HELL...lls I really want/ need to loose the weight and tone my body so I feel like I should start off with zumba, then do insanity when I start training for MMA :)
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    I am thinking about getting it too. But it does look like it's insane. How do you know how many calories you burn? And people keep telling me you have to eat more after the training or you won't make it. What is that all about?
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    I am thinking about getting it too. But it does look like it's insane. How do you know how many calories you burn? And people keep telling me you have to eat more after the training or you won't make it. What is that all about?

    You will need a decent HRM to know how many calories you burn (preferrably one with a chest strap - See previous post). Also, yes, you will need to eat more CLEAN cal's to keep up with the high intensity of the workout. Otherwise, you will not have enough energy to get a great workout. Also, if you are not getting enough cal's your body will go into "starvation mode" and store fat and you will not lose weight like you will want.
  • ifcp28
    ifcp28 Posts: 6 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I feel the same way! But after reading all the posts I am going to buy it and do what I can and hope I see progress.

    I know people who had far from ideal weights. The key ladies is to go at YOUR OWN PACE!!! Not the TV, not your friend, YOU. Results will come if you focus on your eating after the 45 minute workout.

    I completely agree with you.. Do it at your own pace. I do it with 3 other friends and we are all at different levels. I do not expect to keep up with any of them. I do it based on my own capabilities.

    Stay motivated!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    This was after 30 days of insanity, I never did get to 60 days.


    Day 30

  • wantingmeback
    This was after 30 days of insanity, I never did get to 60 days.


    Day 30


    Now that is some motivation!!!!!! I soooo needed that!! Thank you so much and you look amazing!!
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    Hi it is insane indeed,
    I started last Saturday but I only do it 3 days a week because I'm also doing stronglifts. So it will take two weeks to complete one. Agree with the rest, just go at your own pace. I'm extremely overweight (255 lbs, 5'7") and I think I do around 60% of the complete routine but it help me burning anything between 350-450 Kcal in around 40 min. Eventually I'll get better at it (I hope).

    So go for it and DIG DEEPER
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Just get a HRM.

    I can't remember how much fat I lose when I did Insanity, but when I did Insanity Asylum (Insanity part 2 you could say), I lost about 1.5-2% in the 30 days program.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I started Insanity on Feb 18 and there are some things I have discovered about myself.

    1. I am over weight and looking to drop 70 lbs so I was scared also. However when I did the initial Fit Test my body fat % and my BMI scared the crap out of me so I decided my size wasn't going to stop me from finishing 60 day. My own personal boot camp so to speak.

    2. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely!! I stopped looking at the scale because it's not moving very fast and I was getting discouraged. Instead I am paying attention to how my clothes are fitting. I had to buy a belt yesterday because none of my pants will stay up. I can walk longer distances before I get tired. Simple things that winded me before a re a breeze now and I still have 6 weeks to go.

    3. DO NOT attempt to keep up with the people in the videos. I have to remind myself they have been doing this longer and if I stick to it one day I will be able to keep up with them.

    4. MODIFY! I have some serious shoulder issues that keep me from fully doing all the exercises. For example, Jumping Jacks, (and this is going to sound weird to some people but its true) I can't keep my arms straight like Shaun keeps saying. If I keep the straight then my shoulders dislocate, bad cartilage. So I keep them bent enough to keep the force out of my shoulders.

    5. IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN!!!! You might surprise yourself.

    One final note. It took me 2 week to figure this out, I can be slow sometimes, make sure you are eating enough!!! I tried 2 weeks on 1200 cals and I was just drained! I readjusted 10 1500 and am attempting to eat back my exercise cals, not always successful with that but i do feel better eating more!

    Hope this helps someone out there!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    ultimately your going to go at your own pace... so it really more about work ethic and how bad you want it.

    So long as you concentrate on good form and be realistic about how hard you push to help prevent injury, the only real risk is that IF you quit you will get so discouraged that you stop working out/dieting.

    As a fail safe i suggest you come up with a plan B, like jogging or walking or some less intense program that you will fall back on if you desided you don't want to finish insanity, and then stick to plan b.

    To the OP, pretty much any exercise program will work. Insanity probably will work faster then most. Its still 15% what you do and 85% what you do and dont eat though. I lost hella lbs. my first round of insanity, but didn't lose or even gained in 2 subsequent rounds because i was eating like a pig.

    The real amazing thing about insanity is how well it conditions you. I have a family history of high blood pressure and have been asked by the dr to go on meds myself. the last time i was in the doctors office it was something over 60... i've never had the bottom number that low, nurse said it was really good.
  • wantingmeback
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    I started Insanity on Feb 18 and there are some things I have discovered about myself.

    1. I am over weight and looking to drop 70 lbs so I was scared also. However when I did the initial Fit Test my body fat % and my BMI scared the crap out of me so I decided my size wasn't going to stop me from finishing 60 day. My own personal boot camp so to speak.

    2. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely!! I stopped looking at the scale because it's not moving very fast and I was getting discouraged. Instead I am paying attention to how my clothes are fitting. I had to buy a belt yesterday because none of my pants will stay up. I can walk longer distances before I get tired. Simple things that winded me before a re a breeze now and I still have 6 weeks to go.

    3. DO NOT attempt to keep up with the people in the videos. I have to remind myself they have been doing this longer and if I stick to it one day I will be able to keep up with them.

    4. MODIFY! I have some serious shoulder issues that keep me from fully doing all the exercises. For example, Jumping Jacks, (and this is going to sound weird to some people but its true) I can't keep my arms straight like Shaun keeps saying. If I keep the straight then my shoulders dislocate, bad cartilage. So I keep them bent enough to keep the force out of my shoulders.

    5. IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN!!!! You might surprise yourself.

    One final note. It took me 2 week to figure this out, I can be slow sometimes, make sure you are eating enough!!! I tried 2 weeks on 1200 cals and I was just drained! I readjusted 10 1500 and am attempting to eat back my exercise cals, not always successful with that but i do feel better eating more!

    Hope this helps someone out there!

    Thank You!!! It has helped me! All of you a wonderful and amazing motivators!! I cant wait to start this on Monday.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i had great success just using the harris benedict formula in the elite nutrion guide.

    personally i don't think you need an HRM, but i did end up using mine to make sure i was working up in my zone which was at or above 80% of my max HR (my best workout i was only there for 20 min, and usually a lot less).

    I'd go nuts adjusting my cals everyday based on what the HRM says... which btw, is going to be at least a little inflated while your because your heart will beat through the roof during the breaks and the stretching and the HRM is going to log that as work when its really not. still pretty accurate i suppose.
  • wantingmeback
    OK..... Tell me please... I have Insanity but i am really scared that I wont be able to do it because I am very overweight!! Is it possible or going to be possible for me to do this?? I don't expect miracles but I don't want to feel like a failure either!

    ultimately your going to go at your own pace... so it really more about work ethic and how bad you want it.

    So long as you concentrate on good form and be realistic about how hard you push to help prevent injury, the only real risk is that IF you quit you will get so discouraged that you stop working out/dieting.

    As a fail safe i suggest you come up with a plan B, like jogging or walking or some less intense program that you will fall back on if you desided you don't want to finish insanity, and then stick to plan b.

    To the OP, pretty much any exercise program will work. Insanity probably will work faster then most. Its still 15% what you do and 85% what you do and dont eat though. I lost hella lbs. my first round of insanity, but didn't lose or even gained in 2 subsequent rounds because i was eating like a pig.

    The real amazing thing about insanity is how well it conditions you. I have a family history of high blood pressure and have been asked by the dr to go on meds myself. the last time i was in the doctors office it was something over 60... i've never had the bottom number that low, nurse said it was really good.

    Thanks Pax!!!!
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm in week two of Insanity right now. In the past, I would use the videos to switch up my cardio from time to time but never committed to doing the 60 days. Now, I'm actually trying to follow the schedule and get through it. I've had friends who have completed the program and have all reported that it's amazing to see the difference from day 1 to day 60. After a week and a half, my boyfriend said he's already starting to see my body changing. Feel free to add me! I know that I'll definitely need some encouragement to get through the next several weeks to finish it.

    And, for those concerned with doing it while being heavier or just worried to start it, I agree with everyone else--go for it! Just do it at your own pace and modify, like the others said. Don't be afraid to take breaks when you need to. The very first time I did an Insanity workout, I couldn't get through the warm-up without stopping a few times but now I can do the whole warm-up without stopping. Like Shaun T says in the videos, it's about keeping good form not about speed and you will get better each week.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    went to the doc last night BP was 112/64. she said it was really good, i'm used to the bottum number being 80 or above. its been over three months since i've worked out with shawn T but i've still been going at it with p90x. much, much less cardio tho