Looking for some suppot

Hi everyone my name is stacey and Im looking for some friends to help support me on staying on track. I dont have any suppost at home cause boyfriend works out of town alot he does support me the best he can but I need more than that. I dont have any friends or family to support me in person. so I am turning to MFP for help. I did not realize how bad I let my self go until I took these pic's today to put on my profile I knew I needed to lose some weight but did not think I was as big as I am. some of the reason I let my self go was because of back problems and now my pain is under control again I am ready to start this journey again. why I say again is becuase I started this last year but had to put on hold because I was in a ATV wreck 6 months ago that messed me up alittle and caused me to have a 2nd spinal fusion (T9 thru L2). Im not sure how much of my flexably I will gain back but I want to get back as much as I can and try to get back to were I was before I hurt my back the first time and I weight about 145-150 lbs was a size 10 this was back in 2006 and now in 2013 I weigh 230 lbs and size 20-22 I know its goign to take some time. I think I have basicly what I need to lose the weight for equment. I set up a room in our house as a gym. I got a elepical, treadmill, stair steper , bowflex and games for my wii. but the thing I am missing is support and motivation. If there is anyone that can help me please add me as your friend or if you live in my area and want to come over and work out with me please let me know.
my goal for a pic from 2005


  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I applaud you for stepping your game up and looking for motivation and support.
    I'm here! Add away...

    You can do this!!!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome and it sounds like you have a nice gym set up at home...just waiting to be used. And I get how hard it is to just start. So maybe post your list of reasons, set up a regular time if possible, and make a date with yourself to make YOU a priority. I imagine you've gotten advice about which exercises are ok right now after your surgery. The first step, as we all know, is the hardest. But with your background I imagine you have some good discipline that you can draw on. So make today the day you begin...because you're worth it.
  • I am also a recovering chronic miss-speller. Best of luck to you
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    drugs are bad, mmk.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Have you checked out meetup.com for groups in your area? Maybe take some classes at the local rec? I think it's really important to find people to be around IRL that share some interests and the desire to get fit. MFP is great, and there are some awesome and supportive folks here, but nothing beats a good friend to go be active with.
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    the only advise the physical therapist has given me is listen to my body. thay have given me a a few things I can do. I havent checked out meetup.com and I did check out a couple gyms and classes but right now I cant aford to do any of that sence I dont have a job at the moment. I lost that wail I was on medical leave. were I worked at called last night so there might be a chance I get to go back there. as far as the pain med's I done realy good have not had to take any in prob 3 weeks now and I figured that was a good sign that its time to take rest of my life back. I hated taking them because they may have helped the pain but they cause other problems with the body. so got off them as quick as my body would let me. now the only pain I may have is with some bending but is slowly going away.
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    You can do it Stacy. The first step if the hardest and you've already made it. Just keep going!
  • joy4824
    joy4824 Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me...I am on every day at work and then use the mobile app on the weekends...I have 85 pounds to lose and only wish to encourge those who are in the same boat.
  • Hi Stacey,
    Best of luck to you! I know how hard it can be, for me I'm stuck because I've been at it since November and am not seeing results, as you get older your metabolism slows down and it gets harder. But Keep going! That is the best advice I have received, you will feel much better about yourself and be healthy. I think setting up a time each day to work on yourself is key, and try to incorporate little things into your routine, like parking far away at the grocery store, taking the stairs etc.

    Feel free to add me as well!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! :) Or I will shoot you an invite. I am in "maintenance" mode and on every day and happy to provide any support that I can. I did a majority of my weight loss at home, using my Wii of all things. :)
  • shelbysp8
    shelbysp8 Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am on everyday( my husband said I am obsessive). I started out about the same weight , I HATED the way I looked so here I am. I've lost 22lbs since I started on here in October. SOOO welcome aboard and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I'm here everyday. It is the BEST support system for myself. My husband has been very supportive of me, but I do not know anyone or have any friends in Texas, yet. My entire family and my friends are all in California. So, with all my spare time I have changed all my eating and exercise habits. I have been a MFP member since December 2012 and am impressed with the people and support I have here. Please feel free to add me.
  • merch47
    merch47 Posts: 1 Member
    Consider a whole food plant base diet.:wink:
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    I'm here everyday. It is the BEST support system for myself. My husband has been very supportive of me, but I do not know anyone or have any friends in Texas, yet. My entire family and my friends are all in California. So, with all my spare time I have changed all my eating and exercise habits. I have been a MFP member since December 2012 and am impressed with the people and support I have here. Please feel free to add me.

    I totaly know what you mean about not know anyone. I have been living here in cincinnati, oh for 3 yr now and only know a couple people from school that i stayed in touch with and couple boyfriends co workes that i would call a friend. and all my family is up in Akron about 3-4 hr away and never hear from them. Thats why I cant wait to get back to work so I am around people again staying home alone sucks. i guess when it warms up it will not be so bad then I can find a park to go walk at.
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    Consider a whole food plant base diet.:wink:

    I try too every chance I get. I finaly tryed egg plant over teh weekend but not sure if i like it or not so will prob try it again and fixed it a diffrent way. last year befor everything happend I think I was up to about 5-10 new veggies that i have not tryed and I think there was only one i did not like.