Post Menopause Women - Before and Afters

I'm trying to help motivate my mother in law - she sees all the weight loss pics from the younger people and is a bit discouraged - can anyone post their before and afters who are between the ages of 55 - 68??

Thank you!!!


  • Really, no one?!!?
  • ssyer
    ssyer Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 this April, I have been on this journey for 19 months, I have lost 69 1/2 pounds ( five stone) I'm menopausal and the weight comes off very slow but he secret is not to look at it like a diet, it's a healthy eating plan and its not a race.

    Good luck to your mum I just started doing this calorie counting was previously doing weight watchers,
  • bump
  • thomsonmt4
    thomsonmt4 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am 53 in July. I am post menopause . I don't know how to post pictures but I have knicker pictures on my profile - and your mother in law is welcome to have a look. I have lost 34 llbs. I have not found it harder to lose weight and I am delighted at how my body has come back together. I find every ones photographs and stories inspiring - so thank you
  • happyonetwentyfive
    happyonetwentyfive Posts: 12 Member
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    I am 57and since I have joined MFP, I have lost 24 pounds. I have really changed the way I eat. I am post menopausal as well. What I have done is stop eating so much meat. I still eat meat, but very small amounts the way it is done in Asian cooking. More vegetables with just a bit of chicken or fish for flavoring. I have cut way down on dairy. I hardly ever use butter. (I NEVER would have thought that I would say that!) I use coconut oil and olive oil and avocados. I drink a smoothie every other day. I eat way more vegetables than I use to. Especially raw vegetables.

    I walk my dogs for about an hour and I also do stretches for a half hour. Sometimes, I will do an aerobic work out video. But I always do the easy one!

    So far, it has not been difficult!The weight has been coming off slowly. I have not pushed myself very hard and I have gotten results. My goal is to work out with weights and see where that takes me. If I can do it, anyone can! Being on MFP has really helped me stay focused. And eating cleaner has made a world of difference in how I feel and my energy levels.

    I wish that I had started out by taking before pictures. Sadly, I did not. :ohwell:

    Tell your Mother in Law that she can do it! And the best of luck to her! You are a great Daughter in Law to encourage her!!
  • spdleeuw
    spdleeuw Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm 63 and have been losing weight and getting fitter with MFP since Jan 1. So far I've lost 21 pounds. We tend to put on weight as we get older because we eat more and do less - however to stay or get slim we have to do the exact opposite! Apart from that there is no difference in my weight loss rate compared to the young people on this site. Only I don't go to the gym, it bores me and I prefer competitive sports with my friends, I do a lot of that nowadays and I love it. Walking is fine, too, everyone says. But we do have to get moving...! When I first started my left hip and right knee were really painful when I got up out of a chair, but not any more. When I told my daughter that this hampered me from sporting activities she suggested I lose a few pounds first and start sport when I felt better and this was very good advice, I found. There are lots of older ladies on this site, so please tell your mother-in-law not to be put off by all those bouncy young things, she can do it too!

    Sorry, I haven't got any after pictures yet, it's still too soon.:smile:
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I am 53 and have lost 29lbs since joining MFP. I am in full swing menopause! I have changed how I eat. I count calories. I eat what ever I want but if it goes in the mouth, it has to be counted. I try to exercise a bit but so far I am not very good at it. I actually think that I have had the weight come off fairly well. At first I was losing big numbers each week. I have leveled out to an average of 2lbs a week now.
    This is a great site to join. It helps me to read some of the sucess stories to stay on track.
  • zobqueen
    zobqueen Posts: 42 Member

    I just turned 58 this week and am postmenopausal. I have been on MFP for about 8 months now. In that time I have lost 33 lbs. 53 lbs total weight from my highest weight. It's not as easy as it once was to get those pounds off. Sometimes, I don't loose for weeks, even a month or more and then all of a sudden my body will part with a couple pounds. I have changed my lifestyle - slowly. I eat healthier and I exercise now. I was behind a desk most of my life and didn't get any exercise to speak of. I am feeling much better about myself mentally, physically and spiritually. Tell your MIL that if I can do this....she can. I came here to MFP and I found ladies of my age range as friends. They have helped me learn and have supported me thru this journey. I still have a ways to go to my poundage loss goal - but I'm hanging in there and making my way slowly to it. At least I'm not putting on more weight! She is more than welcome to become my friend and my friends friend. ~S~ We are all family!

    Keep on keeping on - this works! :smile:
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Thank you for this thread.I was worried about what's to come and was asking myself if there was a point to all the hard work.

    I'll be 45 this year so that's just down the road for me.
  • Fibergurl
    Fibergurl Posts: 44
    Hello, Ill be 53 this September..have not encountered the menopause stuff yet. This is an awesome application! I walk up hills three times a day do yoga,pilates and eat raw foods. Just make your plan log on and do it!

    Good Luck!
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    <<<<< before pic is 2 years ago.... after is last year and soon to post a new "this year" pic. :bigsmile:

    There is a group of seasoned woman called "Woman of a Certain Age" here:

    I am about to turn a younger 57!!!
  • I am post menopausal it seems for the 2nd time now. First was after complete hysterectomy in early 40's and again early 50's ( supposedly per the GYN) when I had terrible insomnia for 3 years. Now I am 55 and after a long battle with myself about being old and just giving up vs. I am only 55 and at the first of the year the "I am only 55" won. I am down 9 lbs and 10 inches in 9 weeks. It's a real slow go but I am so thankful that my body is coming around. I have 21 more pounds to go and now I am sore for different and better reason. I have had 7 surgeries in my time and thankfully all the body parts work and I am doing things I never thought possible. My Fitness Pal has made all the difference and I finally feel that this is really a sustainable lifestyle change. I don't have pictures but if I can do it, so can she. She will never know until she tries it.
  • Wow, ladies, thanks! Keep the responses coming!
  • TeriLynnSpano
    TeriLynnSpano Posts: 103 Member
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Wonderful stories you guys! Such inspiration!
    I'm only 40 and me and my husband were talking about menopause the other day, he has low T (he's 44) and we were discussing how the body changes as we get a little older. I don't wanna but I guess I have no choice, lol
  • pbass1
    pbass1 Posts: 9
    Me too. I have just started calorie counting. I was on ww, but find this just as satisfying. I hope my weight drops a little faster. half pound a week gets to you......After menopause I started to look like a rigatoni!
  • 49 here but hope this helps. Women can do anything we set our minds to - we're awesome like that! :laugh: Good luck to your Mom-in-law - if she wants it, she can achieve it!

  • faybayer
    faybayer Posts: 7 Member
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    She has to want it.

    55 here, surgical menopause at 36, I've been losing since joining in December 2012
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