Too many carbs, too much protein - not enough caloires!

Hi Everyone,

I've been logging my calories as I've been doing long distance running training. I am pretty shocked to find that generally I'm having too many carbs and protein. Normally I'll have cereal with fruit, piece of fruit, salad with some carob, a yoghurt and veggie and tofu stir fry with brown rice.

I'm just feeling that this is probably what I need to keep myself going with all the exercise I do. But in saying that, I'm not making my 1200 calorie goal....

My food diary is public, so feel free to have a look.



  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Can i jump to the conclusion that you are vegan based on your diary? If so you def need to up the protein level and fat intake. Try mixing in some flax seeds to get those omegas which will also help with your recovery. Quinoa is my favorite grain since it has a higher protein level too. Hope this helps!
  • scarecrow41
    scarecrow41 Posts: 116
    Are you typically eating under 20 grams of fat each day? I wouldn't say you are over on protein fact, especially considering you are a distance runner I would up that to at least 80 grams of protein in a day.

    Are you vegetarian?

    If so, and if you aren't allergic, a GREAT source of healthy fat, protein. and calories is peanut butter. I get an organic kind that has 4 grams of carbs. 16 grams of fat. and 10 grams of protein per 2 tbs serving. Its low in what you are in excess with, and high in your deficiency.

    You did mention yogurt, and some plain greek yogurt with some fat in it would give you another boost of nutrients.

    Seriously though. 13 grams of fat is not healthy at all. Our bodies NEED fat to work properly.
  • evanbeek
    evanbeek Posts: 42 Member
    I'm thinking the salmon and eggs = not vegan.

    I would just suggest small snacks between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner. You would be looking for high calorie, low carb foods. A few handfuls of nuts or some dark chocolate might get you in the 1200 range.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Firstly, scarecrow is correct, your protein intake is actually quite low. You need about 75 grams a day.

    Also, You aren't really eating much lean protein at all. You need to fit in either beans if you are a vegetarian or chicken and fish. Your source of nutrition is primarily carbs, which isn't so healthy. If you are a runner, you need carbs, but you also need it to be more balanced. Maybe add some eggs and toast in for breakfast instead of the cereal???? Eggs are very nutritious, but if you don't want to have eggs than maybe some cottage cheese and high fiber bread instead of the cereal.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Your fat really needs some work and it will help you get in more calories (almonds, peanut butter, flax seeds). What do you eat/drink after your run? Recovery drinks are around 150-200+ calories.

    The ticker in your profile says you're not trying to lose weight ... so why are you still on a 1200 calorie meal plan?
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Definitely more healthy fats and lean protein :o]