AdvoCare 24 Day challenge - pros and cons?

I have a bunch of friends that have done the AdvoCare 24 day trim challenge. They've all lost crazy amounts of weight and look fabulous. (No they didn't just take the product, they were working out and eating healthy and clean too) They all swear by it, one enough to start distributing it. I'm really intrigued. Any informational thoughts, feedback, or success stories?


  • Mandysc
    Mandysc Posts: 33 Member
    I sell it as well and love it!
  • GThibz
    GThibz Posts: 25 Member
    I am currenly doing the 24 day challenge, just finished the cleanse. In community type Avocare in the search and you will see others post about it. Still trying to figure it all our my self. Let me know if you find anything interesting, Btw I am not a distibuter. Friend me if you would like.