Have not lost in a month!

Help, I am 26 and have a very athletic frame. I have been tracking my food since about the first of the year but the past month I have lost NOTHING. I started at 151 and am now down to 147 but the scale wont budge from that number, if anything it goes up a little. My diary is open, so feel free to take a look. Also, I have been working out running, lifting, and yoga. Also, I am 5ft 10inches. Advice please!


  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Hey! I just took a peek through your diary and noticed there was a fair bit of takeout..I'm wondering if the sodium levels are high enough that's causing you to retain water, and maybe that's part of the issue?
  • princessbee76
    princessbee76 Posts: 13 Member
    From looking at your height, weight, activity level and glancing at your diary, my best guess would be that you are not eating enough. And not near enough protein.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Agree with the previous posters - could be sodium, and could be that you need to bump up your intake. Sounds like you are pretty active, so you might not be getting enough fuel.

    I'm older and shorter than you are, and have been steadily losing on 1800+ calories a day for about a year. I run 3 days a week (3-5 mile average) and do strength the other 3 days, always take at least one rest day.

    Have a look at this topic, run your numbers through the tools linked there according to the steps he gives you, and see what it says - that's the plan I've been following and have had the best success since doing so: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013
  • Jordasm
    Jordasm Posts: 4
    I took a look at your profile and noticed you have gone with the TDEE method. When you do this do you log your activities in mfp?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I took a look at your profile and noticed you have gone with the TDEE method. When you do this do you log your activities in mfp?
    I think this was directed at me? :tongue:

    If so, yes, I'm on the TDEE method - started with a20% cut, now I'm between 10-15%. I log my exercise as 1 calorie burned only because I want the record of the exercise I did, and because logging the actual calorie burn raises my macros for the day, which I don't want to do. So I make a note of the actual calorie burn (I like to keep track of that too) and always make sure I'm at least netting my BMR, or preferably a few hundred cals above that, which is rarely an issue, even on long run days now that I'm st such a small deficit to begin with.