Starting Exercising: Nausea and Knees?



  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    i always get nauseated when i bend over during my workout (doing burpees, ball slams, etc). i would see if any of it comes with that and maybe you can try other things until you build up stamina.

    as for your knees, i am missing most of the cartilage in my knees and already have some arthritis. try things like a stationary bike or the elliptical which keeps the impact on your knees as low as possible. but the best thing you can do for them is to lose weight because it will just take more pressure off them. best of luck!
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    In an answer to both questions, listen to your body and don't go too hard on yourself in the beginning. I'm like you where I can't eat anywhere close to the time I exercise because it just doesn't feel good. As for the knee issue, you could have specific health issues, but also, when you aren't moving your body the cartilage in your joints slowly, over time begins to harden (called ossification) and makes it harder to move. This will relieve itself over time and it won't be as hard. If you have an history of arthritis, than that is another issue to take into account, but the more you get your body moving, the sooner it will become easier to do so. Good luck.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Starting next week, I'm going to be starting up an exercise program (resistance band workout MWF, and aerobic stepping, M-F). I've tried working out in the past and two big things have contributed to me not following through and I wanted advice on it before I start up again. Please remember that I'm fairly new to this, so if I'm making a n00b mistake, please leave constructive criticism so that I can do better.

    #1) Nausea: When I work out, occasionally I wind up feeling INCREDIBLY nauseous. If I make sure that I wait several hours after eating a meal, sometimes it helps. On the other hand, I've found exercising when I'm hungry, or having a bit too much water does the same. What do you guys suggest for keeping the nausea down long enough for me to finish my workout? Any tips at all are welcome.

    #2) Knees: I'm fat... I've come to grips with that. For the last several years, I've had aches in my right knee (probably from mild arthritis, it runs in the family). As I've been getting heavier, it hurts if I walk around for long periods of time. Would Aerobic Stepping be considered low impact enough that it won't aggravate my knee until I lose enough weight that it won't be as much of a problem?

    Also, I figured that since the pain coincided with me hitting 230+, I figured I should try and lose weight first before consulting a doctor about the pain, since it only happens when I do long periods of higher impact exercises and isn't constant. On the other hand, I know that joint pain isn't something that you screw around with since I don't want to cause permanent damage. If there are any physical therapists on the forum, I would appreciate any advice that you have.

    If you're not used to working out you need to build up your fitness level. A good walking program is the best way to start out. Step aerobics maybe too intense but it's always worth a try. Listen to the modification instructions and modify if you need to.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Like everyone else has said, the nausea will go away as you get into better conditioning.

    On the knees: Water exercise is the only cardio I do (two days a week) because I started with very bad knees. They are much better now because of the weight loss but I still have to baby them (they still get sore and sound like rice krispies). One day, when/if they are improved to the point where I have no pain, I will probably still keep the water exercise but change it out for walking or step sometimes. There are some very helpful supplements that I use. The best for me have been turmeric (the yellow spice that they use in curries) and bromelain (an extract from the pineapple plant). In addition, I use a combination product of MSM/glucosamine/chondroitin and lately I have found egg shell membrane extract to be even more effective than the glucosamine product. But you probably don't need all of these supplements because you don't have that much damage so far. If it is pain that keeps you awake at night (the kind I had), it needs some preventive supplementation. The turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and the bromelain helps to break down fibrotic lesions that have come about because of chronic inflammation. The MSM/glucosamine/chondroitin does not work for everyone but when it does, it can actually help rebuild damaged cartilage--the same for egg shell membrane. Also, you should make sure that you get adequate calcium/magnesium in your diet and also, if you take Vitamin D3 you need to make sure that you are also getting Vitamin K2. Whatever you do, you probably won't want to go the route of NSAIDs as they have been shown to be counter-productive in the long run as they do not prevent damage or restore damaged cartilage--they only eliminate pain from it.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Start slow and increase the intensity as you get stronger. Don't over do it too soon. if I were you I'd start with walking. Walk 30 mins a day. Then walk twice a day for 30 min each. Then walk for 60 mins. Then move to something more intense. A gym will have non-impact cardio machines which will help your knees. Once the weight comes off, you'll probably be able to wean yourself of the machines and run.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I started out at 235 last summer--I used to have knee issues, also plantar fasciitis and tendon problems (TFL syndrome). Those issues cleared up when I stopped eating foods I was allergic to. Sounds stupid or weird, perhaps, but that's how I solved it.

    I started out by just walking daily and really worked hard on changing my diet. I did great and felt amazing--had no trouble with my joints or tendons, and was wanting to try new stuff, so about a month later, I got my first kettlebell and learned how to use it. I still do kettlebell workouts. After a few months of kettlebell and walking, I added barbell/dumbbell strength training. I still do all three and have not had knee issues or ongoing issues with nausea, though there have certainly been days here and there when I felt ill. It was usually when I'd eaten a meal too close to my workout. I think at least once it was due to me being stupid and taking vitamins on an empty stomach. Once I just worked out too hard, but after I got my heart rate down I felt ok.
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    Going over what everyone said, I think what was causing the nausea was because I didn't take my water in sips. I'll keep that in mind when I start up.

    As for walking, we live in an area that walking outdoors wouldn't be a good idea and going to the gym is a bit too expensive right now. We do however have a wii fit board, as well as EA Sports Active, and the Wii Fit game. I was thinking 30 minutes of stepping with the Wii board, which is only an inch off the floor. As I get used to it, I can always add height to it. If the stepping is too much, I really liked Wii Boxing, since it focused more on the upper body but gets your blood pumping a bit.

    Thank you all so much for your responses!! Hearing from the folks that were heavier that found the pain got better after losing the weight is really encouraging. Keep the suggestions coming!
  • kentermom4
    Hi- I have most of your same problems ! I am at 333 lbs and I walk a lot all day-I am a nurse and 12 hour shifts so I know the knee pain !! I went to my Dr who also is a sports injury guy- he started me on meloxicam(Celebrex). I also started some OTC joint supplements for the knee. I have found after a month and a loss of 12 lbs (I started this at 345 lbs that the knee pain is down to minimal instead of high pain-limping. You may want to try that after talking to your DR. My knee still pops and sometimes hurts after I sit for awhile until I walk a few steps then its eases up. As for the nausea-dont excercise after drinking water-I do sips during excercise-or i throw up too. I try to run my routine in the am after i have been up for a few minutes-if i wait until after work i can forget it-too tired still-but i walk the dog every day and do Wii Fit ! Its fun and it helps burn some calories. i hope this helps some-hang in there- it will come off !!!! My plan is the Digest Diet from Readers Digest-it has 21 days of normal food and a exercise plan you can adapt for you with suggestions-working for me so far !! Hope some of this helps you out !
  • JoFosterNZ
    Please people be careful on diagnosing sore knees over a forum.

    It is not always weight related. Yes, if can may the issue worse but its not always the cause.
    Posterior Cruciate ligaments are incredibly easy to break and very had to diagnose without exploratory surgery.
    Cartilage can be torn
    Other ligaments can be damaged and so can tendons.
    The difference is ligaments are non blood bearing and may not swell they may show as pain and/or instability.

    I am very sensitive on this subject,
    Once upon a time I weighed 50 kg and I broke my back, kneecap and shoulder in a sporting accident. A year later I was 70kg and still had an unstable knee, the specialist blamed the chronic pain and instability on my weight. Twenty years later and I happened to have a spontaneous dislocation at a party, fortunately my doctor was at the same party and was watching me walk towards him, he saw my knee dislocate. After witnessing this he realised it was not weight related as knee and joint pain is often diagnosed as but a real isse.
    I have had a reconstruction and now for the first time in over 20 years I am stable when I walk. It still aches constantly from the resulting long term damage but nowhere near what it was. I will never get back what I lost and I will suffer from it every day, it affected my back, my ankles and my neck,shoulders and overall muscles, these are slowly realigning.

    The ongoing injury which was constantly diagnosed as weight related was an actual injury that affected my entire body. Please dont advise people that their joint pain is weight related unless you actually know what you are talking about, have carried out tests and they are your patient.

    Your ignorance can and will cause irrepairable damage.