
It seems I can stay under all of the categories except carbs,,.Any suggestions for snacks that high in protein and low in carbs?


  • kevcar0603
    kevcar0603 Posts: 18 Member
    Greek yogurt, raw vegetables & hummus, almonds, hard-boiled eggs (minus the yolk, filled with hummus....tastes like a deviled egg), string cheese
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    , hard-boiled eggs (minus the yolk, filled with hummus....tastes like a deviled egg),

    what a FABULOUS idea!!!
  • Claudina
    Claudina Posts: 26 Member
    Ditto! Hard-boiled eggs filled with hummus does sound yummy, I'm going to have to try it. Thanks for that tip kevcar0603. :)
  • Claudina
    Claudina Posts: 26 Member
    [btw, Congrats xonophone, I had not seen a ticker with 0 lbs to go. Way to go! :)]
  • aguilartx
    aguilartx Posts: 2 Member
    I am definitely going to try the boiled eggs with hummus...Thanks for all the feedback
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Greek yogurt, raw vegetables & hummus, almonds, hard-boiled eggs (minus the yolk, filled with hummus....tastes like a deviled egg), string cheese

    Curious, why no yolks? I see a lot of people just eating the egg whites.............The yolks are good for you!!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Sorry to the Original Poster, that threw me off track.........

    STring Cheese and/or hard, aged cheeses
    Greek Yogurt
    Nut Butters
    Raw Veggies
    Hard Boiled Eggs
    Celery with Cream Cheese
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    blue diamond almonds with cocoa on them (love them and only 2 carbs and lots of protein)
    philadelphia cream cheese is a good one too
    some cottage cheeses
    all good choices and other posters have great choices too. Lots to choose from!!